Man charged in assault of ex-girlfriend, vandalism of her car — Jason Ferguson

37-year-old Jason Ferguson, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday on multiple outstanding felony warrants from January. Police say he entered the Nashville home of his ex-girlfriend, Alarecia James, unannounced and without permission, walked to her back bedroom, and knocked on the door. When she opened the door, he reportedly grabbed her by the throat with one hand, squeezed her throat, and slapped her face with his other hand, leaving visible injuries. Ferguson then exited the home and smashed the front and rear windows of her vehicle by jumping up and down on them.

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Zain Sheikh charged in strangulation of cocaine case co-defendant, Kally Dobak

31-year-old Zein Sheikh was out on a $75,000 bond for cocaine charges when he was arrested again this week, now additionally charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation of his co-defendant in the cocaine case, Kally Dobak. He also had Kally arrested for assault the week prior to them both being indicted on the cocaine charges. In the new case against Sheikh, which was captured on building security cameras, he comes into the hallway in his underwear and pulls Dobak into their apartment, placing her into a choke-hold during an argument.

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Man charged in assault of ex-girlfriend, she bites him in self-defense — Kyler Shular arrested

25-year-old Kyler Vance Shular is charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation and false imprisonment after his ex-girlfriend came over to get her things from their shared apartment, to which she still had a key, and he reportedly became upset, pinned her to the floor, threatened her, then covered her mouth when the screamed. A neighbor heard the commotion and knocked on the door, allowing the victim, Halle Strunk, to escape.

Both parties had injuries as she fought back and bit him at least once in self-defense, however, police determined Shular to be the primary aggressor due to the disparity in physical sizes and severity of injuries between the parties. Shular is free on an $8,000 bond.

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Pulaski man charged with brutal assault of girlfriend in downtown hotel $25K bond — Harry Brandon Russell

32-year-old Harry Brandon Russell, of Pulaski, is charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation after police say grabbed his girlfriend, Shelbey Ebersole, inside a room of the downtown Holiday Inn Express in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day. The victim’s brother eventually had to pull Russell off of her after he slammed her into the wall of a bathroom and used both his hands to strangle her until she was unable to breathe and could no longer call for help.

The argument reportedly started after he felt she came back to the room late and wasn’t answering her phone. Russell is free on a $25,000 bond.

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Kayla Hambrick charged with strangling daughter during an argument; Witness corroborates assault

34-year-old Kayla Hambrick is now free on a $3,000 bond after being charged with the aggravated assault and strangulation of her 16-year-old daughter. The victim and an independent witness both had matching accounts which revealed Kayla was in an argument with her daughter about having her boyfriend at her grandmother’s house.

While unloading things from a vehicle, Kayla reportedly grabbed her daughter while yelling at her and bent her over backward into the rear of the SUV screaming “Who the F are you talking to?!” multiple times while strangling her, and then dragging her into the apartment by her clothing. Kayla told police there was absolutely no altercation and denied anything happened.

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Nashville Rapper ‘Big Geeche’ charged with assaulting yet another girlfriend — AKA Calvin Woods

27-year-old Calvin Woods Jr., who prefers to be known as ‘Big Geeche’, and has a recent release titled “Found Guilty”, is once again charged with assaulting a lover. In this most recent case, his girlfriend, Cayla Yates, called 911 to report he grabbed her by the throat with both hands as she attempted to stop him from taking a pair of AirPods, which he had bought for her, from her purse. She eventually grabbed a knife in what she describes as “self-defense”, and says he cut his own hand by grabbing it. Woods told police during an interview that he only pushed her away when she pulled a knife on him. He was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody. He is charged with aggravated assault/strangulation and is free on a $10,000 bond.

In 2018, Woods was charged with the assault of a former girlfriend after police documented laceration injuries of the female he wrestled to the ground and tossed her phone in a dumpster so she couldn’t call 911. DA Glenn Funk retired those charges, as long as he promised to not get in trouble again. A few months later, Woods was charged with dragging the same girlfriend across the floor by her hair in front of children, after he punched her in the face multiple times. Police also documented those injures, but DA Glenn Funk refused to move forward with the prosecution in July of this year when the girlfriend backed out of testifying, despite the already collected evidence.

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Man charged in horrific sadistic assault of girlfriend, steals all her things — Joel Jones jailed on $45K bond

42-year-old Joel Jones is accused of stealing his girlfriend’s Jeep Patriot, cell phone, purse, wallet, Ruger handgun, and removing $2,000 from her bank account. She said she believes he was ending the relationship and had no intention of returning anything, because before he fled he placed a pillow over her face and smothered her while accusing her of cheating on him, and then wrote “I will get next”, which police documented, on the bed beside her. Investigators say he meant he was claiming his place in line for her as if she were a prostitute. He also attempted to carve the word ‘WH*RE’ into her forehead with the tip of an ink pen after the ink wouldn’t stay on her skin. The value of the stolen items was $14,000. Jones is jailed in lieu of a $45,000 bond, on multiple felony and misdemeanor charges.

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Nashville man charged in sadistic & troubling aggravated assault of girlfriend — Andrew Cheesman arrested

30-year-old Andrew Cheesman is free on a $10,000 bond after being booked Thursday on an outstanding felony warrant charging him in the sadistic aggravated assault/strangulation of his girlfriend two weeks ago when she reportedly did not fold his laundry. Court documents allege he used his finger to poke her in the chest, telling her how selfish and disrespectful she was. As she packed a bag of clothes to leave for the evening she says he placed her in a chokehold, telling her “you can’t leave!” and pushed her on the bed where he punched her in the stomach leaving knots and bruises.

He then continued to kick her inner thighs and genital area, leaving additional bruises. The assault continued as he held her down and stretched her hands above her head while grabbing her fingers and bending them backward to create additional pain and injury, then telling her to “calm down” as he placed her on the couch. Cheesman’s 4-year-old daughter witnessed some of the assault and looked at the victim and told her to “stop crying” and to “quiet down”. Cheesman then told the victim to be quiet and he would get her pain medicine and ice for her injuries. Extensive injuries and bruising to the victim’s entire body, including arms, stomach, legs, neck, hips, inner thighs, and genital area were documented.

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Man charged with strangling girlfriend during argument after night out drinking — Tyler Byrd

21-year-old Tyler Byrd faced a felony aggravated assault – strangulation charge after police responded to a domestic disturbance on Hillmeade drive and could hear a couple arguing from outside the residence. The victim, Hannah Stroud, told police she and her boyfriend had been arguing and that he “choked” her, and presented visible abrasions and scratches on her neck. The couple had been out drinking earlier in the evening. Though Byrd sustained a cut lip and small scratch, he was determined to be the primary aggressor. He is free on a $10,000 bond.

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Man strangles girlfriend after she finds sexts to gay men on his phone — Timothy Strickland arrested

23-year-old Timothy Strickland faces multiple charges, including felony aggravated assault/strangulation, after his girlfriend reportedly found messages between him and other men on his phone that he was attempting to hook up with. After the wildly detailed physical assault in the police affidavit which left blood on the bed and the victim bruised, he then burnt her social security card, took $180 from her purse, and smashed her iPhone. He then reportedly threw his face on the ground and literally ‘ate dirt’ while being arrested in an attempt to avoid or delay his trip to jail, trying to choke on it.

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Nashville Lifestyle Blogger (& DCS Worker) Brianna Soares charged in TWO assaults of her boyfriend after nights out drinking

27-year-old Brianna Soares, better known as ‘Breezzzzyy’ to her thousands of travel & lifestyle followers, and as Family Service Worker Soares to her co-workers at the Department of Children’s Services, was jailed Saturday on a new assault warrant, and an outstanding felony assault warrant, both documenting attacks on her boyfriend, Justin Bennett, leaving him bleeding and injured. In the first assault, she fled before police arrived, leaving her boyfriend bleeding with multiple cuts, bruises, and injuries from strangling him, striking him, and scratching him. Police issued a felony warrant at that time, which she was served with late Saturday when she is once again accused of attempting to grab his neck and assaulting him, both incidents occurred after nights out at local bars.

Soares moved from California to Tennessee during the pandemic, where she now works for the Department of Children’s Services. She recently wrote about her experience on MagnificentWorld. Shortly after we reached out to her for comment on this story pre-publication, she disabled most of her social media platforms and explained stated she would simply have her lawyer make us remove this reporting. We have received no such request at the time of publication.

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Man assaults wife, threatens to blame disarray on her, have cops take away kids, if she calls 911 — Jamil Sameen

Metro Police say 50-year-old Jamil Sameen picked up a kitchen chair and struck his wife in the back with it, knocking her down, and then began to strangle her when attempted to call 911. He reportedly then took cellphone video of the disarray of the home from the multiple assaults, and told her if she told the police he would show them the video and blame her and have the children taken away. He is charged with two felony accounts of aggravated assault (deadly weapon & strangulation), and immediately posted a $30,000 bond. Samil is an employee of the Metro Nashville Government, as a Program Supervisor with the Nashville Public Library.

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“Til death do us part…” says woman as she kidnaps her wife at gunpoint & strangles her — Alexia Dunn arrested

28-year-old Alexia Dunn is charged with the aggravated kidnapping and strangulation of her wife, Quenticia, after accusing her of having a new lover while the couple is preparing to finalize their divorce. Court records indicated she pulled a handgun on her wife and stated “we gonna die tonight, till death do us part!”, grabbed her by the neck and pressed her against a wall until she went limp, smashed her phone so she was unable to call for help, and when she was able to escape to ask a neighbor for help, Alexia physically picked her up and forced her back inside the residence. Alexia Dunn is free on a $35,000 bond.

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Man charged with child abuse & assault; rips child away & knocks father unconscious, per report — David LaRue

Just hours after Dylan Sanford was given custody of his child, the child’s mother and her brother, 36-year-old David Larue, brutally attacked Sanford and stole the child, ripping it from the arms of the father, causing the child to become injured when it fell to the ground. Court records allege LaRue then beat Sanford unconscious and choke him from behind. David LaRue was charged with felony aggravated assault – strangulation and felony child abuse. He is free on a $30,000 bond. The sister, Christina Jakes, was being booked into the Metro Jail early Monday morning. Her charges were not yet available.

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Man strangles a woman unconscious after she refuses to have a threesome — Christopher Malone arrested

62-year-old Christopher Malone asked one of his regular sexual partners to participate in a threesome when she came over for a regular session. When she refused, he reportedly placed his arm around her neck, placing her in a choke hold, while holding a large knife toward her. The victim lost consciousness. Malone is free on a $5,000 bond.

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79-year-old man charged after calling girlfriend a ‘whore’ & assaulting her at a Nashville bar — Melvin Davis

79-year-old Melvin Davis is free on a $2,000 bond after Nashville police say he called his girlfriend a ‘whore’ and proceeded to strangle her and strike her in the face multiple times while at a Nashville bar this weekend. An employee of the venue says the couple are regulars there, and witnessed the assault.

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Man charged after smashing girlfriend’s head into dashboard, firing shots into air — Javonte Crisp

24-year-old Javonte Crisp, who only weeks ago graduated from APSU with his Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, is now free on a $15,000 bond, accused of repeatedly slamming his girlfriend’s head into the dashboard and steering wheel of a car after getting upset with her, and further expressing his anger by firing a handgun into the air.

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Teen charged with strangling his husband while he slept — Pedro Castro arrested

18-year-old Pedro Castro is jailed tonight in lieu of a $15,000 bond after police say he came into his bedroom intoxicated, grabbed his sleeping husband by the throat while he was sleeping, and choked him until just before he lost consciousness. Police documented marks and scratches on the victim. Castro fled the scene before police arrived, and a felony warrant was issued for his arrest.

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Man charged with assault & strangulation of fiancé — Austin Collom arrested

35-year-old Austin Collom is charged with the felony aggravated assault & strangulation of his fiancé after grabbing her by the hair, shoving her against a wall, and strangling her, according to an arrest report, and the injuries sustained by the victim.

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Handyman charged with serious assault & strangulation of his stepdaughter: Michael Ignatz

Police found the juvenile victim with a bruised face, neck, and collar bone, and a broken front tooth. She disclosed her stepfather, 51-year-old Michael Ignatz, put her in a chokehold, pulled her into a bedroom, and repeatedly punched her in the face. The incident happened in September of 2020, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He successfully avoided police until this week, when he was booked on the outstanding felony warrant.

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Man accused of assaulting woman & refusing to let her leave after she denied him sex

20-year-old Isayah Batista is facing multiple charges after police say he asked a woman for sex and grew “irate” when she told him no. Court records allege he assaulted her and would not allow her to leave the apartment. The man’s roommate had to get involved so the woman could flee, at which time the man reportedly followed her, strangled her, and threw a marijuana grinder at her face out of anger.

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“Calm down!” man tells wife while holding her against the floor with his arm around her neck

36-year-old J Samuel Spurlock is charged with felony aggravated assault/strangulation after police say he placed an arm across his wife’s stomach, another against her neck, and applied pressure until they were on the ground with his arm around her neck, telling her to “CALM DOWN!” after she confronted him over an email on his phone.

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