Meskin Beshili assaults wife after she buys new vehicle without his knowledge

57-year-old Meskin Beshili says his wife, Suad Mustafa, bought a new vehicle without his knowledge. The couple had a verbal argument about the purchase, which escalated when his wife allegedly made a degrading statement about his mother. He says her words upset him, and he “pushed” his wife. During an interview, the victim states Meskin grabbed her by the arms and, pushed her to the couch, then slapped her in the face. Officers documented two injuries on her arm from the assault.

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Jordan Evans charged with aggravated rape of a 2-year-old child; prior rape-related charge not pursued by D.A. Glenn Funk

22-year-old Jordan Evans was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this weekend, charged with the aggravated rape of a 2-year-old girl. Click thru to the story on our site for details and the full arrest warrants as the details are inappropriate for social media captions. Previously, Evans was charged with the statutory rape of a 15-year-old runaway juvenile he harbored in 2021. District Attorney Glenn Funk ended up not prosecuting that case. He is held in lieu of a $150,000 bond on the new charge.

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Power Poll CEO Bruce Dobie unable to pay employees; refused to let female attend meetings, citing ‘good old boys club’ — per lawsuit

Bruce Dobie, the sole member and creator of Power Poll, LLC, is being sued in Davidson County Chancery Court by a former employee who says the Nashville entrepreneur hired her with a quarter-million-dollar yearly salary and then abruptly fired her and others a few months later after he could no longer make payroll. Her job was to grow the company as Chief Operating/Chief Revenue Officer, however, she says Dobie would not allow her to attend meetings with potential investors because she was a woman and “Nashville is a good ole boys club” where “women are not usually allowed”, according to a quoted statement in the complaint. Despite repeated complaints about sexual discrimination, she says Dobie never addressed the issue.

Her employment contract states she’s entitled to a full twelve-month severance package, but she says Dobie won’t — or can’t — pay up.

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Funk’s Friend Faces Felony: Socialite Brenda Ross jailed on new stalking charge Friday

67-year-old Brenda Ross is free on a new $2,500 bond after being jailed on a new felony aggravated stalking charge this weekend. The Nashville socialite who hobnobs with the like of the District Attorney, The Mayor, and sitting judges, was initially arrested on May 9th for violating an order of protection. The new warrant, which was signed on May 11th, details multiple instances of Ross sending messages to the victim, Marilyn Jones, via social media, showing up at Jazzy’s where she knew the victim to be, only to sit across the bar and stare at her without saying anything. Once the victim left and went to Larry’s Bar, Ross followed her there. The victim continues to feel harassed and stalked by Ross.

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Nashville’s Brenda Ross: Arrested. Stalking. Pics in a Swingers club. Orders of protection. Friend of the Mayor. Friend of Funk.

67-year-old Brenda Ross has been involved in more entanglements in the last two months than some folks experience in two decades. In March, Jacinta West received an order of protection against Ross after she said Ross, who was one of the first members of Nashville’s Police Community Oversight Board, stalked her. The two share a circle of friends, some of who warned that Ross had posted on social media alluding she was going o fuck them up and that she was “going to get them.” West says Ross then followed and chased her one night at might as she was picking up a friend, even pulling up beside her and yelling curse words at her. Previously in January, Ross reportedly grabbed West’s wrist while at a nightclub. West states she remains in fear of Ross, and her “political ties” only make the situation worse. Ross is an East Nashvillian who has served on several mayoral-appointed commissions over the years and can be found hobnobbing with the city’s elite on any given night of the week. Ross was jailed on Monday for violating one of the many current orders of protection. She is free on a $1,500 bond.

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Leon Lewis III jailed on $80K bond after murdering a small dog at Hermitage Hotel

Metro Nashville Police say 39-year-old Leon Lewis III walked out of the Suburban Extended Stay Hotel in Hermitage with a small black dog on a leash and into a ditch, pulled a revolver, and shot the dog. A witness observed the small dog’s tail still wagging while he bled to death from the mouth. Lewis stated “I should’ve just let the dog go” as he was arrested and charged with aggravated animal cruelty, felon in possession of a weapon, and aggravated reckless endangerment. He is jailed in lieu of an $80,000 bond.

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Guilty Vanderbilt Nurse Radonda Vaught still faces perjury charge for lying on gun store purchase while awaiting trial

Now that disgraced Vanderbilt Nurse Radonda Vaught has been found guilty of criminally negligent homicide and gross neglect of an impaired adult for her actions responsible for a patient’s death, she must still face a perjury charge related to a gun store purchase while awaiting trial in the homicide case. In materials that prosecutors from the District Attorney’s Office were prepared to use had Vaught taken the stand is a copy of an affidavit charging Vaught with lying to the government once before.

The Jury would have heard how she attempted to pick up two AR-15 Lower Receivers from a local gun store, swearing she wasn’t under any felony indictments – despite being arrested and booked on a felony reckless homicide indictment months earlier, for which she was currently out on bond. Once caught, she would admit she had “some court stuff going on”, downplaying the felony reckless homicide indictment she was facing.

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UPDATE: Charges dropped against Husband, Wife released from DCS Custody — Cops had wrong birthdate

In a major update to the story we published yesterday about a refugee couple being separated by Metro Nashville Police, who charged the husband with felony statutory rape and committed the wife to DCS Custody, we have just learned that all charges are being dropped and the wife is being released from DCS custody. Metro Nashville Police say there was an error in determining her date of birth, which was actually in 2003, not 2006, making her 18-years-old, soon to be 19.

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Nashville Police jail Married Afghan refugee; take wife into DCS custody — Maseehullah Feda

Metro Nashville Police initially responded to a 3rd party call about a domestic dispute early Tuesday morning. They met with 25-year-old Maseehullah Feda and his wife, who explained they were a married couple and were recently-arrived refugees from Afghanistan. As police were reviewing their provided and valid Employment Authorization cards they found the wife’s age to be 15. While allowable with permission in the country in which they were married (and also in Hawaii, Missouri, Montana, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire), police were not going to allow it in Tennessee.

Officers inquired about the sexual activities of the married couple, and they admitted they had sex within the past day, as they were married. Officer Paul Hughes took Feda into custody and charged him with felony statutory rape of his wife. Feda remains in jail, while his wife was removed from their home and taken into the custody of DCS.

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After Glenn Funk lets him walk on first charge, Colin Beason charged with stealing from another employer

28-year-old Colin Beason has, once again, been caught doing return fraud at a retail store that employed him. In 2019, we covered his felony theft arrest for pocketing $1800 in cash from fraudulent returns from GameStop. District Attorney Glenn Funk agreed to give him a deferred judgment with no conviction for that charge, and he moved on without a guilty plea on his record. Beason now works for Locker Room by Lids at Opry Mills Mall. Earlier this week, the store notified Metro Police they had determined Beason had stolen $4,718.30 in cash from fraudulent returns. Beason signed a confession in the case, and because of the prior deal with DA Funk, has no prior conviction. Beason, who studied finance at MTSU, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with felony theft, and is free on a $2,500 bond.

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Nashville Rapper ‘Big Geeche’ charged with assaulting yet another girlfriend — AKA Calvin Woods

27-year-old Calvin Woods Jr., who prefers to be known as ‘Big Geeche’, and has a recent release titled “Found Guilty”, is once again charged with assaulting a lover. In this most recent case, his girlfriend, Cayla Yates, called 911 to report he grabbed her by the throat with both hands as she attempted to stop him from taking a pair of AirPods, which he had bought for her, from her purse. She eventually grabbed a knife in what she describes as “self-defense”, and says he cut his own hand by grabbing it. Woods told police during an interview that he only pushed her away when she pulled a knife on him. He was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody. He is charged with aggravated assault/strangulation and is free on a $10,000 bond.

In 2018, Woods was charged with the assault of a former girlfriend after police documented laceration injuries of the female he wrestled to the ground and tossed her phone in a dumpster so she couldn’t call 911. DA Glenn Funk retired those charges, as long as he promised to not get in trouble again. A few months later, Woods was charged with dragging the same girlfriend across the floor by her hair in front of children, after he punched her in the face multiple times. Police also documented those injures, but DA Glenn Funk refused to move forward with the prosecution in July of this year when the girlfriend backed out of testifying, despite the already collected evidence.

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Downtown employee charged in attack of TLC Inspector who demanded he wear a mask — Sam Shapiro

24-year-old Samuel Barron Shapiro is charged with felony aggravated assault after a grand jury indicted him on the charge stemming from a mask enforcement encounter in downtown Nashville. Court records show Howard “Butch” Morris, while on duty as a TLC commission inspector in October of 2020 demanded that Metro Nashville police issue a citation to Shapiro, who he says had refused to wear a mask, despite multiple requests from the inspector. Shapiro told officers that Morris had been harassing him, and stated he will hit him if he continues to follow him.

Moments later, the inspector approached Shapiro, and Shapiro swung at him twice, missing the first time, and knocking him to the ground as the second punch landed. As the victim sat up from the blow, Shapiro reportedly used his boot to kick the victim in the head. The case was presented to the Grand Jury in September of 2021, at which time a true bill was returned, and a warrant was issued. Shapiro was booked into jail on the charge on December 8th and is free on a $7,500 bond.

Inspector Morris also once sued a Nashville taxi driver for $250,000 after the driver ran over his foot during an altercation as Morris was chastising the driver about using an incorrect pickup location. That case settled out of court.

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Owner of Nashville Stripper Service MusicCityDollz arrested for punching boyfriend — Kristen Peppers

32-year-old Kristen Peppers was booked into the Metro Nashville jail just as the sun was rising Saturday morning, charged with domestic assault with bodily injury. Her boyfriend, Mychal Dabney, says he had come to visit her for the holiday and was sleeping when, in the middle of the night, he was suddenly awoken out of his sleep by his girlfriend punching him in the face repeatedly with her fists, leaving him bleeding, which he used her bedsheets in an attempt to stop the bleeding from his nose and face. Peppers admits that she was upset after seeing some photos on Instagram and Facebook which he had ‘liked’ using his account. She is free on a $1,500 bond.

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Tourist charged with underage drinking on Broadway in downtown Nashville — Lane McAlister

Just before 2 a.m. on a Saturday in October, Metro Nashville Police were approached about a 20-year-old tourist from Arkansas who was openly drinking alcoholic drinks at 312 Broadway. The minor, identified as Lane McAlister, admitted to the underage drinking and was issued a citation charging him with underage drinking at 1:47 a.m. and the officers went about their nightly duties. The district attorney, however, refused to continue the prosecution and nolled the case once he was processed on the charge.

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“Yes that’s my pot, I’ve been smoking for 50 years” — Ricky Cook arrested in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police found 61-year-old Ricky Lee Cook at the Johnny Cash Museum restaurant, where staff had asked him to leave after they deemed him to be a bother to staff and patrons, and he refused to do so. Police noticed he was heavily intoxicated, and took him into custody. During a search incidental to his arrest, officers located a leather satchel with a green Tupperware container inside, which contained his personal use marijuana. When asked, he confirmed it was marijuana, and stated: “I’ve been smoking pot for 50 years”. Police charged him with drug possession and public intoxication and transported him to jail. He is free on pre-trial release.

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MNPD isn’t apologizing for arresting citizens on a felony charge repealed 2 years ago

Metro Nashville Police Public Affairs Manager Don Aaron says Officer Ronald Bright “acted in good faith” when, in June of 2021, he arrested a citizen and charged with them with felony “habitual motor offender”, a law that was repealed by the state legislature over two years ago which carried a punishment of up to 6 years in prison. A magistrate even signed the warrant, jailed the citizen, and required them to post a large cash bond to get out of jail – on a charge that no longer existed. Scoop: Nashville learned this scenario has played out over 20 times in the last 17 months, leaving citizens at a loss for the money spent for high cash bond amounts, towing/storage fees, public humiliation, lost wages & jobs, and other expenses due to the invalid arrests.

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‘Brother Jones’ says he wasn’t violent, but new video shows he was – and the Grand Jury agrees

Protestor Justin Jones (“Brother Jones”) was given two weeks to turn himself in on a Grand Jury Indictment, which charges him with two counts of reckless endangerment after he is seen on video repeatedly pushing a traffic cone into the cab of a vehicle, striking the person inside, and causing a danger to both the driver and the nearby public.

Jones claims this is a ‘false narrative’, and says he wasn’t violent. Here’s the video.

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Charges against former MNPD Officer accused of stomping child, assaulting officer, all dismissed/deferred

A 52-year-old retired Metro Cop had all charges, including a felony, dismissed or deferred by the D.A. despite police alleging he assaulted his daughters, stomped one in the stomach, attacked an officer when he fled from them, attempted to take a taser, and refused all commands to drop to the ground. The will all be eligible for expungement.

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D.A.’s office will prosecute passenger, but not off-duty officer, on identical charge

Today marks the point of no return for the Nashville District Attorney’s Office. Today is the day they define two clear and distinct paths for prosecuting crimes in Nashville – one for police, and one for citizens.
Two people in the same car got charged with identical crimes. One was an off-duty cop, whose charges the D.A. refused to prosecute. The passenger, a citizen with no priors, will be prosecuted in a Nashville courtroom this morning at 9 a.m. by the same D.A.’s office, for the same charge.

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Nashville Socialite DUI Arrest: “Glenn Funk and Don Aaron are personal family friends”

78-year-old Joyce Ireland Cook blew a .188 after driving head on into a car, and then getting into the passenger seat and pretending she didn’t know what happened… then she pulled the ‘I know the DA’ card… and she does.

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