DUI: Shamika Jones puffed, puffed, passed, and crashed.

When 39-year-old Shamika Jones crossed into oncoming traffic in an attempt to pass a car and had a head-on collision Wednesday afternoon on Lebanon Pike, she was still smoking a joint when officers arrived on the scene. She reported she had also smoked a bit earlier in the day, on her way to work. She said the last thing she remembered before the crash was leaving her workplace, the Whole Foods in downtown Nashville, and then being in a crash. Inside her car was 1.2 grams of marijuana and a SMC-380 pistol under the driver’s seat. She claimed to have a felony conviction out of California, but officers were unable to locate any such charge.

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DUI: Jordan Cunningham charged after 2 a.m. East Nashville crash

Metro Police were dispatched to an accident just before 2 a.m. Thursday at 1111 Gallatin Ave, where they found 24-year-old Jordan Cunningham unsteady on her feet and swaying back and forth. She had rear-ended another vehicle, causing injuries. Police say she reeked of alcohol and stated she had “one drink at work” before she left at 11 p.m. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking after submitting to a blood test at Metro General.

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Madeline Beck charged after pushing her way into boyfriend’s home at 5 a.m. & assaulting him

25-year-old Madeline Beck is charged with the domestic assault of her boyfriend, Keith Connors, after police say she came banging on his door at 5 a.m. demanding to be let inside. He opened the door to tell her to leave, at which point she reportedly forced her way inside, attacked him, and pushed him back into the residence. She then cut him with her fingernails, leaving visible lacerations on both arms. When asked about his injuries, Beck looked at the officer and declined to comment. She was transported to booking. At the time of her arrest, she was out on bond awaiting trial for a DUI which we also covered on Scoop: Nashville.

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Nashville Police arrest woman who made 40+ noise complaint calls on neighbor — Zelle Taylor

Metro Nashville Police say they’ve told 51-year-old Zelle Taylor that “general apartment noise” complaints should be handled via the apartment management company, and not the city’s police force. Officer Shaquille Graham documented this advice to Taylor in a February report after she continued to call 862-8600 and 911 to report excessive noise coming from her neighbors. When confronted during that report, she told the officer she would keep calling until the noise issues were resolved… and keep calling, she did.

From May 18th to May 28th, Taylor made 38 more noise complaints to dispatch about the same neighbor, with 33 of those calls coming in via 911, as 862-8600 routinely has hold times in the dozens of minutes. When officers responded on May 28th, they visited the apartment where she said the noise was coming from, once again describing it as the upstairs neighbors fighting, and officers say they found no disturbance. Officer Ronald Conner then took out a warrant for her arrest, charging her with aggravated misuse of 911.

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BUI: Tyler Ruby admits to drinking beer & smoking weed prior to operating boat on Percy Priest Lake

TWRA Officer Joshua Landrum was patrolling Percy Priest Lake Sunday when he noticed a pontoon boat in the ‘no wake’ zone without any registration numbers properly displayed. As he encountered and spoke to the boat operator, 31-year-old Tyler Ruby, he noticed he reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech and glassy eyes. Ruby admitted to drinking “2 or 3 beers” and smoking marijuana prior to operating the boat. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, Ruby was transported to booking on multiple charges.

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Kally Dobak & Zain Sheikh call 911 on each other — both go back to jail #newlyweds

Despite orders of protection and conditions of bond release, which both state the two aren’t allowed in the presence of one another, Nashville’s most hated couple, 25-year-old Kally Dobak & 31-year-old Zain Sheikh reportedly got married last month in order to avoid testifying against each other in matching cocaine indictments earlier this year. Now, they’re back in the spotlight after both parties called 911 late Sunday in hopes the other would be arrested, and both were successful.

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Kristin Harrison found passed out in downtown Nashville — public intoxication

Around 6 p.m. Sunday, multiple people began to report a female passed out on 4th Ave just north of Broadway. Officers and first responders located 34-year-old Kristin Harrison as the person in question, and after a few minutes, she was responsive and able to sit up and speak with them. She was heavily intoxicated, reeked of alcohol, and was unable to stand steadily. Despite multiple attempts to arrange for someone to pick her up or a ride to her destination, no arrangement were able to be made and she was transported to booking where she was charged with public intoxication.

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Connor Schultz — deemed too drunk for Music City

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Sunday encountered 22-year-old Connor Schultz outside of 300 Broadway after he was asked to leave a bar by security. Officers say he was entirely too intoxicated to care for himself in public, and transported him to booking, charging him with public intoxication.

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Louis Simonyi charged after shattering glass door on Belcourt Ave

23-year-old Louie Simonyi was found in the entrance to the parking garage of 2111 Belcourt Ave just after 8 a.m. Sunday with dried blood, scratch marks, and cuts on his face, chest, arms, and hands. There was also a glass door from the building into the parking garage which was shattered. He told police he had an argument with his girlfriend, who was not present, and it was “all a misunderstanding”. He claimed the injuries were from a mosh it from a concert the night prior. With so many different stories, security footage was reviewed and it showed at 5:05 a.m. Simonyi appears at the scene and forces the glass door open by yanking on the handle and slamming it against a railing then breaking off the handle and using it to shatter the door.

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TSU Campus Police take down & injure student Jaylah Croft who is fighting with campus security

TSU Campus Police Officer Ajee Smith responded to Rudolph Hall late Saturday night in response to a disorderly student. Student Jaylah Croft was in a physical fight with Security Officer Tyaundrea Hughes. Officers say they attempted to separate the two individuals and Croft continued to be combative and show aggression to officers and Sgt. Christopher Brooks. Croft then charged at Hughes and then resisted arrest. Officers report that Croft sustained unspecified injuries while resisting arrest.

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68-year-old Robert Mackenzie found armed and intoxicated outside Honky Tonk Central in Nashville

68-year-old Robert Mackenzie was found outside of Honky Tonk Central by officers working the Entertainment District Initiative on Saturday. Mackenzie was barely able to stand and obviously intoxicated. As he was being taken into custody for public intoxication a loaded .22 caliber handgun was found in his pocket. He was charged with public intoxication and possession of a handgun while under the influence.

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Angela York charged with vandalism, ex says she practices ‘black magic’ & is trying to kill him

46-year-old Mortgage Loan Originator Angela York was jailed Thursday after her ex-boyfriend, Raburn Davis, Jr., says she appeared at his home uninvited and became disorderly when he demanded her to leave the property. He says she scratched his car and attempted to shatter the glass storm door of his house. In a detailed affidavit and application for an order of protection, Davis says his ex-lover claims to practice “black magic” and has told him she “owns him” and that she wasn’t afraid of the police. He claims she attempted to poison him while in Florida and has threatened to “cut him up and put him in a bag”. When contacted about the charge, Angela York stated Davis has “lost his mind” and denies all allegations.

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DUI: Gabriela Valencia found unresponsive behind wheel of car off roadway

Nashville Fire Department medics had to force entry into the vehicle of 23-year-old Gabriela Valencia after she drove off the road and was found passed out behind the wheel of her vehicle near the Hardee’s on Nolensville Road. Police arrived soon after she had become responsive and observed her to be heavily intoxicated. Valencia stated she was coming from Del Monte’s where she had been drinking and admitted that she knew she had too much to drink prior to driving. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking.

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DUI: Curtis Payton had the right to remain silent, just not the ability

After 47-year-old Curtis Payton crashed his Escalade into a construction zone barrier in North Nashville he told Metro Nashville Police officers he was “done” with trying to perform a one-legged standing during field sobriety testing, stating that he had two margaritas at Las Palmas in West Nashville and was drunk. He further told the officers he “knew their tricks because he has a good attorney” — which is doubtful considering he just fully confessed to drinking and driving with more details than they ever asked for. During a formal interview, he was Mirandized and further stated he had drank two 16oz Dos Equis beers. Still unable to be quiet, he added “I believe that someone put something in my alcohol because I am drunk”. All admissions were recorded on body-worn and in-car cameras.

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Mad about a breakup, Nykisha Gooch slices ex & his car with a boxcutter at East Nashville intersections

29-year-old Nykisha Gooch was jailed this week on multiple outstanding felony warrants including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and vandalism. Her ex-boyfriend, Michael Wilson, called police on April 25th to report Kisha had just sliced him with a box cutter at an intersection in East Nashville. Wilson says he was in the left turn lane at Gallatin & East Palestine Ave when a brown Chevy Impala sped up from behind and blocked him in. ‘Kisha’ suddenly appears from the Impala, broke the door handle of his car, and dragged the box cutter across his vehicle, causing several thousand dollars in damage, including denting the vehicle. As Wilson exited the car to put a stop to the vandalism Gooch attacked him and struck his palm with the blade. The couple had only dated for two weeks before he broke up with her.

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Calvin Howse pours syrup in gas tank of cheating wife… tosses bottle at her; “this is just the beginning…”

Earlier this month Quinetta Howse informed her husband, 38-year-old Calvin Howse, that she was seeing another man. Though the two are still married, they have been separated for the past month since she had him arrested for DUI for taking his neighbor’s caddy to the store for more alcohol. Since she disclosed her affair she says he has been repeatedly calling, texting, and showing up at her workplace, friends’ houses, and places she shops, and has texted her “this is just the beginning.” On May 19th, he even followed her to the MNPD’s Family Safety Center where she went to report his harassment, and he pulled up beside her parked car and poured syrup down her gas tank, and tossed the syrup bottle at her. Officers were able to review the video of this incident.

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Kierah Quendasia Pruitt charged with assaulting her girlfriend at the Thirsty Turtle in Antioch

25-year-old Kierah  Quendasia Pruitt was booked into jail on an outstanding warrant charging her with domestic assault. Police say she was at the Thirsty Turtle on Bell Road on May 5th with her girlfriend, Kendraneisha Lochelle Burks, and the two got into an argument about who would drive home. At some point in the argument, Pruitt reportedly grabbed her lover by the shirt and punched her in the face several times. A witness also says Pruitt punched the victim again on the way home while at a red light.

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Zaire Robinson bites his girlfriend & punches her dog during an argument

Metro Police say 22-year-old Zaire Robinson punched his girlfriend’s dog repeatedly when it tried to protect her after he got physical during an argument. DaShane Hill says she was sitting on a couch when her boyfriend grabbed her by the arms and yelled at her. Her dog began to bark at the boyfriend which “enraged” him, and he then began to punch the dog. As she attempted to shield the dog from the assault, Zaire reportedly grabbed her arm and bit her, leaving a visible human bite mark. Police observed broken glass, broken jewelry, and injured on the victim.

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DUI: Benjamin Dorsey charged after traveling 60 mph in a 40 mph zone

28-year-old Benjamin Dorsey told police he had one beer and one shot prior to leaving work, and stopped at another bar on his way home for another beer, before being pulled over in Goodlettsville for traveling 60 mph in a 40 mph zone. Officers say he reeked of alcohol and had a hard time following simple instructions, such as producing his registration documents. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI.

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William Pearce charged with DUI in downtown Nashville parking garage

Metro Nashville Police say 21-year-old William Pearce was so drunk they had to stop field sobriety tests for fear he would fall over and injure himself in the parking lot of the AT&T building in downtown Nashville where they encountered him. Security contacted police after hearing a crash and observing Pearce backing up from a vehicle he had struck in the garage. A police report details Pearce was sweating profusely with slurred speech and other signs of intoxication. He was taken into custody and charged with DUI, driving without a license, and violation of the implied consent law.

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