Antioch man confesses to touching 16-year-old stepdaughter while pleasuring himself— Jarrus Garth

39-year-old Jarrus Garth, of Antioch, admitted to detectives during an interview that when his stepdaughter was 16-years-old he went into her bedroom while she was sleeping and touched her upper and lower private areas while pleasuring himself.

The confession came after the victim, who is now 19, came forward to police and disclosed the incident. Garth is charged with sexual battery and is free on a $50,000 bond.

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TABC criminally charges collector for selling a bottle of Van Winkle without a license – Eric Adams

Undercover agents with TABC (Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission) messaged with 35-year-old Eric Adams, who they say had posted a 12-year-old bottle of Van Winkle Bourbon for sale in a private Facebook Group used as a secondary sales market.

The agent, Ryan Spraggins, agreed to meet and purchase the 750ml bottle, and Adams showed up at the agreed-upon location, which was the Music Valley Cracker Barrell, and completed the transaction. At that time, Adams was notified he had sold liquor without a proper license and was issued a state citation for possessing, transporting, and selling alcoholic beverages for resale without a license. Adams was booked on the charge earlier this month.

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Bellevue man rips dress off girlfriend, threatens to kill her, on his birthday — Byron Baisy

Byron Baisy was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Tuesday, his 35th birthday, after he and his girlfriend, Tiffany Mayfield, had reportedly argued all morning long. His girlfriend says the argument escalated when it wasn’t going his way, and he pushed her onto the bed, held her down, ripped off her dress, and treated to kill her. Police documented injuries on the victim when they responded to the Bellevue residence and took Daisy into custody.

After Baisy was in custody, officers asked if he had anything on him they should be aware of, and he disclosed there was “weed” in his pocket. Officers retrieved 27.3 grams of marijuana. Byron Baisy is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury and drug possession. He is free on a $1,000 bond.

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Man given $1500 bond for eating $2 worth of donuts inside Antioch Mapco — Robert Fathera arrested

53-year-old Robert Fathera was found sitting on the floor of an Antioch Mapco just before 10 a.m. Tuesday, his lips covered in white powder. Police determined he had taken two honey bunds and a pack of white powdered donuts from the shelf and consumed them while inside the store without any way to pay for them.

He was reportedly intoxicated, and had urinated on himself. Police charged him with public intoxication ($250 bond) and theft of merchandise ($1500 bond) and transported him to jail. The value of the stolen items was determined to one $2.00 by store management.

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Woman charged with holding girlfriend in headlock & repeatedly punching her face — Kaitlynn Price

25-year-old Kaitlynn Price was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday morning on an outstanding warrant charging her with the domestic assault of her ex-girlfriend, Alexandria Smith.

Court records show the two were living together in October when Kaitlynn grabbed her by the shirt, placed her in a headlock, and repeatedly punched her in the face. Price is free on a $1,000 bond.

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Son tells parents he was molested as a kid, breaks table in anger, they have him arrested — Asher Wilkins

On December 22nd, 24-year-old Asher Wilkins disclosed to his parents, Jefferson & Cathy Green Wilkins, that he was molested as a child, and became upset when he says they didn’t do anything about it. His father claims that Asher never told them about it before. Asher became so angry during the conversation that he punched a hole in the wall and broke a leg off the dining room table. His parents pressed charges for vandalism, and a warrant was issued for his arrest, as he had already left the location in anger.

Asher Wilkins was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on the outstanding warrant on December 28th, and is free on a $1,000 cash bond.

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Resident chases group home manager with samurai sword in argument over medication — Rogello Trevino

47-year-old Rogelio Trevino is charged with vandalism and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after police say he chased a group home manager out of the residence and around a vehicle several times while threatening him with a samurai sword. The chase ended when Trevino tired out of the chase.

The victim, Jeffery Starnes, told police the argument started after Trevino was not taking his medication properly and he confronted him about the issue. A door to the group home was damaged during the chase.

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Teen throws Cheetos at father, threatens to stab him, so he sends her to jail — Keldasha Blaylock

18-year-old Keldasha Blaylock was charged with domestic assault on Christmas Eve after police say she was in the back seat and threw soda and Cheetos into the front seat where her father was in the vehicle during an argument while driving in Nashville.

She then threatened to spit on the back of his head, at which point the father, Kelvin Blaylock, stopped and exited the vehicle and went to the rear door, which Keldasha had locked. She admits to threatening to stab him with a knife he continued to attempt to open the door and reached toward her waistband. The father told police he was in fear for his life, and Keldasha was taken into custody. She is free on a $1,500 bond.

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Wife drags husband out of home to evict him, steps over his injured body to go back inside — Kristian Dukes

Metro Police say 49-year-old Kristian Dukes grabbed her sleeping husband, Brandon Burgett, under his arms and dragged him off the couch and out the door, dropping him onto the ground as she stepped over his injured body on her way back inside. Police documented multiple bruises and lacerations to the victim’s body, and blood on his left foot, which she had attempted to shut in the door. Dukes initially denied ever touching the victim, but later admitted to the struggle, adding she was intoxicated.

The victim states Dukes has been attempting to evict him from the property for a period of time.

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DUI: Man found asleep behind the wheel of a running car with a blanket over his head — Travis Turner

45-year-old Travis Shane Turner, from North Carolina, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Thursday just after 7 a.m. when police found him slumped over the wheel of his running vehicle in a lane of travel with a blanket over his head. He reportedly had slurred speech and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Turner refused a breathalyzer and is free on pre-trial release.

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DUI: Man says he had a “couple of beers” before driving on Christmas Eve: 89 in a 65 — Cameron Myatt

32-year-old Cameron ‘Cam’ Myatt was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Christmas Eve after a THP State Trooper paced him doing 89 in a 65 mph zone.

During the traffic stop, Myatt admitted to having “a couple of beers” prior to driving, and he performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Myatt was charged with DUI 1st, and is free on pre-trial release.

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NFL Player’s big sister charged with public intoxication after refusing to leave Nashville motel — Terri Barnett

32-year-old Terri Barnett, who is the sister of NFL defensive ended Derek Barnett of the Philadelphia Eagles, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Christmas Eve after Metro Nashville Police found her “in a general state of confusion” and reeking of alcohol as they were responding to a call for service at the Days Inn on Percy Priest Drive.

Police say they asked her to leave on her own, as did the motel staff, but she refused and was extremely aggressive to officers. She had no registered room and was unable to care for herself. She was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication and criminal trespass. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Woman charged with threatening girlfriend with steak knife — Krystal Wallace

35-year-old Krystal Wallace was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with the aggravated assault with a deadly weapon of her ex-girlfriend, Ashten Stephenson. The victim says the pair still live together and were in an argument about Krystal being extremely intoxicated and belligerent in the home. After the victim retreated to her bedroom to remove herself from the situation, she says Krystal rushed into the bedroom holding a steak knife, declaring I’m going to kill you!”.

Police located the steak knife and charged Krystal Wallace with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. She is free on a $5,000 bond.

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Oregon Tourist too drunk for Nashville on Christmas Eve — Brandon Bade arrested outside Rippy’s

27-year-old Oregon Tourist Brandon Bade was fighting with security outside of Rippy’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville on Christmas Eve as an onlooker flagged down police for assistance. Police Officer Christopher Cantrell says he used joint manipulation to subdue Bade, and once he was placed into handcuffs, appeared to be unconscious. The officer states he was going to let him go without charges, and called an ambulance to transport the unconscious man to the hospital, and uncuffed him so he could be loaded into the ambulance.

Moments later, Bade became conscious again and began to fight with the medics in the back of the ambulance, and attempted to bite one of them. Bade was re-cuffed and told he was under arrest. He then fought with the officer, who was now accompanying him on the ride to Metro General Hospital, and even landed a punch to the officer’s face, despite being cuffed. Bade was charged with assault, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Man says he used cocaine & opioids prior to crash — Mitchell Baxter

32-year-old Michell Baxter told paramedics he used cocaine and opioids prior to a crash on December 23rd. Baxter was initially found unresponsive in the driver’s seat of his crashed truck, unresponsive with fixed pinpoint pupils and a slight pulse. Narcan was administered and he eventually became responsive as he was being transferred onto the gurney. He stated he remembered nothing about the wreck, and refused to answer any questions after being read his rights. Baxter was charged with DUI 2nd and violation of the implied consent law. Baxter also received a citation charging him with DUI 2nd in October, for which he has not yet been to court. He remains jailed in lieu of a $2,500 bond.

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DUI: Man found asleep behind wheel 100 yards off Briley Parkway — Gregory Chitwood

37-year-old Gregory Chitwood is charged with driving under the influence after multiple motorists called 911 to report a dark-colored pickup truck was off the roadway on Briley Parkway.

Officers canvassed the area, eventually locating the vehicle in a grassy field 100 yards away from the road. Chitwood was found asleep behind the wheel of the vehicle, which was still running and still in drive. He admitted to drinking prior to driving. Chitwood blew a 0.141% BAC and was charged with DUI. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Man charged in brutal beating of neighbor who he says used derogatory slur — Bruce Kelly

28-year-old Bruce Kelly was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on December 23rd after he brutally beat up his neighbor who he says offended him by using derogatory slurs about sexual orientation.

Kelly reportedly overheard his neighbor, Zachary Rose, make statements he was uncomfortable with and followed him up the steps and into the victim’s apartment, where he allegedly pushed him to the ground, got on top of him, and repeatedly punched him in the face multiple times. When interviewed, Kelly stated: “I don’t really remember what happened, I beat him up though”. Kelly is charged with aggravated burglary and assault and is jailed in lieu of a $4,500 bond.

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Man charged in kidnapping & assault of ex-boyfriend after finding him with another man — Darren Thompson

Trent Marsh says he was asleep inside his Donelson apartment, with Trevante Rogers, when his ex-boyfriend, 28-year-old Darren Thompson suddenly appeared inside the bedroom at 1 a.m. on December 21st. Darrent was reportedly yelling and screaming and refused to leave the home, which he never lived at previously. Trent attempted to leave the location to prevent further conflict, however, when he entered his bathroom/walk-in closet area he was followed by Darren, and prevented him from leaving the room. The two grappled and eventually Trent was able to escape with Trevante.

They returned an hour later to find the apartment was ransacked with damage to all the screens and electronics in the home and an iPad that was now missing. It was pinged to Darren’s home, and home security cameras captured the entire incident. Darren Thompson is charged with aggravated burglary, domestic assault, kidnapping, theft, and vandalism. A commissioner set a $61,000 bond, then he was freed on the pre-trial release program by the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office.

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Man calls 911 to report someone is sawing the hinges off his door; he was just high — Matthew Bain arrested

26-year-old Matthew Bain was inside his room at the Super 8 on Bell Road on Christmas Day when he called police to report that someone was sawing his door off the hinges. Officers responded to find no signs of any forced entry or foul play at the location. Bain then told officers how “Lit” he was, but was sad that he flushed the remainder of his drugs down the toilet when he believed someone was cutting off the things to come into his hotel room. With no drugs and no crime, officers cleared the parking lot and scene.

As they were preparing to leave, Bain began running down the sidewalk and into the middle of the road to stop them from leaving. He wanted to again tell them how “LIT” he was while sweating profusely and blocking their patrol cars from moving. He revised to move out of the way, so he was taken to jail and charged with public intoxication. His case was dismissed after the standard 8-hour hold.

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Woman assaults & bites husband after he refuses to give her money, says she doesn’t work — Hadia Zkria

34-year-old Hadia Zkria is charged with the domestic assault of her husband after he showed police lacerations and injuries to his neck, wrist, and elbow, and a bite mark on his chest. Police were also able to view a video of the attack.

Her husband Elsadig Adam, states the argument happened after she asked him for money but he would not give her any, stating she did not work. Zkria is free on a $1,500 bond. When asked by an interpreter, Zkria stated ‘nothing happened’.

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Man charged with DUI after crash in Germantown — William Sidebotham

29-year-old William Sidebotham crashed his vehicle just before 9 p.m. Monday near 6th Ave. N & Jefferson. When officers found him, he was obviously intoxicated, had trouble standing, and admitted to consuming three drinks prior to driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and refused any blood or breath testing.

Sidebotham was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail and charged with DUI and violation of the implied consent law. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Daughter who threatened mother and fled from police is arrested in North Nashville — Martha Jenkins

22-year-old Martha Jenkins was booked into the Metro Nashville jail after police say she assaulted her mother after her mother confronted her about bringing “strange people into her home, eating all the food, and being disrespectful”.

The daughter reportedly told her mother she’d “kick her ass” if she called the police. Police responded at which point Jenkins escaped past them and fled in a vehicle and refused to exit her vehicle after a traffic stop was made on her. Supervisors eventually coaxed her from the vehicle. She is charged with domestic assault, vandalism, and evading arrest in a motor vehicle. She is free on a $3,500 bond.

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Woman charged with aggravated assault of baby’s father after police determined she lied — Miracle Nicole Beach

22-year-old Miracle Nicole Beach was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after they determined she wasn’t being truthful and was actually the one that assaulted the father of her child, not the other way around, as she initially claimed. Police initially met with the victim, and father of her child, DeAngelo Talley, who told them the two former lovers had gotten into an argument about him “grabbing his belongings from the apartment”. He told police that nothing else happened and he “didn’t want to put the mother of his child in any type of trouble”.

Miracle spoke to an officer and says the argument was about her putting DeAngelo on the couch, demanding him sleep either there or on the floor, an arrangement was not agreeable to. She admits she then came up into his face during the argument, causing him to push her back away from his personal space. Miracle then claimed that he pushed her down onto the ground, causing her to retrieve a butcher knife from the kitchen and hold it at her side, until she laid it down to check on their baby, at which point she says Talley took the knife and threatened to kill her, and she supposedly was on the phone with Tiffany Williamson and Diamond Bell, who allegedly overheard the threat.

In a second interview with Talley, he disclosed that she did, in fact, grab the knife and move toward him with it in a threatening manner. Due to the totality of the circumstances, and police finding the knife in the bedroom where she was at, after she claimed Tally left the apartment with it, Police determined Miracle was not being truthful and took her into custody, charging her with felony domestic aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. DeAngelo’s brother, DeAndre Talley, is the person who called police about the incident and was present at the scene. Miracle Nicole Beach is free after posting a $5,000 bond.

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Georgia man charged after attempting to fight police outside Capitol Hotel downtown — David Phillip Messick

32-year-old David Phillip Messick, who was visiting Music City from Georgia, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after officers say he caused quite the disturbance at the Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville. Management initially called police after he became extremely intoxicated and attempted to fight staff members. Officer arrived to find him yelling and screaming at staff and other patrons. As officers approached he wanted them to “don’t walk up on me!” and squared up with them while balling up his fists. Unimpressed with his chances at winning a fight, offices took Messick into custody against his will, while he kicked, screamed, pulled away from, and threatened violence toward, officers. Once in the patrol car, he had to be hobbled as he kept attempting to know out the windows of the unit. Messick is charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. Messick is free on a $2,000 bond.

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Teen charged in assault of boyfriend & Opry Mills Nike Store Theft — Tyniya Givans

18-year-old Tynia Givans was booked into the Metro Nashville jail this week, charged with the domestic assault of her intimate partner, and father of her child, James Coleman. Police interviewed multiple witnesses, including Shemeka Eddie, Walter Welch, and Anniqua Steele. In the end, it was determined that the couple was in an argument on 14th Ave N inside a car. James eventually exited the vehicle, and his mother, Shemeka, agreed to drive Tynia home. As he exited the car, Tynia is accused of grabbing his hair while yelling at him, and attempting to assault him, however, his mother came between them and intervened.

At the time of her arrest, Givans was also booked on an outstanding citation for theft, from a November 2021 incident in which she was found to be fleeing the Opry Mills Nike store with $902 worth of merchandise she had just boosted. She made it to the parking lot and hid behind a car before being issued a theft citation at the time, for which she never self-booked on. She was given a $500 bond on each charge and posted bail the following day.

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