Lovers Gone Wild: Saniya Robinson & Lavelldo Washington both F’d around and found out.

19-year-old Saniya Robinson says she was with her 20-year-old boyfriend, Lavelldo Washington, on February 4 when she noticed he had called his ex-girlfriend while they were in a vehicle together. An argument ensued Saniya shoved Lavelldo, and in return, he threw a phone at her head, leaving her with a large knot in the center of her forehead. She says Lavello also punched her in the face. After the scuffle, Saniya admits she went into Lavelldo’s house and destroyed his $500 cologne, Apple 7 watch, and a pair of Airpod Pros.

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Rayshon Boyington charged with felony after boyfriend interrupts TV date night talking to dog

Landon Tedora says he was watching TV with his boyfriend, 27-year-old Rayshon Boyington, when his dog began making noise, and he was talking to and interacting with the pup, which upset Rayshon, who was attempting to watch the television. Ray reportedly yelled at Landon to get out of the house and pushed and hit him, eventually retrieving and displaying a box cutter in a threatening manner. The box cutter was turned into evidence. Rayson admitted to pulling a box cutter but states he never “used it” on him.

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Police charge Purdue College student Ian Rant with DUI in Nashville hotel parking lot

Metro Police responded to the Millenium Maxwell House Hotel Sunday afternoon when it was reported that two individuals were passed out in a vehicle in the parking lot. Behind the wheel of the Volkswagen was 19-year-old Ian Rant, who says he came down to Nashville from Purdue University for the weekend. He had checked out of the hotel but stated he was sleeping in the car because he was too impaired to drive. Rant stated he drank ten shots of vodka and ate some marijuana edibles around 10 p.m. the night before. Police found a marijuana pen on his person, a bottle of vodka in a backpack, along with packages of marijuana edibles. He is charged with DUI and is free on pre-trial release. Metro Nashville Police confirmed Monday that neither Rant, 19, nor anyone else, was cited or charged for any of the other items, edibles, marijuana, open vodka, or other paraphernalia in the vehicle.

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DUI: Ryan Taugher claims he’s just waiting on his Chipolte, police say he’s too drunk to drive

28-year-old Ryan Taugher was driving a blue Mercedes in North Nashville Friday and parked at the Chipotle on Rosa L. Parks Blvd when police encountered the vehicle, parked partially in the striped handicapped area. Officers approached the car and Taugher stated he was waiting for his order. He admitted to drinking “3 or 4 mimosas” earlier, and police say he reeked of alcohol. He refused all testing and was transported to booking, charged with DUI.

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