14 Xanax Bars: Desiree Ivey charged with felony possession with intent after drug transaction

18-year-old Desiree Ivey is free on pre-trial release after Metro Nashville Police stopped a vehicle she was in with Austin Watts, which was observed by undercover detectives at it was involved in a drug transaction at a West Nashville Thornton’s. Though Austin claimed his one-ounce baggie of marijuana from the vehicle, a search of the Tahoe revealed 14 Xanax bars in a blue purse located in Ivey’s seat, along with $140 in cash. She claimed the purse and drugs belonged to her Aunt.

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Connor Cunningham pumps gas while friend overdoses, found with Xanax & heroin

19-year-old Connor Cunningham was at the gas pump at a Murfreesboro Pike gas station when an officer observed his front seat passenger appear to be overdosing with their head tilted back and eyes rolling backward. Concerned for their well-being, the officer attempted to initiate a traffic stop; however, Cunningham exited the parking lot, drove on the street, and pulled back into the parking lot while going very slow and attempting to wake the overdosing passenger while exchanging an item hand to hand. As medical arrived to assist, the passenger admitted they were both under the influence of several Xanax bars at the time. A vehicle search revealed 12 grams of a crystal substance in three baggies, believed to be methamphetamine, and a clear baggy with 2 grams of a tan substance believed to be heroin.

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