Florida Man causes scene at Whiskey Bent Saloon after losing wallet — Justin Cook arrested

38-year-old Justin Cook, of Florida, says he lost his wallet at Whiskey Bent Saloon in downtown Nashville. During his search for it, he reportedly was pushing and shoving patrons, and when security intervened he resisted and fought with them, causing them to strike him in the face. Police were called, he continued to be belligerent and causing a scene, so he was taken into custody, charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Whiskey Bent Patron to Nashville’s finest: “You’re going to lose your job, you F***ing N*****”

26-year-old Hunter Bridges was kicked out of Whiskey Bent on Broadway in downtown Nashville late Friday night and was so combative with security that MNPD officers became involved. The Indiana man resisted all efforts at calming down and eventually kicked at Officer Nicholas Pernell while being hobble restrained. While completing the arrest report, Bridges began making racial slurs at Pernell and spitting in his patrol car. Pernell, one of Nashville’s literal finest, a model turned policeman, handled the situation professionally and drove the man to jail while his hands and feet were shackled in the back of his patrol car.

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