Employees charged with stealing tires from Dunlap & Kyle Tire— Bryan Hagenbuch & Zachary Orr

24-year-old Bryan Hagenbuch & 30-year-old Zachary Orr are both charged in a plot to steal from their employer, Dunlap & Kyle Tire Company. Management became aware of the thefts of approximately 100 tires when they noticed the pair were loading tires into their personal vehicles to take them to resell, after removing them from the company’s inventory system. Management was able to obtain an audio recording of Orr confessing to stealing tires for “approximately two months”. While the investigation is ongoing, the current estimated loss is at least $5,000. A third person is mentioned in the investigation but had not been charged at the time of publication.

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DUI: Jessica Bruton says she “failed at being the designated driver” after “too many shots” at Jazzy Sensation

24-year-old Jessica Bruton said she was supposed to be the designated driver on NYE, however, she told police she “failed” that job after “taking too many shots”. She crashed her car just before 7 a.m., stating she had recently left Jazzy/Sensation and had driven her friends home.

Bruton admitted to smoking marijuana and taking multiple shots of tequila. She said that earlier she was a 10/10 on the intoxication scale. She was charged with DUI and transported to booking.

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Madison Kroger Employees arrested after cashback fraud scheme — Zakkyah Boleyjack & Diane Colt

18-year-old Zakkyah Boleyjack & 37-year-old Diane Colt were both recently booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after having embezzled over $3,400 from a Madison Kroger. The pair initially worked together, where one would log in and create a cashback slip while the other would log in and pull the money. AFter Boleyjack was no longer employed, Colt continued the thefts on her own. In total, Boleyjack pocketed $1,080, while Colt took home $2,380 in cash. Both are charged with felony theft and are free on pre-trial release.

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