“My internal voice told me not to smoke today” says woman charged with marijuana DUI — Karina Garcia Betancourt

When stopped by police, 21-year-old Karin Garcia Betancourt told officers her internal voice told her not to smoke marijuana today, but she says she did it anyway because it helps with her anxiety and to be more outgoing in her job as a waitress at a local Mexican restaurant. She was initially pulled over Thursday afternoon for going 79 in a 55 mph zone, but officers quickly determined she was under the influence of marijuana while driving. She gave officers the remaining roaches and blunts she had in the vehicle and was charged with DUI, drug possession, and driving without a license. The MNPD Officer noted she was “cooperative and friendly during the interaction” and she thoroughly explained how she was in the “process of cutting back from daily marijuana usage to weekly usage, with the eventual goal of no marijuana usage”. She is free on pre-trial release.

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EXCLUSIVE: Audio of “Weed Hero’s” speech – Judge says TN marijuana laws probably unfair, looks forward to legalization

We now have the exclusive audio from inside the Wilson County, Tennessee, courtroom of Judge Haywood Barry. During a January 27th arraignment, Spencer Boston smoked a joint in open court while pleading his case, and the judge agreed that Tennesee’s marijuana laws are ‘probably unfair’, and will be the ‘happiest man in the world’ if the laws are changed.

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