John Dibelka charged in brutal strangulation of girlfriend

Accused of cheating, police say John Dibelka,33, brutally beat his girlfriend, strangling her until she lost consciousness and soiled herself, at which point he laughed at her and strangled her harder. She eventually hit him with a bottle of liquor to secure her escape. He is free on a $50,000 bond.

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Nurse Assaults Pregnant Girlfriend, reports says he punched, poured hot coffee on, spit on, and choked her.

A local nurse (RN) was arrested for allegedly assaulting his pregnant girlfriend at least twice, including alleged incidents of spitting in her face, punching her in the face, soaking her with a thermos of hot coffee, putting his elbow in her eye socket, and choking her.

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Man opens fire on Antioch business after being terminated

When he left the parking lot on Friday at a high rate of speed, he took out his gun and began to fire several rounds at the business that fired him, barely missing a person

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