Petty Vanderbilt Police charge George Woods with marijuana possession in parking lot

Sgt Orlando Dixson of the Vanderbilt University Police Department charged 22-year-old George Woods IV with marijuana possession on January 20. Dixson says he approached an illegally parked vehicle in a Vanderbilt University parking lot and noticed the seats were laid all the way back. Two small bags of marijuana were in plain view, and the driver, Woods, admitted it was his marijuana for personal use. Woods was booked on the citation this week.

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Christopher Gainous jumps fence into Vanderbilt Stadium, attempts to headbutt Vandy fans

35-year-old Christopher Kyle Gainous was escorted out of Vanderbilt Stadium Saturday night after police say he jumped the fence and didn’t have a ticket to the game. He was told to leave the property and not return while he was screaming and yelling at Vanderbilt fans. After being escorted out, he re-entered the stadium and was part of a group that was attempting to run across the football field at approximately 8:30 p.m. As he was placed into cuffs, he continued to be disorderly and attempted to headbutt another Vanderbilt fan. Officers say he “reeked of alcohol” during their interaction.

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