Maya Tolliver drove to Vanderbilt, parked on sidewalk, picked her own hospital room to rest in

Police say 32-year-old Maya Tolliver drove to Vanderbilt Hospital and parked her car on the sidewalk outside of the hospital. She then walked inside, took an elevator to the 5th floor, where she located a vacant patient room, and made herself at home. Nurses located Tolliver and contacted police. Officers say she reeked of alcohol and marijuana and was unaware of her current surroundings. She was verbally aggressive in response to questions. An officer asked if she would like to seek medical treatment via the ED since she was already at Vanderbilt, to which she replied: “you can go seek help!” She was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Patient charged with assault of nurse at Vanderbilt Hospital — Harold Henry

57-year-old Harold Henry was a patient in the critical care tower of Vanderbilt Univerity Medical Center earlier this month when he began yelling and screaming at nurse Alicia Bonner to get out of his room when she entered during shift change. He would later tell police he felt as if the nursing staff was “ganging up on him”. Bonner attempted to de-escalate the situation when Henry stated “Do you want some of this?” and spit in a cup of water and threw it at her, soaking her hair, shirt, and face. He then jumped at her as if he were going to strike her.

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$750,000: reported Vanderbilt settlement with family of patient killed by RaDonda Vaught

Former Vanderbilt nurse RaDonda Vaught is scheduled to be sentenced this Friday after being found guilty of criminally negligent homicide in the 2017 death of 75-year-old patient Charlene Murphey. Vaught administered the wrong drug to Murphey, bypassing multiple safeguards before injecting her with the same drug used in some lethal injections. Long before that guilty verdict, Vanderbilt Medical Center quietly settled with Murphey’s family for the loss of her life. The family reportedly received a $750,000 settlement from Vanderbilt University Medical Center — a number that was confidential until now.

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Nashville Beauty Influencer arrested after crash injures her passenger — Zulangel Pacheco @zdcpn

24-year-old Zulangel Pacheo, who has about 100K fans across social media platforms, was driving one of the vehicles involved in a crash on Saturday. Two people had to be transported to Vanderbilt with serious injuries. A person from the other vehicle had a broken femur, and the passenger in Pacheo’s vehicle suffered life-threatening injuries. Pacheo was found to have no insurance and no license to drive, resulting in her mandatory arrest under state law, since injuries occurred. She was transported to the Metro Nashville Jail, and charged with driving without a license and without insurance. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Patient charged after spitting on Vanderbilt Nurse; throwing coffee — Jimmy White Jr.

20-year-old Jimmy White, Jr. is charged with assault after he was being restrained and spit on a Registered Nurse in charge of his care at Vanderbilt Hospital. Earlier in the day he also threw a cup of coffee at the nurse. Bond was set at $250.

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