Vanderbilt Student Matthew Liendo jailed with drugs after disorderly conduct at women’s dorm

19-year-old Matthew Liendo was jailed after causing a disturbance in Lewis Hall at Vanderbilt University just after 2 a.m. Monday. Officers say he was asked to leave the building as he loudly and repeatedly knocked on the third floor door of a female student. He was instructed to leave the building and refused, stating, “or what?” He then continued, “I will not leave the building or stop knocking and shouting unless I am arrested!” He was ultimately granted his wish and taken into custody. A search of his person incident to arrest revealed a gold Spiderman grinder and 0.7 grams of marijuana.

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Petty Vanderbilt Police charge George Woods with marijuana possession in parking lot

Sgt Orlando Dixson of the Vanderbilt University Police Department charged 22-year-old George Woods IV with marijuana possession on January 20. Dixson says he approached an illegally parked vehicle in a Vanderbilt University parking lot and noticed the seats were laid all the way back. Two small bags of marijuana were in plain view, and the driver, Woods, admitted it was his marijuana for personal use. Woods was booked on the citation this week.

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British tourist Elliot Williams punches man on Broadway & his wife in hotel room

27-year-old British tourist Elliot Williams faces charges from two separate incidents this week in downtown Nashville. On Tuesday, he and a friend, Patrick Doran, were harassing multiple vendors on Broadway. Williams punched Conor Patrick Wall in the face, causing him to fall and hit his head. The victim was transported to Vanderbilt, where the attending physician said he may have sustained a brain injury. Williams fled the scene back to his room at the DoubleTree Hotel, where police were called a short time later after he reportedly assaulted his wife, Jenny Moore. She states the two were in an argument, and when she tried to leave the hotel room, he blocked the doorway and struck her in the face. She had a busted lip and was bleeding from the assault, along with a small pool of blood on the bed. During this interaction, police recognized Williams from the earlier incident on Broadway, and he was taken into custody for both incidents.

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Dominic Lambert arrested 3 times in 2 days after stalking woman who turned him down

32-year-old Dominic Eugene Lambert has now been arrested three times within 48 hours. We first covered him earlier this week when he continued to call, text, and harass Morgan Heath-Powers, who has an active order of protection against Lambert. The order of protection was granted after hundreds of calls, texts, and emails when he expressed a romantic interest in her, and she advised him she did not feel the same way.

After he posted a $2,000 bond on the initial arrest, he emailed her several more times, one of which talked about his new arrest and jail experience, “Thanks for that! I made new friends, had a new experience, got free food, and entertainment… it was pretty nice! I still adore you just as I have since I first met you and told Rohan I thought I might marry you.” He was then taken into custody for once again violating the order of protection and released on a new $3,500 bond.

While he was jailed this second time for violating the no-contact order, he used the recorded jail phone to call her five more times. Once that report was processed, a new warrant was issued for his arrest, charging him with aggravated stalking. He was arrested for the 3rd time late Wednesday afternoon on the felony charge and released on a new $10,000 bond.

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DUI: Nicole Noe says she was “traveling, not driving,” so she can’t be charged #Jailed

51-year-old Nicole Noe crashed her Saturn SUV into a utility pole on Charlotte Ave late Sunday night but reassured responding officers that her suspended license wasn’t relevant, as she wasn’t “driving,” she was “traveling.” She repeatedly told officers, “I’m a nurse at Vanderbilt,” as she adamantly refused all medical treatment, stating she would know if she needed medical attention. She admitted to drinking alcohol earlier in the day, and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. She was taken into custody and charged with DUI. Records show that Noe received her CNA license with the state in 2003, which expired in April 2022.

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James ‘Chip’ Selewski charged with DUI after 6 bourbon-based drinks with dinner

41-year-old James ‘Chip’ Selewski self-booked for a citation this week, charging him with a DUI from late July. Police say he was driving home from Mother’s Ruin just after 9 p.m. after having “5 to 6 bourbon-based drinks” with dinner. He proceeded to roll his vehicle in a crash at 6th & Monroe. First responders say he reeked of alcohol and was “violently vomiting” as they pulled him from the vehicle. He was transported to Vanderbilt, and due to being admitted for medical treatment, he was issued a citation in lieu of arrest.

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Derick Zhang bites Nashville Underground bouncer & spits blood in face of another bouncer — three times!

23-year-old Derick Zhang attempted to enter Nashville Underground just before 1 a.m. Sunday, along with his girlfriend, Hae Weon Lee. Due to her extreme level of intoxication, security refused entry to his girlfriend, which angered Zhang. After an initial argument, they walked away, but Zhang quickly returned to shout profanities at the bouncers and demand his girlfriend be allowed to enter. He then attempted to punch the security staff and missed on the first try. Bouncers Montgomery Allen and Ryan Jaggassar then attempted to restrain and detain him. During the tussle, Zhang bit Allen on his right calf and then spit the blood from Allen into the face of Jaggassar three times. Police arrived and took Zhang into custody.

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Nicholas Thomas-Low jailed after pulling his girlfriend’s hair — Vanderbilt Researchers Gone Wild

Vanderbilt University Police heard a loud argument coming from a vehicle parked on Pierce Avenue just before 11 p.m. on June 29th. The female in the driver’s seat, identified as Jessica Erin Biddinger, was repeatedly screaming at 36-year-old Nicholas Thomas-Low to get out of the vehicle. The couple state they have been in a dating relationship for approximately two years, on and off. As police approached the situation to check on everyone’s welfare, she stated Thomas-Low had grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it as she attempted to get him out of her vehicle. When she yelled that he hurt her, he reportedly said “good!” He was transported to booking and charged with domestic assault.

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Man charged in rape of daughter who now has STI — held on ICE Detainer — Ronaldo Saul Monteroso Gonzalez

25-year-old Ronaldo Saul Monteroso Gonzalez is jailed on a $250,000 bond, charged with the aggravated rape of a child. The juvenile victim, who is his daughter, was transported to Vanderbilt Pediatrics for a possible sexual assault. The child disclosed that “she doesn’t want daddy to touch her anymore because it hurts.” The forensic exam and results occurred on February 27th, and the child tested positive for an STI; however, police say they could not locate Gonzalez until May 11th. His wife states he’s had contact with their children in the time in between, and they were with him as recently as “a few days ago.”

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$750,000: reported Vanderbilt settlement with family of patient killed by RaDonda Vaught

Former Vanderbilt nurse RaDonda Vaught is scheduled to be sentenced this Friday after being found guilty of criminally negligent homicide in the 2017 death of 75-year-old patient Charlene Murphey. Vaught administered the wrong drug to Murphey, bypassing multiple safeguards before injecting her with the same drug used in some lethal injections. Long before that guilty verdict, Vanderbilt Medical Center quietly settled with Murphey’s family for the loss of her life. The family reportedly received a $750,000 settlement from Vanderbilt University Medical Center — a number that was confidential until now.

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Gopathy Purushothaman knocks ex-wife down at door, steps over her to get inside her home

52-year-old Gopathy Purushothaman is charged with the domestic assault of his ex-wife, Shrimalini Jayaramaraja. A custody arrangement states Purushothaman isn’t allowed inside his ex-wife’s home during the change of their 14-year-old son, who has Autism and must wait outside in the car for the child to be brought outside. Last week, Gopathy reportedly came knocking on the front door, then pushed the door open, knocking the victim to the ground, and stepping over her as she fell onto the floor. Police documented bruising on the victim and took out a warrant for his arrest.

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Dallas Gonzales charged in domestic assault of fiancée in Nashville

33-year-old Dallas Gonzales is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury after his fiancée, Kendra Hampton, called Metro Nashville Police to their home this week. She says Gonzales began yelling in her face, asking if she was OK, then grabbed her shoulders placing her in fear of being assaulted. She was able to break away and run upstairs, but he grabbed onto her, causing an injury to her hand. Gonzales was transported to booking and is free on a $2,000 bond.

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Clarksville Financial Advisor Robert Kennedy charged in $10,000 cash theft from his lover

52-year-old Clarksville Financial Advisor Robert Kennedy was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail just before daylight Tuesday, charged with felony theft. Court records allege he stole $10,000 in cash from his ex-girlfriend, Heidi Blessing, which she had recently withdrawn from the bank for an upcoming surgery. The lovers had been celebrating Robert’s birthday at her apartment and were reportedly intoxicated when they got into an argument. She placed the cash inside a gold makeup bag that night and says he absconded with the cash the next morning. Police say security cameras show no one else entering or exiting the residence during the time the cash disappeared. Robert Kennedy is the son of Reber and Opal Kennedy, of Clarksville.

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Nurse charged with 3rd DUI since 2021 after watching Titans game — Christopher Blake Burch arrested

Metro Police say 25-year-old Registered Nurse Christopher Blake Burch is now facing his 3rd DUI charge since 2021. Court records show he had left a Nashville bar after watching the Titans game Saturday, and just after 5:30 p.m. he reportedly nearly ran into another vehicle that was flagging down an officer who was passing by and pointing frantically at Burch’s vehicle, which was also speeding.

He would eventually blow a 0.177% BAC. Burch is free on a $3,000 bond.

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Man says he intentionally rammed vehicle into tree after drinking White Claw — Anthony Castiglia

25-year-old Anthony Castiglia was booked on a citation for DUI this week stemming from a December crash that sent him to the hospital. Court records show Castiglia told officers he intentionally rammed his vehicle into a tree on Ellison Place.
Officers found several consumed cans of White Claw in both the front and back seats of the vehicle. He was transported to Vanderbilt and admitted due to internal injuries.

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Man asks wife to “eat the bullet” so he doesn’t have to “scatter her brains” — Wes Migletz arrested

50-year-old Wesley Migletz is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury after police responded to his wife, Winny, who was hiding in a nearby parking garage. She explained her husband was threatening to carry out a murder/suicide. The wife played a recording on which Wes can be heard saying “you are a parasite, if you had any decency you would eat the bullet and not make me scatter your brains” before punching her, and her crying out in pain.

Officers documented the victim’s injuries and located Wes Migletz walking his dog nearby, and took him into custody. He is free on a $2,500 cash bond.

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Man says he used cocaine & opioids prior to crash — Mitchell Baxter

32-year-old Michell Baxter told paramedics he used cocaine and opioids prior to a crash on December 23rd. Baxter was initially found unresponsive in the driver’s seat of his crashed truck, unresponsive with fixed pinpoint pupils and a slight pulse. Narcan was administered and he eventually became responsive as he was being transferred onto the gurney. He stated he remembered nothing about the wreck, and refused to answer any questions after being read his rights. Baxter was charged with DUI 2nd and violation of the implied consent law. Baxter also received a citation charging him with DUI 2nd in October, for which he has not yet been to court. He remains jailed in lieu of a $2,500 bond.

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Tourist assaults hotel staff, says if released he’ll go fight someone else — Jamie Highland arrested #VisitMusicCity

43-year-old Jamie Highland, of Savannah, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after assaulting an employee of the Vanderbilt Holiday Inn and took a swing at another. He told officers if they let him go, he’d just go fight someone else. Highland is charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct, and is free on a $250 cash bond.

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Vandy Nurse breaks husband’s nose after he admits to cheating, lies to police in attempt to flee

35-year-old Vanderbilt nurse Ashley Meagan Stack is accused of breaking her husband, Larry Benjamin Stack’s, nose after finding out he was cheating with Monique Pearson. He called police, and after they arrived she casually walked past them, telling them she was someone else, in an attempt to flee the scene without being arrested.

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Man says he smoked ‘one blunt’ before crashing car with child inside & impaling another passenger

27-year-old Brandon Duncan faces a multitude of charges after police say that during an interview from the trauma unit at Vanderbilt Hospital, he admitted to smoking “one blunt” several hours before crashing his vehicle near Bellevue, which injured his 2-year-old child on July 2nd, and caused another passenger to be impaled by a stick.

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Descendant of Nashville’s Co-Founder found alone and drunk downtown, stumbling through traffic: Lucius E. Burch V

21-year-old Lucius Burch was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Saturday morning after police found him stumbling and falling over while wandering into traffic downtown. Burch comes from a long line of movers, shakers, and lawmakers in Nashville & Tennessee. His family includes the four well-known Lucius E. Burch’s before him, Nashville co-founder John Donelson, and President Andrew Jackson.

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Father admits to raping 14-year-old daughter, texts her: “will you please keep this between us?”

A family traveled from Alabama to Nashville so a young daughter could undergo brain surgery at Vanderbilt Friday. Today, the father, 32-year-old Travis Wade McGraw, is jailed in lieu of a $275,000 bond after admitting to raping his other daughter in the hotel room where the family was staying, while her grandfather slept in the other bed just feet away. While she hid in the bathroom and Snapchat messaged a friend in Alabama, who called 911 for her, he threatened to shoot her if she didn’t open the door. Police recovered texts where he asked her to “keep this between us”, a handgun, and her clothing with his fluids on them.

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