James Blake Milliken vandalizes his girlfriend’s car when confronted about his drinking

Olivia Corneto says she drove her boyfriend, 23-year-old James Blake Milliken, to his Bellevue apartment from a bar downtown on August 1st, just before 2 a.m. She confronted him about his frequent volume of alcohol consumption, and the two argued. She had enough and began to leave his residence when he followed her and tried to get back inside her vehicle. She says he kicked and punched the doors while yelling and cursing at her. Three doors on the vehicle sustained damage, including dents. Officers documented smears and footprints all over the vehicle and viewed a video of a portion of the incident as Milliken fled when he realized he was being recorded. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked on the felony vandalism charge this week.

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Taliyah Wallace attempts to run over her baby daddy with car, smashes his mother’s car instead

18-year-old Taliyah Wallace was booked Tuesday on two outstanding felony warrants charging her with aggravated assault and vandalism. The warrants allege she was upset with the father of her child, Travontez Turner, because another female had talked to him. She was parked on the street behind the vehicle of his mother, Tarhonda Turner, and Travontez was standing between the two vehicles as they talked. She grew more upset and suddenly floored the gas pedal of her vehicle in an attempt to strike him; however, he was able to jump out of the way as he heard the engine. She drove into his mother’s car, up into the yard, and then fled the scene, with her one-year-old child in the vehicle with her the entire time.

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