Madalyn Rogers charged in assault of friend & breaking a police car

Metro Nashville Police responded to a domestic disturbance call to find 23-year-old Madalyn Paige Rodgersactively attempting to break through a bedroom door. Behind the door was her friend and former roommate, Kerri Lyn Myers. Police believe she was intent on further assaulting Myers were she to break through the door. As officers attempted to restrain and detain Rogers, she pulled away with her arms flailing and dropped her body weight to the ground, refusing to be cuffed. Eventually, she was taken into custody and placed into a patrol car for transport, where she kicked and banged on the window until she displaced it.

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Taneka Hayden charged after stabbing boyfriend in back at Dickerson Pike Sonic

31-year-old Taneka Hayden remains jailed on a $51,000 bond after police say she stabbed her boyfriend, Jacob Reimann, in the back with a green kitchen knife at the Sonic on Dickerson Pike, which officers eventually retrieved from her bra and it was blood-covered. The victim says the couple has been dating for approximately four years, and while they were at Sonic, a car drove by and someone inside it “cat called her using a racial slur.” She believed her boyfriend was taking up for the person in the vehicle and began to assault Reimann with punches to the face and then almost immediately stabbed him in the back, as confirmed by witnesses at the location. During an interview, Hayden claimed the stabbing was in self-defense, claiming he had punched her first, but witness accounts disputed this version of events.

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Ramona Lavender: racial slurs, spit, & urine — oh, what a night! #Arrested

Police say 26-year-old Ramona Lavender and her sister were coming home from a bar when they were involved in a crash in Antioch Friday night. She was yelling and screaming at her sibling when police arrived and then turned her outrage toward officers as they asked questions related to the investigation. She then threatened to shoot the other involved driver, Justin Mathias, and shoot up his house. Once in the rear of a patrol car, she screamed racial slurs at officers, covered the car in her spit, and tried to kick out the windows. Once at booking, she spits on several officers, one of them directly in the face, then stated she had to use the restroom, at which point she pulled her pants down and urinated across the seats in the booking area.

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