Andrei Gavaz pulls it out and touches it at Kid Rock’s Bar on Valentine’s Day

Police say 24-year-old Andrei Gavaz unzipped his pants and whipped out his most prized possession at Kid Rock’s Bar on Valentine’s Day. He then thoroughly touched himself and then, using that same hand, smacked the face of a bouncer who had escorted him out of the venue due to his level of intoxication. He was attempting to re-enter the bar when the assault occurred. The bouncer, Shay Thomas, fell to the ground and suffered cuts to both elbows and his knuckle while attempting to detain Gavaz.

Police arrived to find Gavaz cuffed, and as they were placing him in the rear of a patrol car, he had to be hobble-restrained as he attempted to kick Officer Hill in the face, but no contact was made. He was still charged with assault of an officer, as Officer Hill stated he “felt as if he was about to be assaulted.” He then began to spit all over the rear of the patrol vehicle, resulting in an additional vandalism charge.

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Lovers Gone Wild: Saniya Robinson & Lavelldo Washington both F’d around and found out.

19-year-old Saniya Robinson says she was with her 20-year-old boyfriend, Lavelldo Washington, on February 4 when she noticed he had called his ex-girlfriend while they were in a vehicle together. An argument ensued Saniya shoved Lavelldo, and in return, he threw a phone at her head, leaving her with a large knot in the center of her forehead. She says Lavello also punched her in the face. After the scuffle, Saniya admits she went into Lavelldo’s house and destroyed his $500 cologne, Apple 7 watch, and a pair of Airpod Pros.

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Kayla Johnson-Walker scratches ‘FUCKU’ into ex-boyfriend’s car, slashes his tires

20-year-old Kayla Johnson-Walker and Milton Brown ended their romantic relationship in late January after dating for about six months. Kayla reportedly continued to call Milton, and he ignored the attempts at communication. On January 30, Kayla suddenly appeared at his residence, and an argument ensued. Kayla left but returned a short time later. Milton looked out his window to see her scratching the word “FUCKU’ into the roof of his vehicle. As he went outside, he realized she had also slashed his two rear tires. Kayla called Smyrna PD to confess she had just “keyed her boyfriend’s car” and the call was matched to this open incident.

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Model Malik Perry breaks boyfriend’s mirror, pours juice on kitchen floor during argument

21-year-old Malik Perry and his boyfriend, LaQuest Ware, were in a heated argument at 9 a.m. on January 31. Malik reportedly pushed Ware, tore up their shared apartment, and poured juice all over the kitchen floor, which was observed by responding officers. A mirror belonging to Ware was also destroyed by Malik in a fit of rage. Malik admitted the mirror solely belonged to his boyfriend and that he destroyed it. Perry was taken into custody and charged with domestic-related vandalism. At the time of his arrest, Perry was also served an outstanding warrant from 2020 for driving without a license.

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Courtney Emery kicks in ex-boyfriend’s door, lays in his bed; assaults him; gunshot fired

30-year-old Courtney Emery kicked in the front door at the home of her ex-boyfriend, Ethan Opelt, just before 5 a.m. on January 25 and walked upstairs and lay in his bed while he was sleeping. He woke up and immediately told her to leave the residence and noticed she was extremely intoxicated. She then became aggressive and began to assault him. He felt in danger and armed himself with a nearby handgun, and they moved downstairs nearer to the door. Once in the living room, she began to assault him a second time, and the firearm was accidentally discharged during the struggle, firing into the ground. Officers noted multiple injuries on the victim, Emery’s shoe prints on the front door, a damaged door frame, and the destruction of the television and coffee table. A Neighbor, Larry Craig, also reported the gunshot to police.

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Keion Smith charged with dragging his girlfriend by the hair, tearing out braids

Police say 24-year-old Keion Smith grabbed the mother of his child, Raven Scuggs, by her hair across the room and pulled out one of her braids. He then began to strike her in the head until she was bloody, according to an arrest warrant. The victim says Keion came home on January 26, heavily intoxicated, and requested the keys to her vehicle. He claimed to have found cigarettes in the vehicle, which he believed meant she was cheating on him. That’s when he re-entered their bedroom and began the assault. Their juvenile child witnessed the assault.

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Latasha Petty assaulted her son while he was on Facetime with his girlfriend, who called 911

Dinerio Morton was on Facetime with his girlfriend on January 20th when his mother, 44-year-old Latasha Petty, reportedly pulled his hair, threatened him, grabbed him by the collar, and threw his phone to the ground causing damage to it. The girlfriend witnessed the assault in real-time via Facetime and called the police. Officers arrived and spoke with Dinerios’s older brother, Demetrius, who confirmed their mom was the primary aggressor. Police have multiple prior calls to the address where Petty was also the aggressor. Video of the assault was saved.

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Parker Jones spits in officer’s mouth, kicks another in testicles after fighting parents

Police say 18-year-old Richard Parker Jones (AKA rparkeyjones from the forklift video) was in an argument with his parents, upset they would not co-sign a car loan for him. Officers responded to the Whitworth Way home of Donald Bradly Jones and Beth Higgins Jones on the afternoon of January 16 after the teenager had punched his father in the face and head before placing him in a choke-hold in a fit of rage. The mother’s 911 call states her son was attempting to strangle his father, then pushed his mother. The parents eventually restrained him, but he escaped their grasp after a short time and began to punch holes throughout the walls of the home before fleeing. Officers encountered him nearby, and as they were taking him into custody, he kicked Officer Blake Langford in the testicles, spit into Officer Jared Dick’s mouth, and spit on Sgt. Ky Luu. Jones was restrained and contained, and transported to booking. At the time of his arrest, Jones had an outstanding warrant charging him with the theft of two cases of White Claws from a Nashville Mapco store.

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Mille Baker kicks hole through ex-boyfriend’s window to scream at him through it

24-year-old Millennium “Millie” Baker reportedly arrived at the Antioch home of her ex-boyfriend, Kedron Harper, in June and banged on his door until he told her to leave the property as he was not wanting to have an argument with her as he was spending time with his new girlfriend. At 5:45 a.m. the next morning, she returned to the home and kicked through the front window of the residence, and began to talk through the hole in the window. After she said her peace, she went to the parking lot and stole the license plates from the vehicles of her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend and slashed the tires of both vehicles.

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Dustyn Odiaga booked on outstanding warrants from Nashville and Idaho

23-year-old Dustyn Odiaga was jailed on multiple outstanding warrants this week when officers encountered him during a domestic call in Antioch. Officers ran his name and realized he had an outstanding warrant in Nashville for the domestic assault of his mother from September, and a felony warrant from Boise, Idaho, will full extradition. As he was being taken into custody, Dustyn attempted to flee and was taken to the ground by officers. He continued to resist, yell, scream, and clasp his hands together under his body. He was eventually transported to booking.

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Troy Smith leaves wet spot on his lover after assault in Nashville hotel

James Shardale Taylor says his lover, 23-year-old Troy Smith, tossed a duffle bag containing his cell phone off of the 5th-floor balcony of their West End hotel late Saturday evening. The two had been arguing as Troy wanted to visit a shopping mall, and James did not want to go. Troy reportedly became “erratic,” causing James to record the interaction. When James said he wanted to level the hotel room, he says Troy told him he would have to fight him to leave the room. He then reportedly snatched the phone away from James and attacked him, strangling him and leaving him with visible injuries to his neck. Troy also poured a beer onto James, leaving him with a wet spot on his shirt. Police arrived and took Troy into custody. The cell phone was retrieved and was damaged as a result of the fall.

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Victoria Anderson tosses drink in woman’s face, sends her to surgery after attack at Sonny’s Bar

Abigail Wate Ayala says she was at Sonny’s Bar on December 12th with her ex-boyfriend when 27-year-old Victoria ‘Toria’ Marie Anderson suddenly appeared at the bar and tossed a drink onto her before exiting the building. As Abigail and her ex were leaving the bar an hour later, Toria Anderson was still outside waiting for them. Toria shoved Abigail from behind, causing her to sustain serious injuries, including a torn UCL and fractures to her elbow, requiring surgery. Toria also took Abigail’s cell phone from her and deleted the video that she had recorded of the altercation, then smashed the phone onto the ground. Officers obtained security footage of the attacks and took out warrants for Anderson, including one for felony aggravated assault, and she was taken into custody this week.

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Anthony Giglio stabs his girlfriend’s tire when she tries to leave him

Police say 42-year-old Anthony Giglio threw the phone of his girlfriend, Petra Bouije, against a wall and used a kitchen knife to stab the tire of her vehicle Tuesday afternoon. Petra says she went to her boyfriend’s home to pack up her belongings, and he began to yell at her and took the phone from her hands, and threw it against the wall. When she went to retrieve her phone, he reportedly got between her and the door and refused to let her leave the residents. She escaped out the back door of the home, and as she came around the corner, she witnessed him using a kitchen knife to stab her tire. She got into her car, locked the doors, and waited for the police to arrive.

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Cianna Wright charged in assault of juvenile sister; smashes her iPad

18-year-old Cianna Wright is charged with the domestic assault of her juvenile sister after their mother told police that Cianna was undoubtedly the primary aggressor in the family fight. The mother walked in to witness Cianna slam the victim’s iPad on the counter, causing it to shatter. As the mother attempted to calm them both, Cianna began to grab her sister’s hair and punch her. Cianna fled the home before officers arrived and was booked on the outstanding warrant this week.

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Filipe Domingo Gomez charged in brutal assault of his pregnant girlfriend’s face

A citizen heard Brenda Elena Hernandez Fuentes screaming for help on December 7th and called 911. Officers responded to find Fuentes, who is pregnant, with swollen cheeks, and her face and shirt covered in blood. She stated she and the father of her unborn child, 18-year-old Filipe Domingo Gomez, were in her vehicle when he became upset when he could not locate his phone. He reportedly began striking her in the face repeatedly and then destroyed her cell phone. Officers noted his hands were covered in dried blood.

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