Roderic Gaines Jr pulls handgun from case of orange soda at Hermitage swimming pool in robbery attempt

Metro Nashville Police say 24-year-old Roderic Gaines Jr was at a swimming pool at the Park at Hermitage apartments July 11th when someone accidentally bumped into him. He reportedly got into a verbal argument with that person and their friend, identified as Shemica Sales. The argument continued as Sales gathered her belongings to leave the pool area, at which time Gaines followed Sales to the parking lot where she was loading her things into a vehicle. Gaines then pulled a handgun from a 12-pack box of orange soda, pointed it at her, and stated: “give me everything you got!” placing her in fear. She got into the vehicle and fled the parking lot as he fired a shot into the air.

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Teen says father assaulted him over cookies — Jose Serrano, arrested

42-year-old Jose Serrano is charged with the assault of his 16-year-old son. The son called 911 to report his father grabbed him by the neck, strangling, injuring, and leaving marks on him, after his father became upset the child was eating cookies that were not his. Police documented multiple scratches and red marks on both sides of the child’s neck. The father says his son is disrespectful and has not been going to school, and he only fought back in self-defense, claiming his child tried to punch him.

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Woman charged with stealing pills, destroying home of woman who helped her with shelter during storm — Kayla Pemberton

27-year-old Kayla Pemberton was booked into the Meto Nashville Jail Tuesday on several outstanding warrants which stemmed from her stay with a South Nashville resident. Warrants allege that in February a resident allowed Pemberton and her son to temporarily stay with her for a few days due to the winter storms. When she advised them they had to leave when the storms were over, Pemberton allegedly became angry and started “destroying the apartment” by throwing things around and breaking them, including cups and an ashtray, which caused damage to the carpet.

The victim, who is in a wheelchair, says Pemberton pushed her which caused bruising to her arms, and took a bottle of approximately 50 prescription pills and food before finally leaving the apartment as requested. Officers documented the disarray of the apartment, including broken dishes on the floor. Kayla Pemberton is charged with assault, theft, and vandalism, and is free on a $3,000 bond.

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