DUI: woman blows .255 BAC after crash on her own street — Corinne Bond

43-year-old Corinne Bond is charged with #DUI after blowing over three times the legal limit on a breathalyzer test. Neighbors called 911 after she struck a parked vehicle on her own street. Despite a 0.255 BAC, she claimed to have only consumed two Bud Light Platinums prior to the crash, one of which was still open inside the crashed vehicle.

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DUI: 21-year-old blows 3 times the legal BAC limit – Jacob Goin

21-year-old Jacob Goin was charged with DUI Friday after police say drove off the shoulder of I-65 South only to hit a guardrail and cross back across the interstate to then hit the center wall before coming to rest in the left lanes of traffic. He told police had drunk “on and off” and blew a 0.242 BAC on the breathalyzer test.

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