Stephanie Hiscock refuses to leave ex-girlfriend’s house, despite order of protection

39-year-old Stephanie Hiscock was at her ex-girlfriend’s house on December 4th when deputies served her with an order of protection filed by her girlfriend, Jennifer Roehl. Officers advised her she would have to leave the property or she would be in violation of the order. She was allowed multiple opportunities to leave the property but refused to do so. She was given a final warning to leave or be arrested, and she refused. Hiscock was taken into custody and charged with violating an active order of protection.

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Police jail father of a one-year-old when they realize he’s six years older than the child’s 16-year-old mother

22-year-old Henry Juarez-Perez is now jailed on a $10,000 bond, charged with statutory rape after Metro Nashville Police discovered his prior relationship with a 16-year-old girl and sex that occurred over a year ago. Officers initially responded to a domestic disturbance call on July 3rd, when his ex-girlfriend and mother of this child called 911 to report that he was drunk and came to her apartment accusing her of “finding someone new” and hitting her multiple times. She locked herself in the bathroom, along with their one-year-old son, until officers arrived. While they did not find any marks or injuries from an assault, some quick math with everyone’s age and dates of birth resulted in a felony statutory rape charge for Perez, who is six years older than Maria, the mother of his child.

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Esther Martinez offered to carry out sex scenes from “Bridgerton” for MNPD Officer to let her go #ThisIsRealLife

After crashing her car, 32-year-old Esther Martinez explained to Officer Growneweg that she had just come from watching the show Bridgerton while drinking heavily, to celebrate graduating from rehab earlier in the day, celebrating two months of sober-living housing. She was drinking tequila, straight from the bottle, per her own account, along with prescription pills. As it was being explained she was being arrested and charged with DUI, she proceeded to make continued and progressive sexual comments, which she says came from acting out scenes from the Bridgerton show, toward the officer. She talked about showing her breasts to maybe dissuade the DUI charge, even offering sex or oral sex in the back of the patrol car in exchange for a total release from custody. She told the officer the show had made her horny like this.

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Woman traps & pepper-sprays ex-boyfriend in parking garage just 4 hours after the breakup

38-year-old Tamara Nance was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday, after police say she blocked her ex-boyfriend’s vehicle in a parking garage so he couldn’t escape and chased him through the parking garage and into the emergency department, all while showering him with pepper spray and screaming at him. This incident occurred just four hours after the couple ended their dating relationship.

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