Teen on 40mg Xanax, 8 shots of Captain Morgan, heists $750 of wine from Opryland Hotel

“I know I shouldn’t have done it, but I shouldn’t be this drunk either, and I am.” – those are the words of 18-year-old Jacob D. Waswick, who also told police “When you take 40 mg of Xanax, & 8 shots of Captain Morgan, and want some wine, you think… well, there’s no camera, I can jump a wall, and get into a cooler, and nobody will know.”

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Man shot in leg while being robbed at double gunpoint at Cayce Homes

Dylan DeMoss, 26, was charged with especially aggravated robbery after a victim suffered a broken leg due to a gunshot wound. Moss is alleged to have pulled a shotgun on the victim and fired at him, while a co-defendant pulled a handgun and shot him in the leg as he ran away

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