Alec Kolar charged with assaulting security guard while stealing liquor from downtown bar

DCSO employee Robert Runnels was working security at a downtown bar when he says he observed 24-year-old Alec Kolar from Wisconsin attempting to steal two bottles of Whiskey from the 2nd-floor bar. Kolar made it to the staircase with the bottles, where Runnels took them away from him. He attempted to stop Kolar from fleeing but was unable to detain him and says Kolar pushed him. Actual police officers were notified, and they were able to follow Kokar over the pedestrian bridge, where he was taken into custody. Kolar was reportedly intoxicated, slurring his speech, very irate, and making threats against transporting officers. Runnells signed the warrant as a private citizen prosecutor on the assault, and Metro prosecuted on the theft and public intoxication. Kolar is free on pre-trial release.

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Fashion ‘trend setter’ “Image Don” Trey Garriques caught stealing at Dillard’s at the Mall at Green Hills

Things aren’t always as they appear — 23-year-old Trey Garriques has social media pages filled with photographs of him in expensive clothing at expensive restaurants with some of the most expensive backdrops in the city, portraying a well-funded lifestyle. Dillard’s of The Mall at Green Hill would like a word. Store security detailed Garriques on August 11th after observing him conceal 2 pair of designer sunglasses under some other clothing and visit the fitting room. After exiting the fitting room, the wanna-be fashionista made a dash for the door and passed all points of sale. The items were recovered from his person and he was issued a citation for shoplifting. He was booked on the warrant this week.

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Jamie Johnson Beeman charged with shoplifting from Target

51-year-old Jamie Beeman was jailed this week on an outstanding warrant charging her with theft from a Target store in April. She reportedly entered Target and selected various items of children’s clothing and four cartridges of printer ink. She concealed all of the printer ink and only scanned a few of the clothing items at the self-checkout. The total value of the items she didn’t pay for was $241.73.

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Man given $1500 bond for eating $2 worth of donuts inside Antioch Mapco — Robert Fathera arrested

53-year-old Robert Fathera was found sitting on the floor of an Antioch Mapco just before 10 a.m. Tuesday, his lips covered in white powder. Police determined he had taken two honey bunds and a pack of white powdered donuts from the shelf and consumed them while inside the store without any way to pay for them.

He was reportedly intoxicated, and had urinated on himself. Police charged him with public intoxication ($250 bond) and theft of merchandise ($1500 bond) and transported him to jail. The value of the stolen items was determined to one $2.00 by store management.

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