Terry Waters takes off his belt and “whoops” his girlfriend during assault

20-year-old Terry Jerome Waters reportedly walked in the front door of his girlfriend’s home on Prince Avenue on December 12th while she was doing her hair. She said he immediately yelled, “Bitch, you be lying,” as he took off his belt. She asked, “What are you going to do, whoop me?” and whoop her, he did. Waters reportedly stuck her repeatedly with the belt and bit her on the arm before fleeing the scene. Officers documented injuries on the victim, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He was booked into jail on December 15th.

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Monae Ford lures ex-boyfriend outside to assault him, ransacks grandparent’s house

18-year-old Monae Ford was jailed this week on an outstanding warrant after she showed up at the home of the grandparents of her ex-boyfriend, Terry Waters, and lured him outside in May, where she hit and spit on him. She initially claimed she was pregnant when she arrived, but no one believed her, and everyone went about their day, so she then grabbed a brick and acted like she was going to damage the victim’s car, which caused him to exit the back door of the home and approach her. Ford took the opportunity to hit and spit on her ex-boyfriend and then run inside the unlocked back door and ransack a path to the front door, knocking over items along the way before fleeing again out the front door. Officers say she has an “extensive” domestic violence history, and they issued a warrant for her arrest.

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