DUI: Mom charged after being high on drugs in school pick-up line — Lindsey Pugh arrested

Metro Nashville Police found 31-year-old Lindsey Pugh high on Suboxone, and even had a fresh one in her mouth, Thursday afternoon as she was picking up her children from Mt. View Elementary School when she bumped into another vehicle in the pick-up line. She admitted to being on the drug, and that she was also on it earlier that morning when dropping one of her sons off at the school. She is free on a $2,500 bond, charged with her second DUI.

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DUI: Woman “exhausted from work” took cocaine “that might have been meth” & “a lot of weed”

27-year-old Megan Hoover is charged with DUI after she crashed at I-24 & Haywood Lane Sunday. She told officers she was exhausted from work, and had smoked “a lot of weed”, taken suboxone earlier that morning, and had done what she initially believed to be cocaine, but now believes it was methamphetamine. Before falling asleep during transport she was talking to someone who wasn’t there.

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DUI: Narcan saves life of man found slumped over wheel after crash — amphetamines, heroin, suboxone & more

22-year-old Gavin Reese Bain was revived by the use of 3 doses of Narcan after he was found slumped over the wheel of his vehicle after a crash with a hypodermic in the floorboard beneath him and a marijuana pipe in the glove compartment. He admitted to having used marijuana, amphetamines, heroin, suboxone, and Zyprexa recently.

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Police say man was emotional and “conversing with a tree” prior to arrest by petty cop

Goodlettsville Police charged 31-year-old Zackary Ryan Phillips with public intoxication after finding him “conversing with a tree” and “becoming very emotional” during said conversation. Phillips admitted to taking Suboxone earlier in the evening. Officer Herendeen then became petty, causing an $1,100 bond to become over $11,000 after he missed something during his search of the man who was unable to even remain conscious during interactions.

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Woman charged with 4th DUI: passed out behind the wheel on Suboxone, Gabapentin, Adderall, and Lithium.

48-year-old Barbara Montgomery is jailed on her 4th DUI charge, after MNPD found her passed out behind the wheel of her vehicle in a McDonald’s parking lot with her car in drive, and foot on the brake. She had taken Suboxone, Gabapentin, adderall, and Lithium.

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Heroin, Meth, Suboxone, Xanax, and Hydrocodone, oh my!

25-year-old Johnathan Dillon York and 23-year-old Barrie Denise Nash both remain in a Nashville jail Saturday, after police found the pair in a vehicle with a handgun and drugs, including Xanax, Hydrocodone, Heroin, Suboxone, and methamphetamine.

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DCSO: Inmate received greeting card with Suboxone inside so he could ‘repay his jail dept’

Staff in the mail room located a Suboxone strip inside a greeting card that was sent to inmate Crag Briley, and investigators were able to review an inmate phone call where a female told him she “sent the package he would need to repay his debt inside the jail”.

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DCSO inmate charged as Suboxone smuggling recipient

Inmate Michael Lee Adams, 28, was formally charged on Monday with receiving contraband into a penal institution, while in custody of the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office. We previously reported on the woman that smuggled the Suboxone in, Amy Lynn Cheeves, 35, who is also charged with a felony for introducing the drugs into the facility.

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