Jack McCloski takes meth & runs naked downtown to “protest drug dealers”

Metro Nashville Police observed 22-year-old Jack McCloski running naked through the parking lot of McDonald’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville in the early morning daylight hours of Saturday morning. They caught up with him behind the 7-Eleven, still naked. McCloski explained to officers he was “protesting drug dealers in the area” as the reason he was nude. He refused all medical treatment from EMS, and admitted to taking a “white powder” earlier in the morning, which he believed to be meth.

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Local man climbs atop Nashville Symphony fountain, lets it all hang out and flow — Kyle Colella arrested

24-year-old Kyle Colella is charged with indecent exposure and public intoxication after Metro Nashville Police say he climbed atop the extravagant fountain outside the Nashville Symphony in downtown Nashville, exposed himself, and began urinating into the fountain. An off-duty officer working security detained and he was transported to booking, deemed too intoxicated to care for himself. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Man charged with indecent exposure after multiple ‘pantless & perky’ incidents at QNTM Fit Life — Dave Stephenson

36-year-old Dave Andre Stephenson was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Tuesday after detectives identified him as the man that has been spotted “pantless and perky” in the downtown Nashville parking lot behind QNTM Fit Life multiple times in the past two months. He would frequently exit his blue 2015 Hyundai Elantra naked from the waist down, while carrying out inappropriate sexual behavior in front of women going to and from the gym. He was freed on pre-trial release just four hours after being booked into jail.

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