Austin Harrison charged in brutal assault of girlfriend, strangles her unconscious, drags her by hair

23-year-old Austin Harrison was jailed this week on an outstanding felony warrant charging him with aggravated assault/strangulation. Elizabeth Egan says her boyfriend, Austin, had locked her out of their shared residence, and an argument continued as he let her back inside. He reportedly punched her and knocked her onto the ground before getting on top of her and strangling her until she lost consciousness. When she came to, Egan says she was being dragged by her hair into another room. When he realized she was conscious again, he continued the assault and strangled her a second time. During a struggle, she was able to kick him in the face twice, after which he stood up, walked upstairs, and fell asleep or passed out across the bed. Officers observed multiple injuries to the victim. [WARNING: images and video in the story are graphic]

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Angel Sanchez charged in brutal New Year’s Eve assault of girlfriend

25-year-old Angel Sanchez is jailed in lieu of a $25,000 bond after police say he strangled his girlfriend, Yasmin Rivera, in an Uber and then, after they got home, reportedly headbutted her, dragged her across the floor, and strangled her again. The victim says the fight began at a bar but didn’t turn physical until they were in the rideshare vehicle on their way home. During the ride, she says he pulled her into his forehead and placed his hands around her neck until she had difficulty breathing. Once at home, she grabbed her dog for comfort, and Sanchez grabbed her and dragged her across the floor before getting on top of her and placing both hands around her neck once again. The victim says she was losing consciousness but was able to scream loud enough for a neighbor to come to her rescue. Officers documented multiple injuries to the victim.

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Randal Young charged in strangulation of girlfriend during Nashville Trip at Moxy Hotel

57-year-old Randal Scot Young is charged with the aggravated assault and strangulation of his girlfriend, Andrea Boucher, during their trip to Nashville this weekend. Metro Nashville Police responded to the Moxy Motel late Friday night and spoke with Andrea, who stated the couple had been out drinking on Broadway in the Entertainment District downtown. As they returned to their hotel room for the evening an argument began and she says Randal placed both hands around her next and strangled her for several seconds until she had difficulty breathing. She bites him during the struggle in an attempt to break free, and when officers arrived, she has bruising around her next and behind her ears, swelling and scratches on her arm, and blood in her mouth.

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Charles Harville charged in assault of juvenile on Halloween

25-year-old Charles Austin Harville was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Tuesday on outstanding warrants charging him with the Halloween assault of a juvenile victim, his girlfriend’s sister. The victim was in her room talking to a friend when she said Harville entered the room, demanding to know who she was speaking to, then took her phone and broke it. He reportedly “bucked up” to the victim before shoving her. She fell from the impact and suffered a bruise on her right shoulder and neck. A few moments later, Harville reportedly attacked her a second time while she was on the floor. Witnesses say he came up behind her and placed his arms around her neck in an attempt to strangle her. Harville fled the apartment before police could arrive, so warrants were issued for his arrest.

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Joshua Murner breaks into ex-girlfriend’s home, assaults two people, throws food from fridge

Police say 27-year-old Joshua Murner went to the River Road home of Stevie Voss, who is his ex-girlfriend, just before 5 a.m. on a Sunday in late September, just two days after she ended the relationship. A camera captured him entering at 4:45 a.m., at which time he was yelling and screaming while heavily intoxicated. Voss says he grabbed her by the neck with both hands in an attempt to strangle her, then grabbed her wrists and bicep, leaving more bruises. Elizabeth O’Brien witnessed the assault and attempted to stop him, causing Murnder to grab her by both wrists, also injuring her. In the ten minutes before Murner fled the scene, and before police arrived, Murner also punched holes in four doors and took all of the food from the refrigerator, and threw it across the home, along with shattering glass across the floor. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked into jail Monday morning.

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Gayland Thompson charged in brutal strangulation of girlfriend in Antioch

28-year-old Gayland Thompson is charged with the aggravated assault/strangulation of his girlfriend, Ashleigh Dotson. She says Gayland became upset when he observed her get a ride to his apartment in a vehicle that he did not recognize. He demanded to search her phone, and she refused. Gayland then reportedly shoved her on top of a bed and sat on top of her while using his right hand to choke her until she couldn’t breathe for several seconds, demanding her phone the entire time. She eventually kicked him off the bed momentarily until he stood back up and punched her on the legs, chest, and arms, causing significant bruising and injuries. She sought treatment at the hospital; however, MNPD was unable to send any officers, causing her to return home to call to make a report, at which time a warrant was issued for his arrest.

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Francisco Sanchez charged in strangulation of girlfriend

Mirian Suyapa says she was having an argument with her boyfriend, 36-year-old Francisco Sanchez, outside of their home, and she went back inside to end the argument and laid down on her bed. A short time later, she says Sanchez burst into the bedroom and climbed on top of her, and placed both of his hands around her neck, applying pressure until she had difficulty breathing and became light-headed. Her daughter came into the room and physically removed Francisco from her, and called 911. Officers documented bruising around the neck and chin of the victim.

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Justin Lebron charged in assault of brother & making threats about his genitals and his throat

Wilfredo Lebron, Jr. got into an argument with his brother, 39-year-old Justin Lebron, at the Love’s Truck Stop on Trinity Lane, where their father was also present. Wilfredo says Justin made accusations that Wilfredo had been sexually assaulted in prison and punched and strangled him, with injuries documented by police. A few hours later, Wilfredo was at the Family Safety Center to complete information about the earlier incident. While there, Justin played a recording of a Facetime call where Justin continued to make threats that included cutting off his genitals and shoving them down his throat and further threatened to end Wilfredo’s life via some very explicit methods. Justin was charged with harassment and aggravated assault/strangulation.

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Nick Carver Charged with strangulation of girlfriend in Antioch home

Catrina Lungcharoen says she came home from work Sunday, and after an argument with her boyfriend, 27-year-old Nicolas Carver, became physical, he demanded that she pack her things and leave, though he refused to let her take her things from inside the home. She says while she was inside the entrance of the home, Carver grabbed her neck with both of his hands and pulled her out of the doorway.

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Drunk National Guard Recruiter Taylor Stoeckman threatens to kill Nashville Police Officer — Pretrial Release

28-year-old Former Marine turned National Guard Recruiter Taylor Stoeckman was jailed late Monday night after security at Nashville Underground on Broadway in downtown Nashville had to take him to the ground and hold him there until police arrived. Stoeckman was reportedly extremely intoxicated, which resulted in him being denied entry to the venue. Despite his continued shouting and unruly behavior, and complaints of not being able to see, he refused medical treatment. Officers then attempted to call his friends to come and get him, but Stoeckman was unable to unlock his phone. Officers asked him to sit down while they attempted other methods to contact his friends, but he became even more unruly. He was then advised he was being taken into custody, at which time he assumed a fighting stance and used his body to prevent from being placed into the patrol car. He then threatened to strangle the arrested officer to death, and once at booking, he continued to resist going into the building.

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Lindsey Jett charged in drunken assault of her mother in Nashville Motel

Amy Jett told police that her 19-year-old daughter, Lindsey Jett, “does this when she gets drunk” when describing how Lindsey attacked her mother, biting her wrist and her rib cage, and then strangling her with both hands. When police arrived at the Super 8 Motel on Royal Parkway, Amy explained the two had been taking shots together at another location earlier, and once back at the hotel room, an argument escalated. Officers documented bite marks and other injuries on the mother, along with ripped clothing. Lindsey had initially fled the scene before officers arrived but was taken into custody a short time later.

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Sammie Deas charged after whipping boyfriend with phone charger; punching him in face

19-year-old Sammie Deas is charged with the domestic assault of his boyfriend, Jantoine Polk, who witnesses say he whipped with a phone charger and punched in the face. Officers arrived at the Antioch apartment Thursday, where Polk says the argument began as he was letting a friend use Sammie’s phone charger. This upset Sammie, who whipped the victim twice with the cord of the phone charger, leaving multiple injuries to his chest. Sammie then came from behind to strangle him until he was unable to breathe. He then reportedly punched Polk in the face 4-5 times as he attempted to escape the apartment.

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Man strangles boyfriend; breaks turn-signal & wiper levers from steering column of his car — Nyitrell Debardelaben

23-year-old Nyitrell Debardelaben was driving on Gallatin Pike when he got into an argument with his lover, Jordan Stone. Nyitrell, who goes by the nickname ‘Moo Moo’ on social media, stopped the car and went into a business. When he came back outside, Jordan says Nyitrell reached through the passenger-side window, grabbed his shirt, clawed at his face, and strangled him with one of his hands. As Jordan called 911, Nyitrell returned to the driver’s side of the vehicle and broke off the levers from the steering column that operated the turn signals and the windshield wipers. Police arrived and documented bruising and cuts on the victim’s neck and face.

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Man charged with felony assault after refusing to follow his girlfriend back on social media — Andrew Wright

Tiffany Lea says the argument with her on-again/off-again boyfriend of two years, 41-year-old Andrew Wright, began when he refused to follow her back on social media after the two recently reunited and he spent the night at her home. The morning after, she confronted him about why he wouldn’t follow her back, eventually demanding he deletes the photos of her from his cell phone. When he wasn’t satisfied they were also removed from the ‘deleted’ items, too, she took his phone and went to the bathroom to make the deletions herself. That’s when she found nude photos of other women in a ‘hidden’ folder on his phone.

She says he then entered the bathroom and pushed her back with his hands around he throat. She broke away, and he jumped on a conference call for work. While he was going that she demanded he leaves and told him she had viewed the ‘hidden’ images. She says he once again charged at her and strangled her against the counter, breaking part of it. She says he continued the assault throughout the house, pushing and jumping on top of her while asking “Is this what you want?”. He then tossed an ottoman at her. Officers documented the broken cabinet and multiple injuries on the victim.

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Father & Son Tourists cause CODE 5000 #OfficerDown call on Broadway — Weston & William Kandarian

24-year-old Weston Kandarian says off-duty South Carthage Police Officer, Kenneth Thomas, who was working as security for Tootsie’s on Broadway, asked his father, 55-year-old William Kandarian, to leave the venue due to being disruptive and reportedly standing on barstools. Weston interjected and punched and attacked the off-duty officer, while his father, William, placed the officer-turned-bouncer into a chokehold until he lost consciousness. Weston claims the officer is the one who placed him in a headlock first and started the physical confrontation. The victim was transported to Vanderbilt for treatment. 

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Miles Quirk free on a $15,000 bond after an absolute brutal attack on his girlfriend

31-year-old Miles Quirk faces a felony charge after police say he pushed his girlfriend, Lauren Mitchell, down a flight of stairs, and once she was at the bottom he got on top of her and banged her head against the floor while punching her in the face. He then reportedly strangled her until she passed out. Neighbors called police and officers documented multiple injuries on the victim, including a large forehead contusion, lacerations to her nose, ligature marks on her neck, swelling and bruising on her face and eyes, and a puncture mark on her left chest.

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Juan Moreno to wife: “You’re going to know what it’s like to get beat”

Juliana Leos says her husband, 36-year-old Juan Moreno, punched her in the face and then held her down to a bed while choking her with one hand. She says he exclaimed, “You are going to know what it’s like to get beat”. Police documented blood coming from the victim’s nose as well as marks from being choked. When questioned, Moreno claims his wife just “suddenly sat up and hit his face into his shoulder”, leading to all of her injuries. Moreno was charged with aggravated assault/strangulation.

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Emanuel Pedreira Valdes charged in brutal beating — “I should have stopped. I didn’t mean to hurt her”.

32-year-old Emanuel Pedreira Valdes is charged with the brutal beating of his girlfriend, Cassandra Neal, inside their Antioch apartment. He beat her until she vomited, and strangled her until she couldn’t breathe. The assault began when he accused her of cheating and spread from an upstairs bathroom to every room in the home. He pushed her hit her, slapped her bit her, strangled her twice, punched her in the face, and threatened to kill her as he strangled her again. Police documented redness to her face, cuts, bruising, red marks, and swelling. In a statement to police, Pedreira Valdes said “I should have stopped. I didn’t mean to hurt her”.

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Tykylan Walker charged with strangling girlfriend during lunch break & calmly returning to work after

Itavia Drake says her boyfriend, 29-year-old Tykylan Walker, came home agitated during his lunch break and accused her of cheating on him. She says he pushed her with his shoulder and told her to get away from their child, before pushing her to the ground and strangling her with both his hands around her neck until she was unable to breathe. He then reportedly threatened to kill her as he left the apartment to return to work. Police documents multiple injuries on the victim and took out warrants for Walker, who was taken into custody just a few hours later.

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Lawrence Rush charged in strangulation of wife after she came home from night of drinking

Vikki Rush says she returned home after being out drinking and found the door was locked, causing her to have to knock until her husband, 61-year-old Lawrence Rush, let her inside. As she moved past him, her purse reportedly hit her husband, and she says he pushed her in response, starting a physical altercation. Vikki told police her husband eventually pushed her to the ground and strangled her, leaving scratch marks on her neck. During the struggle, he reportedly grabbed her by the hair and hit both her head and nose on the floor, which was swollen and had some bleeding.

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Franklin Dee Settle charged in strangulation of ex-girlfriend at Green Hills Grille during dinner

Jalil Huddleston says she went to dinner with her ex-boyfriend, 44-year-old Franklin Dee Settle, at the Green Hills Grille Saturday. During the dinner, the pair engaged in a verbal altercation and she took possession of his phone. In an attempt to retrieve his phone he grabbed her by the hair and brought her to the ground in the middle of the restaurant. Multiple witnesses reported he appeared to be strangling her during the altercation.

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Paul K. McGee charged in strangulation of wife during sudden assault

52-year-old Paul McGee reportedly came into his bedroom and pushed his wife, Sara McGee, onto the bed by her neck with one hand, then sat on top of her and began strangling her before letting go and walking out of the bedroom, leaving her with a sore throat and difficulty breathing. When police arrived and attempted to place him under arrest, he refused to stand up from his chair, and they have to remove him from his chair by force.

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Curtis Washum charged in assault & strangulation of juvenile brother

25-year-old Curtis Washum just moved to live with his mother in Nashville last week. On the same day he moved in, she states he became disrespectful. Police say his juvenile brother overheard him being disrespectful and told him to not speak to their mother in such a way, and Curtis pushed him and bit him in the face, and attempted to strangle the child, also causing several scratches to the child’s body, which were documented by police.

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