Taylor Swift’s Stalker Pleads GUILTY – Eric Swarbrick faces 5 years in prison

Eric Swarbrick, 26, of Austin Texas, pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court, to interstate stalking and sending interstate communications with the intent to threaten, announced U.S. Attorney Don Cochran for the Middle District of Tennessee. Swarbrick was charged in September 2018 and initially arrested in Travis County, Texas before being transferred to the Middle District of Tennessee. We have some of his letters to and about Taylor Swift in the story.

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Nashville man accused of stalking ex & tracking her with GPS captured in Denver after fleeing: Josh Quick

In March of 2018, we reported on Joshua Quick, who is accused of tracking his ex-girlfriend with a GPS device, knowing she had an order of protection against him. Before the Grand Jury even returned his indictment, he fled the state to Colorado and start a new life. Late Sunday night was escorted back to Nashville to answer to the charges.

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Man assaults woman over not renewing car tags

Police have charged Diego Granillo with aggravated assault after they say he grabbed his girlfriend by the hair, flung her to the floor, and strangled her, stating “next time I’ll kill you and burn down the house with the children inside” – during an argument over her not renewing the car tags.

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Man charged with sending ex-girlfriend’s nude photo to her boss and co-workers

39-year-old Brian Michael Kirk is free on a $3,000 bond, after being charged with stalking and unlawful exposure. Metro Police say he sent nude photos of his ex-girlfriend to her boss and co-workers recently at 2:04 a.m., and at 2:54 a.m. texted her “Sorry, just put a whore out there”.

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