Ray Hockaday charged with stalking and domestic assault of ex-girlfriend

55-year-old Ray Hockaday was jailed overnight, charged with the stalking and domestic assault of his ex-girlfriend. Arrest reports state the couple ended their relationship last summer. Since the relationship ended, Hockday spent days showing up at her home despite being told not to contact her anymore. She received multiple texts showing he was at her location, which neighbors confirmed as they observed him in his white Mercedes. He would stop and ring the doorbell and drive around the block multiple times. He would also leave items at her doorstep. At one point after the breakup, the two had a verbal argument which led to the victim being punched by Hockday as she was exiting the vehicle. Officers documented bruises from the assault. Warrants were issued for the arrest of Hockaday, who lives in Williamson County, last year. He was booked on the outstanding warrants overnight.

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Jesus Castro charged with stalking after women took action when police would not help them

A Nashville woman says 55-year-old Jesus Castro has stalked her and other women in a local neighborhood. She was walking her dog on January 2 when a silver Nissan Altima drove past her and pulled to the side of the road ahead of her. As she walked past the vehicle, Castro noticed the dog with her. Another woman suddenly appeared and began to bang on the window of the vehicle stating she had seen him following other women and that police were being contacted. Castro drove away. The other woman stated Castro had been driving around the neighborhood “cat-calling” women, mostly in Spanish.

Officers contacted the man at his house, and he initially denied ever being in that area until he was shown photographs of him that multiple women had posted online. He then apologized for his behavior and stated he wouldn’t do it again. Later that evening, he was captured on video returning to the area and cat-calling women. His behavior continued for the next two weeks, during which time multiple women continued to document his behavior as they felt they were getting no assistance from the police. Officers observed him parked on Lischey Ave on January 16 as he was honking at one of the same women as she walked by. As she walked around the block, Castro continued to drive past her and make gestures and statements.

Officers also documented another incident that occurred while she was on the phone with the police. After the police continued to be of no assistance, one of the women sought a private prosecution warrant with the night court magistrate, and Castro was charged with stalking.

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Bryce Denton charged with stalking ex-girlfriend, tossing things from balcony

25-year-old Bryce Denton was jailed this week on an outstanding warrant charging him with stalking. His ex-girlfriend, Rebekah Fox, says that in May 2021, she found flowers on her doorstep with a note signed by Bryce, and later that night, he knocked on her door, but she didn’t let him in. She continued to have him blocked on all known numbers and social media accounts, yet he continued to find ways to contact her via new profiles on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter, where he referend her place of work with her photo. In December 2021, the victim received a call from her property management informing her that her belongings were scattered about a common area of the complex. It was discovered Bryce left a note after he tossed her things from her balcony.

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Dominic Lambert arrested 3 times in 2 days after stalking woman who turned him down

32-year-old Dominic Eugene Lambert has now been arrested three times within 48 hours. We first covered him earlier this week when he continued to call, text, and harass Morgan Heath-Powers, who has an active order of protection against Lambert. The order of protection was granted after hundreds of calls, texts, and emails when he expressed a romantic interest in her, and she advised him she did not feel the same way.

After he posted a $2,000 bond on the initial arrest, he emailed her several more times, one of which talked about his new arrest and jail experience, “Thanks for that! I made new friends, had a new experience, got free food, and entertainment… it was pretty nice! I still adore you just as I have since I first met you and told Rohan I thought I might marry you.” He was then taken into custody for once again violating the order of protection and released on a new $3,500 bond.

While he was jailed this second time for violating the no-contact order, he used the recorded jail phone to call her five more times. Once that report was processed, a new warrant was issued for his arrest, charging him with aggravated stalking. He was arrested for the 3rd time late Wednesday afternoon on the felony charge and released on a new $10,000 bond.

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TruFit Athletic employee Ifeanyi Duru charged with harassment and stalking after his termination

34-year-old Ifeanyi Duru is charged with stalking and harassment after he couldn’t accept his termination of employment with the TrueFit Athletic Club in Nashville. Duru was terminated on September 29th and afterward continued to call the TruFit gym, current employees, and the Vice President, to who he also sent text messages. His calls and texts consisted of threats, such as “Try me. I’m coming back there to show you. I dare you to try me! let me show you that I’m a man.” He also returned to the property while yelling and cursing at staff but fled before police responded to the call.

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Clarksville won’t investigate touching/sexual harassment complaints on Roxy’s Ryan Bowie; he will continue working with the city’s landmark theatre

In the time since a half-dozen complaints have been received about Roxy Theater Director Ryan Bowie, alleging inappropriate touching, assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and inappropriate relationships with actors under his employ, two members of the Roxy’s Board of Directors have now resigned in protest as its own executive committee cleared Bowie of any wrongdoing, despite making changes including an HR director position and an “intimacy choreographer.”

Bowie’s name is closely associated with the Roxy Theatre, the City of Clarksville, and the Children’s Theatre programs; however, the city, led by Mayor Joe Pitts, says they can’t investigate the allegations because he’s not actually a city employee and isn’t bound to any ethics rules the city may have in place.

Emails obtained by Clarksville Today show the Roxy Board determined that “any of the allegations made against Mr. Bowie do not rise to the level of liability from a legal standpoint,” so they would no longer investigate the matter, either.

Citizens have been clear, whether there is a legal liability or not, where there’s smoke, there is likely fire, and this many complaints didn’t happen overnight or from single incidents. Citizens, actors, and even the APSU Threatre program professors have all made it clear — The Roxy can’t continue on its current path with the city and the children’s theatre program with Ryan Bowie at the helm, and if we’re waiting on a “legal liability,” the damage will have already been done to the Roxy & the City of Clarksville. Bowie is an agenda item on Thursday’s City Council Meeting at 4:30 p.m. [more documents inside full story…]

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Actors say Clarksville’s Roxy Theatre Director Ryan Bowie harassed, stalked, touched without consent

An actor at the Roxy Regional Theatre in Clarksville says he and a dozen others have been victims of harassment and inappropriate conduct by Director Ryan Bowie for at least the past year, with some complaints going back much further. In January, after several actors detailed formal complaints, the theatre’s Board of Directors & the Executive Committee admitted “mistakes have been made” and determined that Bowie, along with other staff, would enroll in “extensive HR training,” and someone on-site would be trained as an “Intimacy Choreographer.” Additionally, an HR Director would be appointed. Now that the city is directly involved with the theatre and its liability, the actors, and some city council members, are still concerned about ongoing issues at the downtown Clarksville landmark and are calling for action — they want Bowie removed as the Executive Director, weary of several lawsuit threats involving his actions.

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Kierra Jemison stalks boyfriend, throws knives, tries to run over him with car, threatens to have him killed

24-year-old Kierra Symone Jemison was jailed Monday on multiple charges, including felony stalking and felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Court records show that just after lunch on Monday, Jeremiah Brown called 911 from an Arby’s on Gallatin Pike to report his ex-girlfriend, Keirra Jamison, threw a knife at him as he was walking along Gallatin Pike near Madison Square. He says she’s stalked him for a while and has stalking warrants outstanding from July. After she found him walking, she reportedly exited her vehicle and accused him of wanting to sleep with other women. He avoided her attempt to stab him, but she returned to her car and then threw a large cooper Chef’s knife at him, striking him in the elbow, requiring stitches. He also had injuries to his neck, which appeared to be from her fingernails when she was grabbing at him.

She was also served with a warrant from July charging her with stalking after she followed Jeremiah and his new girlfriend and ‘rolled up behind them’ as they parked at a residence. She attempted to run over him with her car during that incident, which was captured on a store’s security camera. An hour later, she texted him she was sending her people over to “sweep” his apartment, which he took as an immediate threat to his safety.

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67-year-old Vivian Crawford points unloaded weapon at ex-lover, pulls trigger repeatedly

67-year-old Vivian Crawford continues to constantly violate orders of protection, bond conditions, and no-contact orders issued by the Court. In her 2nd arrest this week, she continues to not understand her ex-boyfriend, Tony Smith, just isn’t into her and continues to appear at his home. Most recently she showed up just before midnight pounding on his door, and when he opened it, she pointed a pistol at him, threatened to kill him, and pulled the trigger on the unloaded weapon. She returned again just before 1 a.m. and repeated the same actions, repeated pulling the trigger while pointing the unloaded gun at him.

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Dusty Hallock charged with stalking ex with Apple Air Tags, changing locks on her home

31-year-old Dusty Hallock is free on a $6,000 bond, but that’s after weeks of his ex-girlfriend begging police to even arrest him. The couple broke up in February, and he has refused to stop contacting her. The victim, Courtney Baird, has made report after report of his activities thru March when she also obtained an order of protection which was not served. In late March, she also obtained a criminal stalking warrant which was unserved until his current arrest. She was afraid to even return to her own apartment for most of the month of March, and when she did the locks had been changed, however, her management confirmed they didn’t make the changes, and it wasn’t even their type of locks. When she returned she heard audible pings from inside her closet and discovered an Apple AirTag had been hidden inside a purse, and her clothing had been disturbed. She was then near Smyrna when she got an alert she was being tracked by another AirTag, and alerted authorities there, who located it attached to her vehicle with a magnet. Hallock was eventually arrested this week, spending a few hours before bonding out on the charges of stalking, motor vehicle tracking, and aggravated criminal trespass.

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Man charged after sitting outside woman’s work; touching her when she refused him — Victor Abbot

44-year-old Victor Abbott is charged with harassment and assault after a woman says he came into her workplace and caressed her arms on two separate occasions – once after she refused to give him her phone number, and again after she moved aside to avoid his attempts to touch her. She was offended and frightened. He would also sit outside her workplace on at least six separate occasions.

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Nashville man charged with stalking using Apple AirTag in victim’s car — Taras Johnson

45-year-old Taras Johnson is charged with stalking his ex-girlfriend, Lashonda Campbell on several occasions, one of which reportedly involved him tracking her via an Apple AirTag in her vehicle. The pair have a long history of back-and-forth disputes using the court system, many of which are eventually dropped due to the other becoming unwilling to testify.

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Stalking: Woman breaks into ex-boyfriend’s home; is bitten by his dog — Carla Hilliard

49-year-old Carla Hilliard was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday on multiple outstanding warrants related to the stalking of her ex-lover, Ronnie Perfect. The couple ended the relationship in late September, and since that time Hilliard has continued to stalk and harass 60-year-old Ronnie Perfect. Some of the incidents include her showing up at his home and work and refusing to leave, she then used a heavy marker to write “Fa***t Loser” on the hood of his vehicle at his workplace.

Most recently she broke into his home, chased him through the residence, and only fled after his dog bit her, leaving a trail of blood on her way out. She is free on a $5,000 bond.

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Woman goes crazy when man attempts to end relationship: gun, taser, baseball bat, stalking — Mary Louise Williams

22-year-old Mary Louise Williams reportedly went and got her boyfriend’s handgun and threatened to shoot him with it when he told her he wanted to end the relationship on December 12th. After a struggle over the gun, her boyfriend, DayLaquan Kelly, was able to take it from Mary and place it in his pocket. Mary then produced a taser and used it on the victim several times all across his body, resulting in swelling and marks.

That same day at 11 a.m., the victim was sitting in his living room when Mary’s voice suddenly began to broadcast from his home security camera, saying she could see him and knew he had company over there. He immediately unplugged the power to the camera. 90 minutes later, the victim went outside to walk his two dogs and found Mary carrying a baseball bat while walking away from his car, which now had three broken windows, a broken tail light, and 4 flat tires that had been clearly stabbed with a knife, according to officers.

She then attempted to beat him with the metal baseball bat as he confronted her. Mary Louise Williams is charged with stalking, two counts of felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and felony vandalism. She is jailed in lieu of a $27,500 bond.

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59-year-old Anthony Joyner charged with stalking his ex-girlfriend: She’s just not that into you

57-year-old Anthony Joyner was booked into jail this week on an outstanding warrant, charging him with stalking. Court records allege that despite being broken up, he continues to come through his ex-girlfriend’s line at her place of employment, drives by her house to see if she’s home, and knocks on her door. Joyner is charged with stalking and is free on a $1,000 bond.

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41-year-old woman charged with stalking new girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend — Ebony Foxx arrested

41-year-old Ebony Patrice Foxx was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Thursday, charged with stalking Bianca Marie McClain. Court records allege Foxx followed her to multiple places, including Walmart and Ponobes. One time she asked someone to let her out of the vehicle so she could assault her, and she later appeared at Ponobes Party Bar & Grille after McClain posted on social media that she would be there. Foxx reportedly “popped up” and said “What’s up now!” before security had to escort McClain to her car. The beef reportedly stems from McClain being in a relationship with her ex-lover. She is free on pre-trial release.

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West Nashville: Woman charged with stalking of ex-boyfriend, continues to appear inside his home uninvited

32-year-old Amber Dawn Dills faces charges of stalking, assault, and vandalism after she continues to show up at her ex-boyfriends home, twice in the same day, letting herself inside, making threats, assaulting him, and damaging his vehicle. She fled before police arrived the first time, and the second time she attempted to unsuccessfully hide under a truck.

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Man charged with stalking the mother of his unborn child after continuously asking her to buy him things

22-year-old Don’Tajhano Boyd is charged with stalking after his ex-girlfriend, and mother of his unborn child, says he continues to show up at the Charlotte Pk Walmart where she works, and begs for her to buy him things. The pair have been split up romantically since February, yet he comes to the store asking for things approximately once per week.

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Affidavit: Man says punching his ex-girlfriend and getting punched back ‘turns him on’

According to an arrest warrant, 23-year-old Eric Blivens was chasing his girlfriend in a vehicle and texted her he was ‘Finna Start Shooting’. He then spoke to his girlfriend’s grandmother on the phone, allegedly telling her that it turned him on when he assaults her granddaughter and she punches him back.

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