Nashville man steals & crashes ambulance after taking an Ambien — Andre Scot Pfeiffer, remembers nothing

36-year-old Andre Scot Pfeiffer says he took an Ambien Monday night while in the living room of his apartment in the 1800 block of Church Street. Just after 2 a.m.Tuesday morning, video footage shows him walking across the street to St. Thomas Midtown Hospital, where he got into an ambulance and drove away. He then crashed into the scaffolding of a building just seven blocks away near 1100 Church Street. He exited the crashed ambulance and continued to walk toward downtown Nashville, where police apprehended him during his sidewalk stroll. He says the last thing he remembers before waking up in handcuffs is taking an Ambien in his living room.

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Dallas Gonzales charged in domestic assault of fiancée in Nashville

33-year-old Dallas Gonzales is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury after his fiancée, Kendra Hampton, called Metro Nashville Police to their home this week. She says Gonzales began yelling in her face, asking if she was OK, then grabbed her shoulders placing her in fear of being assaulted. She was able to break away and run upstairs, but he grabbed onto her, causing an injury to her hand. Gonzales was transported to booking and is free on a $2,000 bond.

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