Asrorkhon Sultankanov charged after spitting on teen in Walmart parking lot rage incident

A 16-year-old Walmart employee says 41-year-old Asrorkhon Sultankanov punched his vehicle and spat on him twice in the Walmart parking lot after he nearly collided with the teen’s vehicle as he barrelled through the parking lot. As the supposed adult nearly caused the collision as the teen was backing out of a parking spot, Sultankanov then exited his vehicle to confront the teen, who says the man then spat on him twice and punched his car in a fit of rage. The incident was observed on the store’s security cameras.

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Broadway brawl ends after long struggle; woman spits on 4 MNPD Officers

Eryanna Giles says she was walking on the sidewalk in front of Nudie’s on Broadway when 22-year-old Shawntranise Waller suddenly punched her and pushed her out of the way. A large brawl then broke out, and 22-year-old Roneqwua Hayes and 21-year-old Janeshia Leggs both joined in the fight. Leggs and Hayes were quickly apprehended by nearby officers who observed the fight, however, as they approached Waller to take her into custody she began to resist and fight the Metro Nashville Police Officers. It took nearly a half-dozen officers 5-7 minutes to get her into custody, according to their own report. She spit on 4 officers during the battle, including Arnold Ricket, Michael Waltz, Robert Leverick, and Lucas Thomas.. Once they put shackles on her and got her into the rear of a transport vehicle she stated “I am sorry for spitting on you; at least I don’t have HIV”.

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Ramona Lavender: racial slurs, spit, & urine — oh, what a night! #Arrested

Police say 26-year-old Ramona Lavender and her sister were coming home from a bar when they were involved in a crash in Antioch Friday night. She was yelling and screaming at her sibling when police arrived and then turned her outrage toward officers as they asked questions related to the investigation. She then threatened to shoot the other involved driver, Justin Mathias, and shoot up his house. Once in the rear of a patrol car, she screamed racial slurs at officers, covered the car in her spit, and tried to kick out the windows. Once at booking, she spits on several officers, one of them directly in the face, then stated she had to use the restroom, at which point she pulled her pants down and urinated across the seats in the booking area.

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Devordrick Prewitt charged in McDonald’s drive-thru disturbance

31-year-old Devordrick Prewitt was standing outside his vehicle in the drive-thru lane of a Mcdonald’s when police arrived Sunday. He was yelling at an employee through the window and banging on the glass. He refused to leave and spit on the window in anger. He refused to stop or leave the property and was taken into custody by police.

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Patient charged after spitting on Vanderbilt Nurse; throwing coffee — Jimmy White Jr.

20-year-old Jimmy White, Jr. is charged with assault after he was being restrained and spit on a Registered Nurse in charge of his care at Vanderbilt Hospital. Earlier in the day he also threw a cup of coffee at the nurse. Bond was set at $250.

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