Tourist ‘covered in soot’ goes on rampage in Printers Alley, rips off bumper, headlights — Zachary Allor arrested #VisitMusicCity

22-year-old Zachary John Allor, of Michigan, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail just before 1 a.m. Friday after police say he was under the influence of an unknown intoxicant in Printers Alley. They found him rolling around on the ground, covered in soot, and eventually went on a rampage, ripping an entire bumper and headlights from a nearby vehicle. #VisitMusicCity

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Young, drunk, & disorderly in downtown Nashville: Conor Lynch & Ronan Callinan arrested

22-year-old Ronan John Callinan and 23-year-old Conor Joseph Lynch were reported to be causing disturbances on the streets of downtown Nashville, and officers eventually were able to catch up with them at which time it was obvious they were heavenly intoxicated. Callinan resisted detainment and arrest, flailed on the ground, attempted to kick an officer in the head, and continued to spit toward officers and in the patrol car. The pair was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail.

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