Wife calls cops on her husband who takes neighbor’s Cadillac for a DUI drive — Calvin Howse

Quinetta Howse called Metro Nashville Police on Sunday to report her husband, 38-year-old Calvin Howse, had been drinking since Friday and was out on the road driving their neighbor’s white Cadillac on a revoked license. Officer arrived at the neighborhood, they indeed found him in the Caddy, driving down the street with an alcoholic beverage in his hand. He held the beverage up to officers and stated “these will get you f***-d up real quick!”. He explained he was simply using the car to go get more alcohol, and he knew he was going to jail… and he did.

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Teenager Bobby Wayne Key vandalizes woman’s car, calls her a ‘snitch’

Melanie Rappette says she went to Coronado Court to meet with a cousin of 18-year-old Bobby Wayne Key. As she entered, Key was exiting and called her a “snitch” as they passed each other. About an hour later, she came outside and immediately noticed her vehicle was “damaged”, resulting in an estimate of over $1,600 to repair. Key texted the victim apologizing for the vandalism.

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Woman charged with shoving man to ground after he confronted her about illegal handicap parking — Barquita Williams

38-year-old Barquita Williams is charged with assault after she pushed a man to the ground who confronted her when she illegally parked in a handicapped parking spot at the Inglewood Kroger. Video footage captured the incident, and a citizen captured her license plate number, leading police to make the arrest. She is free on pre-trial release. Earlier in the month, Williams brought a handgun to an East Nashville High School where she got into a fight on campus.

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Nashville teens use stun gun & hammer to rob & kidnap man after Snapchat Catfish setup

A trio of 18-year-olds from Nashville are charged after a female lured a man to a 40th Ave N. home, at which point Deyton Farless, Michael Barlow, and Hugo Tabora, were among the teens that held him using a stun gun and hammer, robbed him of his belonging, forced him to drain his CashApp account, then kidnapped him using his own vehicle, drove 7 miles before dumping him out, and then fled toward Cookeville and engaged in a chase with THP and local police.

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Confidential Informant takes down Donelson drug dealer

31-year-old Jordan Gay is facing multiple charges after was found with 30 grams of heroin, 8 grams of meth, a meth pipe, a Glock handgun, and a Winchester rifle, after selling drugs to one of Metro’s confidential informants and was arrested in a Dollar General parking lot on Stewarts Ferry Pike.

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