Ryan Joyce too drunk to fly on Southwest Airlines

37-year-old Ryan Joyce was denied boarding a Southwest Airlines flight at the Nashville International Airport on February 11 at 4 p.m. Airport police stated Joyce smelled of alcohol and had slurred speech, and was sitting in a wheelchair when they arrived, despite Joyce insisting he was not intoxicated. Officers wheeled him to the ticket counter to rebook on a new flight, but none were available. He then attempted to gather his bags and walk away, but it was deemed he was too intoxicated to care for himself, so he was taken into custody.

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Travis Heath deemed too drunk to function at the Nashville International Airport

Airport Police say 36-year-old passenger Travis Heath was observed to be extremely intoxicated at the Ole Red bar in concourse C at the Nashville International Airport just before 6 p.m. Saturday. Officers approached Heath and asked him for identification, but he had no idea where it was at. Despite attempts to arrange for someone to pick him up, Heath remained incoherent. Officers then loaded Heath into a wheelchair and transported him outside to ground transportation so he could take a cab off the airport property. Heath refused to get into a cab and urinated on himself. He was then taken into custody for public intoxication and transported to booking.

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Carrie Lierl goes wild at Nashville International Airport

31-year-old Caroline Suzanne Lierl was at the Nashville International Airport late Saturday night when employees observed her to be extremely intoxicated and contacted Airport police. Lierl claimed she was on a flight to Cincinnati at 7:17, but no such flight could be found, and she did not have a boarding pass. She was asked to leave the area and go about her evening; however, she refused and became a disturbance to airport operations. As officers took her into custody for public intoxication, Lierl kicked Officer Tomlin and Sgt. Berens multiple times and attempted to flee the scene to avoid arrest.

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