Drunk soldier arrested after pooping pants at BNA while transporting 9 assault rifles— Donovan Paywa

22-year-old recent Air Assault graduate Donovan Paywa was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday afternoon after being refused service at Cafe Vino inside the Nashville Airport due to him having defecated on himself. The soldier was transporting 9 assault rifles aboard the aircraft and consumed three mixed drinks while inside the terminal. As staff noticed he had feces inside his jeans they alerted airport police, who arrived to find staff having to prop the soldier up, as he could no longer stand on his own without assistance. Officers advised Paywa he could call someone to come get him, go to the hospital to sober up and get checked out, or be arrested for public intoxication.

He repeatedly declined any assistance and started screaming “F-ck You” across the terminal, causing quite the scene. He was informed he was under arrest, and he refused to comply with the process, eventually having to be taken down by Airport Police by force as a passenger who happened to be an MP attempted to calm the young soldier, who then told the arresting officers “Your family is dead!”. Paywa was placed under arrest for public intoxication and transported to jail, where he was released and his case dismissed after an eight-hour intoxication hold. His social media shows him catching a return flight to New Mexico on Sunday.

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Tourist defecates on himself in downtown bar, says security is “trying to kill me” — Hunter Brooke Macfarlane

38-year-old Hunter Brooke Macfarlane, a tourist from North Carolina, was found on the floor of Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa on Broadway in downtown Nashville with his pants around his ankles, having defecated on himself while screaming: “They [security guards] are trying to kill me!” Security flagged down officers after the man refused to leave, and he was transported to booking, where he was charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Niido Nashville is full of (dog) shit.. and maybe the newest frat house for working adults.

Niido, Nashville’s first hybrid AirBNB/apartment complex, has gone to the dogs, literally. Residents awaken daily to hallways of dog shit, drunken people passed out, peeing from balconies into the courtyard, and elevators with fresh dog piss.

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He “grabbed a handful of the child’s fecal matter and smeared it on the victim”

Kenneth Markise Turner is waking up the jail this morning, after he smeared fecal matter (‘shit’) from his child’s diaper and spread it on the victim, after choking her during a dispute.

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