Man who was denied sex attacks girlfriend with blow torch & mason jars — Jaime Aquino arrested

When 25-year-old Jaime Aquino was jailed this week for an assault on his co-worker when he smashed a glass mug over his head, he was also served with an outstanding warrant from March, charging him with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, which left her with severe injuries. Court records show Aquino came home at 4 a.m. and wanted to have sex, however, Kirsten Brasher told him no. Upset at the denial, he reportedly picked up a blowtorch and began to wave it around at her in a threatening manner. He then grabbed the victim and tossed her around the apartment, then hit her with several full mason jars, breaking them on her head, causing a 2-inch gash. The victim was able to knock over a television to distract him in order to escape. A commissioner set his bond for this charge, domestic assault with bodily injury, at $5,000, which he posted.

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Man calls cops on girlfriend who bit & scratched him during sex

24-year-old Kristan Parris is free on a $500 bond, after her boyfriend, Taylor Hayes, called Metro Police when she got rough with him during sex. He presented to police with two bite marks and several scratches to his back.

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Cocaine: After sex twice in same night, woman threatens to kill lover with large knife & more…

Kiana Bennett is free on a $28,500 bond after Metro Police say she grabbed a large Chef’s knife and threatened to kill her lover and herself early Monday morning. She then went to her sister’s house and smashed out the front window of her home with a piece of metal.

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Pilgrimage Festival Co-Founder Kevin Griffin’s Divorce: Affairs, Drugs, Money & the Festival

Of the many interesting findings, in a 61-page final divorce decree, was the information revealed about the finances of the company that presents The Pilgrimage Festival, Pilgrimage Presents, LLC. The judge found Pilgrimage Presents, LLC has ‘no value’, citing “Pilgrimage Presents, LLC, had a shareholder equity of negative $1,885,855, as of December 31, 2017, and a substantially greater amount as of December 31st, 2018, due to the loss experienced in 2018.

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4th arrested in Bellevue prostitution front – also told police the ‘happy ending is complimentary, and part of the visit’

Mary Katherine Wiser, 23, is free on a $5,000 bond, after she was arrested Tuesday, and charged with prostitution , and working without a license, at the Bellevue Comfort Zone, where she told an undercover detective the “happy ending is complimentary and part of the visit” when he told her to stop.

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