Joshua Holloway charged after brutally assaulting a man in front of a police officer

Sgt. Matthew Evans was in his marked patrol car when he witnesses 23-year-old Joshua Holloway punching John Dudas in the face. The victim attempted to flee into the crowd, however, Holloway pursued him, and when the man fell to the ground he began to brutally punch and kick the man, who sustained serious injuries, including missing teeth. He claimed the man had assaulted one of his friends, however, multiple independent witnesses confirmed Holloway threw the first punch.

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Musician Bitty Ladd punches friend in mouth, causing $10K in dental repair #Arrested

Police say 23-year-old musician Bitty James Ladd admitted during an interview to punching his friend, Jeffrey Webb, after a night of drinking in downtown Nashville. The assault resulted in two disfigured teeth, pain, and over $10,000 in medical costs. Ladd is charged with felony aggravated assault resulting in serious injury, and is free on a $2,500 bond.

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