Upset over food, woman destroys picture frames, plants, & threatens parents; – she says it wasn’t her.

Police say 35-year-old Aisha Williams became upset over food, coming into her parent’s home screaming & yelling, destroying a picture frame, grabbing a pair of scissors and threatening her mother, and destroying a potted plant. Aisha says it wasn’t her, and police arrested the wrong person, claiming the warrant was “for my neighbor with the same last name”, and says she was arrested because she doesn’t “get the white privilege”. Her parents say it was, without a doubt, their daughter, and she is currently off her medications.

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Whip-It Canister & 100+ empty cartridges found in lap of man passed out behind the wheel #IWantMyLawyer

34-year-old Nicholas Beaty was found passed out behind the wheel of a white Mini Cooper with a whip-it canister and over 100 empty cartridges in his lap and front seat area of the vehicle. The keys were in the ignition and the music was blaring. To his right sat two empty Bud Light Lime bottles. Police say he was “angry, agitated, and dazed” when they shook him awake, and refused each and every question, simply demanding his lawyer.

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Nashville Councilwoman asks for non-mask wearers to be charged like HIV-carriers if they transmit COVID-19

VIDEO: Metro Councilwoman compares people who transmit COVID-19 without wearing a mask, to those who transmit HIV; asks for them to be similarly charged in the criminal court system – asking if Metro Council can create such legislation. She’s visibly disappointed when she learns she doesn’t have that power.

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