DUI: Man found asleep behind wheel at intersection, admits to drinking — Jared Beard

24-year-old Jared Beard was found asleep behind the wheel of his car at an intersection just south of downtown Nashville and admitted to drinking prior to driving. Police say he agreed to a breathalyzer, a demonstrated he could blow hard enough, however, when his lips met the actual machine, he wouldn’t blow hard enough for it to register. He also urinated on himself multiple times while speaking to police, and in the back of a patrol car.

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Notorious Nashville Fraudster & Diamond Thief Keegan Higginbotham surrenders on felony warrants

At 18-years-old, Keegan Higginbotham thought he found the path to easy cash money – defrauding banks, defrauding unemployment, and stealing diamonds from department stores, while displaying it all for the world to see on his social media and OnlyFans. Months later, his world is now crashing down around him with warrants popping up in jurisdiction after jurisdiction, and new investigations opening daily – and they’re proving to be easy cases when he does things like pawn the stolen diamonds using his own ID.

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