Councilman Russ Pulley asked inappropriate question during Oversight interview, nominee says [VIDEO]

Arnold Hayes says Metro Council member Russ Pulley ask inappropriate question(s) during his Oversight Interview. Metro Council members were caught in a hot-mic moment with the Vice Mayor discussing damage control of the incident. Here’s the letter that Hayes wrote to Metro Council, in response to the incident, where Pulley discounted that racism exists in the criminal justice system, and suggested Hayes never experienced any racial profiling in his past.

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Emails reveal Metro Council member conspired with Codes to issue illegal permit for home business

All Metro Council member Russ Pulley had to do was tell his constituent ‘NO’, he wouldn’t help her break the law. Instead, he conspired with codes to issue her an illegal permit to have a business with customers coming to her home – a privilege denied to every other Nashvillian. It turns out ‘NEW’ Nashville is just as corrupt as ‘old’ Nashville.

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