Tiara Wilson charged with DUI 2nd offense after East Nashville crash

24-year-old Tiara Wilson was charged with DUI after crashing into a utility pole. On the 24th, officers were dispatched to a crash on Gallatin pike. Wilson had damaged power lines that were setting the nearby grass on fire. When asked how the crash happened, she would not answer but instead talked only about her life story and how she was already going to jail in Montgomery County in two days for another DUI charge. After asking several times, she admitted that she had leaned over to grab something when the crash occurred. She repeatedly stated that she was going to jail and that she was sober. Due to the strong winds, Officers could not pick up a smell of alcohol, but with her insistence on being sober and her performing poorly on the sobriety test, officers believed her to be impaired. While conducting a vehicle search, officers found an open container of VooDoo Ranger IPA.

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Wife calls cops on her husband who takes neighbor’s Cadillac for a DUI drive — Calvin Howse

Quinetta Howse called Metro Nashville Police on Sunday to report her husband, 38-year-old Calvin Howse, had been drinking since Friday and was out on the road driving their neighbor’s white Cadillac on a revoked license. Officer arrived at the neighborhood, they indeed found him in the Caddy, driving down the street with an alcoholic beverage in his hand. He held the beverage up to officers and stated “these will get you f***-d up real quick!”. He explained he was simply using the car to go get more alcohol, and he knew he was going to jail… and he did.

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Mt. Juliet Restaurant owner charged in assault of girlfriend — Thomas Courtney arrested, yet again.

The 52-year-old troubled alcoholic Mt. Juliet restaurant owner, Thomas P. Courtney, has been booked into jail yet again and released on his own recognizance, this time after assaulting his girlfriend, leaving her badly bruised. Court records show the pair were driving on I-40 when he began swerving and driving erratically in response to an argument over a text message, and when she attempt to get the car back under control, he crashed the car off the road, pulled her out, and assaulted her by kicking her in the face, leaving her in the mud, locking the car, and walking away from the scene. A Wilson County magistrate released him on his own recognizance, as with most of his other dozen arrests. He was arrested again the following day for violating his Wilson County Probation, has multiple open DUI & other cases in both Wilson County and Nashville, and refuses to abide by interlock restrictions. His license to drive was revoked on 10/08/2021 – if you see him driving in Mt. Juliet, please immediately call the police at 615-754-2550.

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Woman faces drug paraphernalia charge after traffic accident — Emily Goforth arrested

Police say 27-year-old Emily Goforth hit the vehicle in front of her while driving Monday night. When police responded to the accident, they discovered she had an outstanding warrant for a probation violation, and during the search for that arrest, police found what they believe to be a crack pipe with white residue on it. She is free on a $1,500 bond.

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What’s in the car? Whiskey, Body Armor, a 20-gauge shotgun, and 150 rounds.

35-year-old Derek Ferrell was stopped by Nashville International Airport Police on April 9th at approximately 5:30 p.m., after he was observed driving erratically in an older model white Ford sedan. Inside the vehicle, police would find an open bottle of Kentucky Deluxe Whiskey, a 20-gauge shotgun, 150 rounds of ammo, and drug paraphernalia.

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Nashville dentist prescribed 100’s of pills to habitual drug user patient, then hired her to work in his practice

Dentist Norman Cordice, who has practiced dentistry since 1982, has surrendered his license after the state board determined he was guilty of prescribing drugs to a habitual drug user, who he then hired to work at his practice. He prescribed 340 Hydrocodone, 420 Oxycodone, and 50 Tylenol w/Codeine, then left signed slips so the new ’employee’ could write herself a script, too.

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