Teen charged with strangling his husband while he slept — Pedro Castro arrested

18-year-old Pedro Castro is jailed tonight in lieu of a $15,000 bond after police say he came into his bedroom intoxicated, grabbed his sleeping husband by the throat while he was sleeping, and choked him until just before he lost consciousness. Police documented marks and scratches on the victim. Castro fled the scene before police arrived, and a felony warrant was issued for his arrest.

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Nick La Mattina runs wife off road, breaks into home, tears down door, destroys bedroom

Nashville Jail Monday on outstanding warrants from an August incident in which he is alleged to have run his soon-to-be ex-wife off the road, followed her to her home where he doesn’t live, broke into the home, followed her up a set of stairs, tore down a door and threw it down the stairs, then destroyed the bedroom while the victim was locked in a nearby bathroom. His mother arrived at the home and scared him away from the premises, and warrants were issued for his arrest. He is free on an $18,000 bond.

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Man calls cops to come get him after he destroys girlfriend’s home — Andrew Washington arrested

27-year-old Andrew Washington called Metro Nashville police at 3 a.m. Wednesday to tell them he had busted out the windows of his girlfriend’s apartment and destroyed the living room after she left the scene after an argument. Police documented 3 glass exterior windows, a glass top table, and a large flat-screen television, were all “completely destroyed”

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Man shoved hamburger in face of girlfriend from behind — Michael Austin Collier arrested

Nashville Police say 24-year-old Michael Austin Collier shoved a hamburger into the face of his girlfriend from behind. She had brought the food to his apartment for him, when he demanded she leave. Collier is charged with domestic assault/provocative contact, and is free on a $1,000 bond.

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Man says he was afraid of getting harmed by girlfriend who slashed his tires, destroyed car — Elajah Christian

20-year-old Elajah Michell Christian is charged with vandalism after a video reportedly shows her slashing the tires of her boyfriend’s vehicle, and spray painting both passenger-side windows, after refusing to leave his house for over two hours. Her boyfriend, Montanez Knight, confronted her but said he was afraid of getting harmed, and ran back inside the house, dropping his keys in the process. She fled with his keys. She is free on a $1,000 bond.

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Woman charged with vandalizing boyfriend’s vehicle — Dequinzay Gray

25-year-old Dequinzay Gray was jailed Wednesday night after her boyfriend showed police a video of her hitting and kicking the window and door of his vehicle. She was charged with vandalism and posted a $1,500 bond. Upon release, she then posted a flurry of retribution posts on social media, attempting to shame him.

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Hillsboro High: Teen charged after trapping girlfriend in hallway, attempting sex act against her will

Police say school security video shows 18-year-old William Austin Richmond holding his girlfriend against her will, trapping her inside a vacant hallway of Hillsboro High School while attempting to get her to perform a sex act on him after she declined. He attempted to pull her into a stairwell behind a closed door as she struggled to escape. He is charged with two misdemeanors, domestic assault, and false imprisonment. He is free on a $2,000 bond.

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Man shows up to son’s birthday party, gets drunk, punches hole in wall, says family ruined his life — Daniel Harvell

41-year-old Daniel Harvell, from Arizona, is charged with vandalism after he came to his son’s birthday party in Nashville at the home of the child’s mother, got drunk, and told family members they had all ruined his life. He then retreated to an upstairs room and punched a hole in the wall. He is free on a $2,500 bond.

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71-year-old breaks into ex’s house, armed with a stick — Gregory Mavity

71-year-old Gregory Mavity was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this week on a warrant charging him with aggravated burglary and domestic assault. Court records allege he broke into the home of a woman he broke up with three years ago, armed with a stick under his shirt, and shoved her into a table before fleeing.

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“I know I’m going to jail. I don’t care. I’ll come through the window.” — Scott Gray arrested

36-year-old Scott Gray III is charged with harassment after he came to his ex-girlfriend’s apartment and beat on her door. He fled before police arrived, but FaceTimed her while they were still there, stating ” “I know I’m going to jail.”, “I don’t care. I’ll come through the window.” and making other threats (detailed in the story…). He is free on a $2500 bond.

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Tourist charged after dragging his girlfriend by her hair across downtown Nashville parking lot

54-year-old Aaron Dudley is charged with pulling his girlfriend around a downtown Nashville parking lot by her hair while on vacation from Pennsylvania, admitting he did it because she became upset when his ex-girlfriend called his phone.

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MNPD Officer arrested for DUI was attempting suicide with duty weapon after breakup, court documents reveal

Metro Nashville Police issued a simple statement that one of their officers had been dismissed after he was charged with DUI when his “pickup truck hit another vehicle’s side mirror, and he left the scene”. Court records show Officer Jerram Plastow had actually driven to an East Nashville Public Housing Community to commit suicide with his Glock 22 duty weapon after his girlfriend broke up with him. MNPD only disclosed the DUI narrative and did not release any of the other details on the mental stability of the 32-year-old officer they had recently given a gun and badge to protect the city.

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Man charged with assault & strangulation of fiancé — Austin Collom arrested

35-year-old Austin Collom is charged with the felony aggravated assault & strangulation of his fiancé after grabbing her by the hair, shoving her against a wall, and strangling her, according to an arrest report, and the injuries sustained by the victim.

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Woman assaults father of unborn child after finding an unfamiliar sandal in his bag

23-year-old Hibo Omar, who is nine months pregnant, is charged with domestic assault after police say she showed up at her ex-boyfriend’s house unexpectedly Monday night after not seeing him for a few weeks and became upset when she found an unfamiliar sandal in his bag and began to knock over things about the home and assault him, ripping his shirt off, and fought him when he attempted to leave the situation.

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Nashville woman arrested after smacking boyfriend, who called her a “fat b-tch”

44-year-old Jennifer McBrayer was jailed this week after calling the police… on herself. On the way back from picking her boyfriend up from a halfway house, he asked to stop at a gas station. When he wanted money for alcohol, she refused and they drove off. Once on the interstate, he called her things he shouldn’t have, and she backhanded him, not once, but twice.

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Woman traps & pepper-sprays ex-boyfriend in parking garage just 4 hours after the breakup

38-year-old Tamara Nance was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday, after police say she blocked her ex-boyfriend’s vehicle in a parking garage so he couldn’t escape and chased him through the parking garage and into the emergency department, all while showering him with pepper spray and screaming at him. This incident occurred just four hours after the couple ended their dating relationship.

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Drummer charged with rape of another drummer’s wife after crawling into bed with them: Kyle Mayer

40-year-old Kyle William Mayer is charged with rape after he was visiting an old friend in Nashville, a fellow drummer, and after a long evening of drinking, decided to crawl into the bed with the couple. The other man went to get some water, and Mayer admits to getting handsy…

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Nashville man charged with slapping ex-boyfriend in face, kicking him in stomach

35-year-old Stephen L. Gill is charged with the domestic assault of his ex-boyfriend, who is also a roommate, after police say his current boyfriend locked the ex-boyfriend out of the house, and when Gill went to unlock the door, he smacked the ex-boyfriend in the face and kicked him in the stomach.

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Nashville courts can’t seem to stop Brian ‘Houston’ Clinch from assaulting women: A 3rd victim comes forward

23-year-old Brian “Houston” Clinch II was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Friday, yet again charged with the assault of a female in his life. Despite multiple arrests and convictions, he’s only been sentenced to probation, classes, and then a judge moved his probation to unsupervised. A 3rd victim has now come forward. Court records detail him slamming women to the ground, choking them, promising to do it again, and following through on that promise. He burned another with a cigarette as punishment, pushed one down the stairs, threw another around a parking garage, and even broke a child’s car seat to prevent the mother of his child from leaving with the baby. Oh, and when he was served with the latest order of protection, he sent that ex-girlfriend the “I apologize for nothing” meme, violating the order.

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Woman makes husband walk home when he gets out of the car mad after an argument

29-year-old Issac Thomas faces domestic assault and vandalism charges after his wife says he got out of the car during an argument and began to walk home, while she drove. He then called asking to be picked up, but she refused. She says once he finally arrived he assaulted her and broke her phone.

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