Wife calls cops on her husband who takes neighbor’s Cadillac for a DUI drive — Calvin Howse

Quinetta Howse called Metro Nashville Police on Sunday to report her husband, 38-year-old Calvin Howse, had been drinking since Friday and was out on the road driving their neighbor’s white Cadillac on a revoked license. Officer arrived at the neighborhood, they indeed found him in the Caddy, driving down the street with an alcoholic beverage in his hand. He held the beverage up to officers and stated “these will get you f***-d up real quick!”. He explained he was simply using the car to go get more alcohol, and he knew he was going to jail… and he did.

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Ashley Lynn Russell charged in assault of her lover after day of drinking

After a Saturday of drinking from Noon until 10 p.m., 25-year-old Ashley Lynn Russell was charged with the domestic assault of her lover, Sam Taylor. The couple just moved to Nashville a few months ago. During separate interviews at the home, both parties’ statements were consistent. An argument turned physical, and Ashely assaulted Sam by pushing him. He attempted to keep her away, using his knee to attempt to keep distance between the two, which is when she called the police for assistance, despite continuing to strike him. Ashley Russell was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Alonzo Moore charged with strangulation of girlfriend after she stopped him from drunk driving

24-year-old Alonzo Moore is charged with the felony aggravated assault and strangulation of his girlfriend, Daysha Hill, after she refused to allow him to drive due to his level of intoxication. In an argument over the keys to her car, he reportedly grabbed her by the throat, laughed at her, pushed her against a mirror, then threw her to the ground. Police arrived to find the home in disarray from the struggle and documented injuries on the victim.

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Audria Denning charged after bringing her ‘girl squad’ to assault her ex-lover & his prized car

20-year-old Audria Marie Denning was jailed this week after she, accompanied by her two juvenile sisters, appeared at the home of her ex-boyfriend, Nesseam Alidani, six weeks after the breakup. She reportedly learned he had a new girlfriend and brought her girl squad to damage and dent his car. She then called and told him to come outside and look at his car, at which time all three girls attacked him. The victim states he was able to avoid being injured by deflecting the multiple and repeated hits with his arms.

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Lindsay-Ray Millard charged after assaulting husband at an intersection while he was driving

Jonathon Ballard was driving himself and his wife, 34-year-old Lindsay-Ray Christine Millard, home after being out at multiple bars on April 20th, when he says she “lashed out” after being triggered by an event from earlier in the night and violently attacked him at an intersection. Polie documented injuries to include multiple cuts and dried blood on the victim. The investigation also revealed she had an outstanding warrant for violating an active order of protection from sending him an email in February after being served.

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Malik Mingo booked on multiple warrants; pistol-whipping a woman, harassing a man, #punktypestuff

28-year-old Malik Mingo was is free again on a new $36,000 bond after being booked on three outstanding warrants this week. An October warrant for harassment details a threatening text message sent to Reginald Murphy, in which he stated he would find out where he stays or catch him in that “bs azz Charger” alluding to the victim’s car. A February warrant charged him with the aggravated assault with a deadly weapon of Alexandria Lavender after he pistol-whipped her inside of an apartment, and again inside his vehicle. She also presented to police with multiple bruises and injuries from being beaten. The third warrant, from April 2nd, charges him with another aggravated assault of the same victim after police noticed his car at the gate of an apartment complex in Antioch, and a trail of blood coming from the vehicle and a stroller. Witnesses relayed Mingo dragged her while beating her, which resulted in her requiring stitches.

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California man destroys wife’s iPhone, claims she took photo of another man at downtown Nashville Bar — William Hawkins

While in town from California, Jennifer Hawkins called police to report that while she and her husband, 40-year-old William Hawkins, were out at a bar on Broadway she took a photo of a person with her iPhone, resulting in him grabbing her phone and smashing it on the ground, destroying it. She says she was taking a photo of her husband, however, he believes she was taking a photo of another man. Officer Gault transported the wife to a nearby Apple store so she could purchase a new phone, and Officer Hill took Hawkins into custody, charging him with felony vandalism with a domestic violence rider, invoking the state-manded 12-hour hold before his release.

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Janelle Stock charged with assaulting husband then sitting on floor, resisting arrest #Adulting

Benjamin Stock says he came to pick up his daughter from the Call Hill Road home of his wife, 39-year-old Janelle Stock. While there he says she began to repeatedly assault him in the face with her hands, leaving him with visible swelling and bruising to his face. Police documented his injuries and spoke to Janelle, who told them there was no physical altercation. Officers observed very visible redness to her hands, consistent with being used to assault her husband. When police handcuffed her inside the residence, she sat on the floor and refused to move, resulting in officers physically carrying the grown woman out of her home and placing her into the patrol car.

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Lukas Mansfield films “unflattering video” of lover, refuses to delete it

Kassie Webber says her boyfriend and father of her children, 33-year-old Lukas Mansfield, recorded an “unflattering video” of her while she was ill and she demanded that he erase it from his phone. When he refused an argument escalated and she gathered the children, put them in the vehicle, and prepared to leave. She says Mansfield began banging on the car window and when she unlocked the door he pulled her out and knocked her down onto the concrete driveway. She says he then dragged her by her sweatshirt and hair. Police documented her injuries.

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Jacob Riley flips kitchen table, comes at boyfriend with dining room chair

Michael Mills says he came home to find his 27-year-old boyfriend, Jacob Riley, heavily intoxicated and the home in disarray. The dining room table had been flipped over, and the living room furniture had been thrown around the room. Riley reportedly then spit in his lover’s face and attempted to attack him with a dining room chair. Officers arrived to find the above, plus dining room chairs thrown about, and Riley among the furniture in the living room.

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Chad Dunn points gun at girlfriend, then turns it on himself, asking her to “do it” to protect herself from him

West Nashville Police say Erin Smith told her live-in boyfriend, 38-year-old barback Chad Dunn, their relationship was over Saturday evening, and shortly after he grabbed her by the throat with both of his hands and strangled her for approximately fifteen seconds, to the point she came close to losing consciousness. While holding both hands around her neck he then headbutted her. Chad Dunn then grabbed a pistol, pointing it at her chest, stating “I want to protect you”. He then put the gun in her hands and forced her to point it at his forehead, telling her to “do it!”. Smith then fled the apartment with the gun, driving to West Precinct where her injuries were documented and she was treated by medics.

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Woman calls 911 to report a robbery that never happened — Kaylyn McCracken arrested

34-year-old Kaylyn McCracken called 911 and reported she was currently being robbed and thrown out of her house by two men and three women. A full police response to the strong-arm robbery-in-progress was immediately initiated to intercept the five assailants and rescue the woman. As police arrived on the scene, it became immediately apparent there was no robbery happening. In fact, McCracken was a visitor to the residence and was upset over an argument about coffee. She had actually attacked the two women and one man, who were the only other people at the residence. She now faces a felony charge of filing a false report.

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Woman charged with biting baby’s daddy, attacking him with a drawerful of knives — Hailey Rigsby

Dylan Davis says the mother of his child, 29-year-old Hailey Rigsby, was attempting to start a verbal argument, however, he refused to respond or give her a reaction, so she began to grab at him in an aggressive manner. In order to prevent her from injuring him, he says he wrapped his arms around her in a burrito-style hold and she bit him on the arm. She then moved around and threw a drawerful of knives and forks at him, and used a knife to cut him on the face. She was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and police documented multiple injures, including a bite mark, on the victim.

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DUI: Where are you going? “Just a few licenses away” — Samuel Fruend, arrested

Metro Nashville Police found 29-year-old Samuel Fruend slumped over in the seat of his vehicle, which was parked in the middle of a lane of travel in East Nashville. As they woke him up, they asked where he was trying to go, to which Fruend replied “just a few licenses away”, and was unsure what part of town he was in. He stated he had one drink at Basement East before the incident, and more drinks at another bar before that. He eventually blew a 0.165% BAC and was taken into custody.

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Man charged after flashing handgun while drinking at South Nashville bars — Ulises Arzate

23-year-old Ulises Arzate is free on pre-trial release after police first received a call of a person who was flashing a gun in the parking lot of a Hooters restaurant in South Nashville after drinking inside. While officers were en route to the incident, Arzate walked to the San Jose Fiesta restaurant, where they located the man wearing a grey zippered hoodie. He had a bucket of Modelos on ice in the center of the table and one open one in front of him. When asked about a handgun, he raised his shirt and presented a tan Glock 43X MOS in his waistband. He admitted to having three beers while at Hooters and was charged with possession of a handgun while under the influence.

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Zakeri Greer fires shot outside baby mama’s house, threatens to come back with AK-47 — free on $1K bond

Metro Police responded to a shots-fired call on Briarwick Drive on February 17th, during which 20-year-old Zakeri Greer had threatened his child’s mother, Jasmine Howse, then allegedly drove by her home and fired a gun. As police were taking her report, Greer texted the victim, stating he was heading back over, and this time he was bringing his AK-47, placing her in imminent fear of her life.

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Florida woman charged in attack of sister-in-law after leaving Whiskey Row — Jamie Nations

34-year-old Jamie Nations is charged with the domestic assault and bodily injury of her sister-in-law, Elizabeth Diane Thenthirath, after leaving Whiskey Row in downtown Nashville. As the two were walking back to their vehicle, an argument began because of a 3rd party who was walking with them from the bar. It turned physical when Jamie attacked Elizabeth, leaving her with scratch marks and blood on her face and ear when officers arrived.

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Woman charged in assault of boyfriend when he says he can’t protect her from an ex in jail — Tiffany Russ

Police say 48-year-old Tiffany Russ was drinking when she received a message from an ex-boyfriend who was in jail in Memphis, and her current boyfriend told her he was unable to protect her from the ex-boyfriend who was in jail. Witnesses say she became increasingly angry and began to use a knife to cut up furniture around the home, also breaking a window and a vase. When the current boyfriend, Ronald DeVaughn, tried to “calm her down” she slashed at him with the knife causing him to be in fear she was going to attack him.

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Irma Alvarez charged in knife attack of ex-boyfriend after discovering he was texting other women

34-year-old Irma Alvarez is jailed in lieu of a $25,000 bond after being booked on an outstanding warrant from May charging her with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The warrant was issued after a nurse called police when Jairo Lagos presented to the emergency room with an already bandaged laceration from a knife wound. He revealed he had been at his ex-girlfriend’s apartment and when she discovered he had been texting other females she took his phone and grabbed a kitchen knife, attempting to stab him. He grabbed the knife in an attempt to disarm him, but as she pulled the knife back it left a severe cut to his right hand.

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Colorado woman deemed too drunk for the Nashville International Airport — Nicole Benallo

Police say 40-year-old Nicole Benallo was found sitting on the ground near a crosswalk at the Nashville International Airport. Callers reported she had stumbled and fallen onto the ground. As officers approached to assist, they could immediately smell alcohol coming from her and noted her extreme level of intoxication. Due to her inability to care for herself in public, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Teen says father assaulted him over cookies — Jose Serrano, arrested

42-year-old Jose Serrano is charged with the assault of his 16-year-old son. The son called 911 to report his father grabbed him by the neck, strangling, injuring, and leaving marks on him, after his father became upset the child was eating cookies that were not his. Police documented multiple scratches and red marks on both sides of the child’s neck. The father says his son is disrespectful and has not been going to school, and he only fought back in self-defense, claiming his child tried to punch him.

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Upset over splitting tips, Joshua Taylor charged with assault of valet co-worker at Nashville Airport

29-year-old Joshua Taylor was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this week on an outstanding warrant from December, charging him with his role in an assault. Airport Police say there arrived a fight occurring between temp service valet employees with a crowd watching when they arrived. Security footage shows Joshua Taylor, who says he was upset about splitting tips, grabbed a wooden barstool and lifted it above his head as if he were about to strike Ronnie George. George attempted to defend himself and stop the assault, however, Montrail Gleaves, who was also a temp employee, struck George from the back and then kicked him in the head when he fell to the ground.

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Man charged with defrauding family out of $29K in home construction project — Charlie Jackson

67-year-old Charlie Jackson, the owner of ‘C Jackson Construction’ is free on a $10,000 bond after police say he defrauded a customer out of $29,276. An arrest warrant details during a residential construction project, Jackson received $84,218, however they realized that he had invoiced $14,000 for work he did not actually do. When confronted, he said he no longer had any of the money and then stopped showing up on the project. The customers had to pay someone else to complete the project and were at a total loss of just over $29K. Jackson is charged with felony theft

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