Andee Cannon tackled by security while attempting to cross street in downtown Nashville

Police say 33-year-old Andee Cannon was attempting to cross a street in downtown Nashville when a MNPD contracted APS Security Officer attempted to stop him from crossing into traffic. Cannon reportedly punched the security officer and was then tackled to the ground, and the security officer was on top of him when police arrived to assist. Cannon stated he “wasn’t trying to get tied up in all this” and was “just trying to go home.” Due to his level of intoxication and disorderly conduct, he was taken into custody.

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Son tells parents he was molested as a kid, breaks table in anger, they have him arrested — Asher Wilkins

On December 22nd, 24-year-old Asher Wilkins disclosed to his parents, Jefferson & Cathy Green Wilkins, that he was molested as a child, and became upset when he says they didn’t do anything about it. His father claims that Asher never told them about it before. Asher became so angry during the conversation that he punched a hole in the wall and broke a leg off the dining room table. His parents pressed charges for vandalism, and a warrant was issued for his arrest, as he had already left the location in anger.

Asher Wilkins was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on the outstanding warrant on December 28th, and is free on a $1,000 cash bond.

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