MNPD arrests mime in downtown Nashville, strips clothing in 20-degree weather — Antonio Washington

51-year-old Antonio Washington was taken into custody Saturday morning in downtown Nashville after Metro Nashville Police said he was “obstructing a passageway” — which seems to be refuted by photos and videos from the scene. During the interaction, it was noted he was non-verbal and used a notepad to communicate with a large presence of officers who confronted him. Officers told him he could not be stationary or sit on the sidewalk and panhandle without a permit and that he would have to be in constant movement. He refused and communicated that he would not leave the edge of the sidewalk and dared them to arrest him. Officers then placed him into custody, but not before stripping clothing from his body in 20-degree weather, as officers wore winter coats. A statement from MNPD reads, in part, “The sweatshirt he was wearing needed to be temporarily taken off so other blankets underneath could be removed. It was quickly put back on.” The initial call came from Downtown Ambassadors, who believed him to have a knife, but it was only a lighter.

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DUI: Joey Riser crashes into parked car at Music City Center

36-year-old Joseph Tabor Riser is charged with driving under the influence after driving his vehicle into an unoccupied vehicle at Music City Center in downtown Nashville. Riser was taken to St. Thomas Midtown Hospital after he told paramedics he was having a medical emergency. Officers met with Mr. Riser at the hospital, where he told police he had been drinking but only had “two bourbons.” He also informed police he was charged with a DUI in South Carolina 5 years ago, but a conviction wasn’t located during a search. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI.

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Marine rips off shirt & threatens others in downtown Nashville — Jacob Thibodeau

Metro Nashville Police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Saturday responded to a fight call at the JW Marriott on 8th Ave S. and found 33-year-old Jacob Thibodeau, who they described as “very belligerent and verbally aggressive” to officers and staff. Thibodeau ripped off his shirt and yelled, “I am a Marine Corps Veteran!…” during the kerfuffle, followed by “he needs his f***** a** kicked!…” in response to a citizen whose vehicle was damaged in a separate incident at the same location. The staff also showed police a video of Thibodeau starting a fight with another individual prior to their arrival. He was warned to stop yelling, screaming, and making threats but was not hearing any of the suggestions and remained disorderly. Officers eventually arrested him and transported him to booking.

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Tourist Jordan Jennings charged in assault of Rippy’s Bouncer in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Jordan Jennings is charged with assaulting security guard Phillip Young at Rippy’s Bar in downtown Nashville. The tourist was issued a citation for assault after being told he had to leave the location due to his behavior but eventually convincing staff to let him back inside to use the restroom. While he was in the restroom, bar staff was informing the rest of his party they also needed to leave the location. As Jennings came out of the restroom, he reportedly struck bouncer Phillip Young on his left shoulder, causing him to call a “code black” over the radio — alerting other bouncers to respond to the area. Young says Jordan swung at him as he was being escorted out once again, and after dodging the impact, he struck Jordan with a closed fist to Jordan’s right eyebrow, leaving a small laceration.

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Man who strangled girlfriend twice in Whiskey Row is beaten by stranger until police arrive.

24-year-old Jalen Matthews is charged with the aggravated assault and strangulation of his girlfriend while in Whiskey Row in downtown Nashville. Police say an “anonymous male” who stated he was ‘intervening on the female’s behalf’ and Matthews were in a fight when they arrived. The other male was neither named nor prosecuted.

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