Jordan Phillips jailed after dancing in the streets of downtown Nashville

21-year-old Jordan Stephen Phillips was dancing in the street in front of Jason Aldean’s Kitchen + Rooftop Bar at 2:39 a.m. Sunday, while a vehicle was attempting to pass by him. Phillips continued to talk on his phone, dance, and obstruct the roadway, despite being asked to get out of the street by officers working the Entertainment District Initiative. Due to his level of intoxication and inability to care for himself, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication. 

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Michaela Richards bites MNPD officer in the leg, attempts to assault others during arrest

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning were flagged down for a fight near 2nd & Broadway.25-year-old Michaela Richards had approached a vehicle in the roadway and punched the window. Witnesses say she then shoved another female on the sidewalk. Officers say they “corralled” her and took her into custody for public intoxication. While waiting for entry into the jail, Michaela bit an officer on the leg, causing an injury, attempted to bite two more, kicked an officer in the face, and attempted to headbutt an officer. 

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Gregory Alvarez says he was “drunk as hell” as he called 911 sixteen times from the hospital

24-year-old Gregory Alejandro Alvarez says he was “drunk as hell” after drinking four shots of tequila, two beers, and two cups of wine before calling 911 sixteen times… from inside Metro General Hospital. Alvarez had been discharged from the hospital after being treated for an unrelated incident, claiming that hospital staff had stolen his money. Dispatchers advised him to stop calling 911 for this matter multiple times on multiple calls, yet the calls continued to come into the Emergency Communications Center.

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Andee Cannon tackled by security while attempting to cross street in downtown Nashville

Police say 33-year-old Andee Cannon was attempting to cross a street in downtown Nashville when a MNPD contracted APS Security Officer attempted to stop him from crossing into traffic. Cannon reportedly punched the security officer and was then tackled to the ground, and the security officer was on top of him when police arrived to assist. Cannon stated he “wasn’t trying to get tied up in all this” and was “just trying to go home.” Due to his level of intoxication and disorderly conduct, he was taken into custody.

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Titans Superfan Matthew Mattax headbutts cops, spits on them, after being ejected from game

26-year-old Titans Superfan Matthew Mattax was ejected from Sunday’s game due to “unruly behavior” and his level of intoxication. As he was escorted to the gates, Mattax began to yell and scream, causing MNPD officers to take notice of him. Due to his continued behavior, officers decided to take him into custody for public intoxication, but Mattax pulled away and refused to comply with the arrest. He headbutted Officer Sharpe and spit in his face before he could be fully restrained. Once at the jail, Mattax again began to spit on officers, hitting Officer Malone with his saliva multiple times and Officer Studer three times before he was “guided to a bench” in holding.

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Tourist Todd Martin charged after letting it loose in downtown Nashville

Police say 33-year-old Todd Martin Jr. was urinating on the wall of a business at 2nd & Broadway in the middle of downtown Nashville at 11:30 pm. Friday. He was visibly heavily intoxicated, and officers checked on his welfare. He could not answer any questions clearly, and officers walked him to 1st & Broadway so he could arrange a rideshare home or wait safely for someone to pick him up. He became combative and would not comply with simple instructions, and was unable to contact anyone or tell officers where he was staying. With no other options, Martin was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Michelle Carter bounced from Tootsie’s after Jelly Roll concert

42-year-old Michelle Carter was asked to leave Tootsie’s bar in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning, and once outside, continued to ask to go back inside to retrieve her purse and cell phone. Bouncers refused her request but advised they would retrieve it for her. She stated it was with a man named “Kevin,” but he was not located inside. When asked to provide the phone number of someone who could pick her up, she gave the number of her estranged husband, in Memphis. She was unable to name her hotel so she could be transported there, and was eventually taken into custody for public intoxication. When informed of her charges, Carter explained that she was just enjoying her night after the Jelly Roll concert, and she was not driving, so she couldn’t be charged with public intoxication.

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Rebecca Haney deemed too drunk for downtown Nashville

34-year-old Rebecca Haney was observed running down Broadway in the early hours of Saturday morning, just before last call, striking police vehicles with her hands and kicking traffic cones into lanes of traffic. Officers asked her to pick up the traffic cones, and she refused and yelled at them. She continued to scream at police throughout their interaction and was deemed to be too intoxicated for downtown Nashville.

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Assault: Brendan Burns swipes wand from traffic control guard in downtown Nashville

24-year-old Alabama Tourist Brendan Lamar Burns is charged with assault/fear of bodily injury after police say he approached a security guard working traffic control in downtown Nashville and took the wand from her hand. He reportedly swung the wand around and then at her, causing her to fear the want would strike her had she not ducked out of the way. Another nearby guard detained Burns until police arrived and took him into custody for assault. Police say he was intoxicated at the time of the incident, which occurred at 6th & Broadway.

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Lucas Emily charged after trying to fight & yelling racial slurs at cops at Jelly Roll concert

Police say 22-year-old Lucas Emily took off his shirt and assumed a fighting stance at the Jelly Roll concert at Bridgestone Arena Friday night as he attempted to fight other patrons. He caused such a disturbance he had to be removed from the venue and refused to comply with commands from officers when they attempted to escort him out. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and yelled obscenities and racial slurs toward officers attempting to place him into a patrol car, and he refused to get inside. Officers restrained him and placed him inside the car for transport, and he then kicked at the officers while continuing to cause a disturbance.

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Chaz Vaughn tossed from Texas Troubadour Theatre in Music Valley

22-year-old Chaz Vaughn was removed from the Texas Troubadour Theatre on Music Valley Drive Friday evening after he became very animated while yelling and screaming and causing a general disturbance to operations at the venue. Metro Nashville Police arrived and noticed he could not stand without assistance and had to be restrained to be medically evaluated by Nashville Fire Department medics and screamed uncontrollably inside the ambulance. Once he was medically cleared, Vaughn continued to be a nuisance to the public and was transported to booking, where he was charged with public intoxication.

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AirBNB guest Wesley Thompson screams “n-word” and other racial slurs at Nashville police & citizens

28-year-old Wesley Thompson was staying at a Nashville AirBNB Thursday night when an automobile accident occurred outside as a car crashed into a utility pole. The debris from the utility pole’s destruction landed on several nearby vehicles in a parking lot where Thompson was parked. Officers were at the scene when Thompson emerged from the house, irate that his truck was struck by the debris. He was heavily intoxicated, staggering when he walked, and yelling and screaming racial slurs, including the “n-word,” as loud as he could, according to responding officers. He was advised to go back inside as there was a live power line nearby. He continued to yell and scream the “n-word” and came outside while intoxicated and caused quite a disturbance. He was placed into custody and charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

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Adam Morris refuses to exit his Uber, faceplants onto the ground once he does

39-year-old Adam Michael Morris was arrested on December 2nd on West Eastland Avenue in East Nashville for public intoxication. Police say he refused to leave an Uber, prompting the driver to call police. After several attempts, Mr. Morris exited the vehicle but was unable to walk, and he fell directly onto his face, injuring himself when police told him to go to his nearby home. He was taken into custody to prevent further harm to himself, and was transported to booking.

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Mdamed Mohamed jailed after drunkenly trying to get into cars in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative on Broadway in downtown Nashville say 36-year-old Mdamed Mohamed was drunkenly attempting to get into multiple vehicles. As officers encountered him, he could barely stand up and could not answer any questions meaningfully. Officers attempted to locate an address to take him home but were unable to do so. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Bounced from Redneck Riviera, Jason Arwood climbs onto ‘Hell on Wheels’ military party bus

43-year-old Jason Arwood was being kicked out of Redneck Riviera on Broadway just after 7:30 p.m. Saturday in downtown Nashville. Officers were patrolling the area when they observed him just outside the bar, where he picked up food and began to throw it around as various things. Still in a rage, Arwood then ran up to the “Hell on Wheels” military party bus, climbing onto the side of it. Officers took control of the man and took him into custody for public intoxication.

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Matthew Cookston drank hand sanitizer on flight, touched a young girl, offered her tobacco

35-year-old Mathew Cookston reportedly was on an incoming flight to Nashville when multiple passengers reported he offered a minor female tobacco and then placed his hand on her inner thigh and moved it toward her groin. The victim immediately pushed his hand away and notified her mother and flight attendants, who moved the man to another seat. When the flight arrived at the gate, Airport Police made contact with the man, who was visibly intoxicated. He stated he had been in California at a drug & alcohol rehabilitation center but left early and flew home to Tennessee. When the crew refused to serve him alcohol on the plane, he drank hand sanitizer for the remainder of the flight. He was charged with public intoxication and released after an eight-hour hold with all charges dismissed.

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Bryan Wingate: “I can’t go back home to her!” as he’s kicked out of gay bar in Nashville

35-year-old Bryan Wingate was kicked out of Nashville’s largest gay nightclub, Play Dance Bar, in the early hours of Sunday morning. He was advised to leave and not return, but he remained on the property. Metro Nashville Police arrived to find Wingate unable to walk and with slurred speech. He told officers, “I can’t go back home to her,” then cursed at the officers, calling them “bitch, and “fucker.” He was yelling and screaming and attempting to fight bar staff. He was transported to booking. It is not known if he went back to ‘her’ after being released from jail.

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Tony Gainous repeatedly kicked out of Vanderbilt Football game after jumping gates to re-enter

41-year-old Tony A. Gainous is charged with public intoxication and criminal trespass after his behavior at a Vanderbilt Football game last week. Vanderbilt Police initially responded to an individual, identified as Gainous, who was sitting in the wrong section. It was soon discovered he did not have a ticket to the game and was escorted outside the gates. A short time later, he jumped the gate and drunkenly ran onto the football field, stumbling and falling. He was issued a criminal trespass warning and again escorted from the property. Still not deterred, Gainous then jumped Gate 2 to get into the stadium. Tired of dealing with his antics, Vanderbilt police took him into custody and transported him to booking downtown.

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