Ryan Rounsaville attempted to break down doors in neighborhood while intoxicated

Police say 31-year-old Southwest Airlines flight attendant Ryan Rounsaville was walking up and down Arthur Ave in the early hours of Saturday morning, banging on multiple doors and kicking them while screaming. Police received multiple calls that were initially believed to be attempted burglaries. Officers located Rounsaville and determined he was extremely intoxicated as he stumbled down the street. Rounsville believed he was in Arlington, Texas, and was transported to booking, charged with public intoxication.

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Mark Northrup bounced from Honky Tonk Central after making woman uncomfortable

32-year-old Mark Northrup was reportedly making a woman uncomfortable at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning. She alerted a security guard, who asked Northrup to leave the bar. The bouncer, Mark Thomas, says Northrup chest-bumped him before he escorted him to the door. Near the exit, Northup fell to the floor and grabbed the bouncer’s leg. Police were nearby and observed Northrup to be heavily intoxicated. He was charged with assault and public intoxication.

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You can’t sleep off your drunkenness in the middle of the road — Wendy Butler arrested

25-year-old Wendy Butler and her friend were found lying in the middle of 11th Ave South in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Sunday morning. Officers attempted to get the Butler back to their hotel, but she was unable to communicate effectively, with none of her answers making sense, according to Officer Peyton Wheatley. Due to her state of intoxication and current location on the roadway, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Dude, where’s my hotel? Chelsey Bailey too drunk to know in downtown Nashville

In the early hours of Saturday morning, just after last call, 38-year-old Chelsea Bailey appeared at the lobby of the Holiday Inn Express in downtown Nashville. She insisted she had a room there and needed to get to it. She became quite disorderly in her drunk state, and security eventually assisted her as she became extremely loud and disruptive when the front desk staff informed her she was not registered at the hotel. She was unable to provide the name of anyone she may be staying with and was eventually asked to leave the property, which she refused. Metro Nashville Police officers arrived, and she named the Hyatt and various other hotels when asked where she was staying at during her trip to Nashville. She continued to be disruptive and unable to assist herself in avoiding jail.

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“Here I Come, Nashville!” — Tourist Crystal Stohr unlocks her Nashville mugshot achievement

On Wednesday, 30-year-old Crystal Stohr posted to her social media, “Here I come, Nashville!” as she left Nebraska. By Friday afternoon, she posted photos from Kid Rock’s Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville. By Saturday, she had the ultimate exclusive Nashville souvenir — a mugshot from music city. She was so intoxicated and disruptive at Redneck Riveria that she was asked to leave the venue. When her friend arrived to assist her, she refused to walk with them and drunkenly ran away along Broadway multiple times. She was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Ateet Upadhyaya resists arrest after causing disturbance in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police encountered a very intoxicated 35-year-old Ateet Upadhyaya outside the Lucky Bastard Saloon in downtown Nashville on January 15 as he was repeatedly walking over to a group of strangers and interrupting their evening and being a general annoyance. Officers noted if his behavior didn’t stop, a fight would likely break out. Ateet walked away a few feet and then reached both hands out and grabbed two random individuals by their necks, assaulting them. Officers attempted to gain control of Ateet to place him into custody and eventually had to pin him against a wall to gain compliance.

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Kaiser Aluminum executive Edgar Scott charged in assault of wife at Nashville Hotel

58-year-old tourist Edgar Scott of Idaho was jailed Thursday evening, charged with the domestic assault of his wife, Karen Scott. Security video from the Four Seasons Hotel shows Edgar in the valet area when Karen walks up to him. He then shoves his wife to the ground at 5:53 p.m., causing a serious injury that resulted in her being transported to Vanderbilt University Medical Center for treatment. Despite the video, Edgar told police “nothing physical occurred” and claimed they were just trying to get back to their hotel. He admitted to drinking and was heavily intoxicated, according to Metro Nashville Police. Edgar Scott is the Vice President of Environmental and Governmental Affairs for Kaiser Aluminum.

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Jack Carpenter unable to handle his alcohol, found lying on downtown Nashville sidewalk

Metro Nashville Police responded to 3rd & Broadway early Thursday morning, where they found 25-year-old Jack Carpenter lying on the sidewalk in an extreme state of intoxication. Medics also arrived to assist due to his level of intoxication, and Carpenter became verbally aggressive with them, eventually refusing all assistance. He did not have a phone on him and was unable to provide officers with anyone to assist him back to where he was staying or the name of the place he was staying. He was given a place to stay for the evening, the Metro Nashville Jail, where he was charged with public intoxication.

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Josh Longo urinates on himself while leaning on MNPD vehicle in downtown Nashville

22-year-old Josh Longo was found leaning against a Metro Nashville Police vehicle on January 14th and was having difficulty staying upright, according to officers working the Entertainment District in downtown Nashville. He was scrolling on his cellphone as if he was using it; however, the battery was dead. As he was leaning, officers observed him urinate on himself as he struggled to stay upright. Officers attempted to find him a safe way home or contact his friends, but all efforts were unsuccessful. Longo also refused medical transport. He was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Jonathan Levy trashed by a trashcan on Broadway in downtown Nashville

30-year-old Jonathan was on the ground outside of the Levy Lucky Bastard Saloon in the early hours of Sunday morning, lying beside a trashcan. Officers stopped to check on his welfare, and he stated he was too drunk to get up. A medic ATV arrived to transport him to the staging area at 1st & Broadway to get him into an ambulance; however, he became combative and belligerent, so the transport was refused, and he was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Victor Henriquez drunk on Broadway with no way home

35-year-old Victor Henriquez was near Jason Aldean’s bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville when officers working the Entertainment District Initiative observed him stumbling and acting belligerent, attempting to fight other citizens. He was unable to recall where he was staying and did not have a phone to call anyone to assist him. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Jarrod Smith drunk and at the wrong hotel in Nashville

30-year-old Jarrod Smith was stumbling through the lobby of the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Hotel Nashville Airport just after 10 p.m. Thursday, and staff alerted police when he could not stand on his own. He was extremely intoxicated and stated he had a room at the hotel. The front desk staff stated he was not a registered guest at this hotel and wanted him escorted off the property due to his state of intoxication. Officers attempted to find him alternative arrangements, but he was unable to contact anyone to pick him up, and he refused medical transportation. Smith was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Lajuana Wilson intoxicated and “rolling around with her pants down” at East Nashville intersection

36-year-old Lajuana Wilson was found “rolling around with her pants down” at the intersection of Eastland and Gallatin just before 10 a.m. Saturday. Officers arrived to witness this and noticed she was extremely intoxicated. As they attempted to assist her, she began to stumble toward the nearby Aldi store. She was accompanied by her boyfriend and another gentleman, neither of who felt they could properly care for her in her current state. She was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Mikel Hawkins charged after attempting to prevent woman from getting medical care

Police say 52-year-old Mikel Ray Hawkins came out of Rippy’s Honky Tonk in downtown Nashville Friday evening with a female, and officers observed they were overly intoxicated. Officers approached the pair and asked them to arrange a ride home via rideshare for their own safety. As they were speaking, the female fell to the ground. Medics were called to the scene and attempted to evaluate the woman, but Mikel refused to allow any treatment and continued to attempt to grab the woman from the ground and leave. Due to his level of intoxication and interference with the situation, Hawkins was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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