Man accuses bar staff of stealing his wallet; it was in his pocket — Gregory Boatright arrested

36-year-old Gregory Boatright became extremely intoxicated at Bootlegger’s Inn on Broadway in downtown Nashville Saturday night and began to accuse employees and patrons of the bar of stealing his wallet. He eventually became a disruption and was asked to leave – a request which he refused.

Police responded to the bar, and after more drunken behavior he was placed into custody for public intoxication. A search incident to arrest determined his wallet was in his back pocket.

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Local charged with public intoxication after downtown fight with girlfriend — Luke Countryman

26-year-old Luke Countryman was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning after police encountered him arguing and cursing at his girlfriend, causing a drunken disturbance on Broadway in downtown Nashville. Police attempted to end the disturbance by getting each party to go their separate ways, with his girlfriend getting in a cab.

Countryman refused and continued to be a disturbance and was drunkenly stumbling near the road. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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California Tourist punches cop in face after being kicked out of Kid Rock’s Bar — Connor Brink-Sawyer

Metro Nashville Police officers say they repeatedly pleaded with 24-year-old Connor Lee Brink-Sawyer to go on about his night after he was kicked out of Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville for fighting inside the venue. Brink-Sawyer repeatedly tried to re-enter the bar and was extremely intoxicated. Despite attempts to let him walk away, he became aggressive toward officers, resulting in his initial arrest for public intoxication. As an officer began to take him into custody for a charge he would have walked away from after a sobering-up period, Brink-Sawyer began to swing his fists at officers, he landed a punch on the face of Officer Michael Jason Leon Hones.

Brink-Sawyer was transported to the Metro Nashville Jail, where he was charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and assault of an officer. Connor Brink-Sawyer, who is from Modesto, CA, is free on pre-trial release. Today is his 24th birthday.

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21-year-old vs. Downtown Nashville drink pours: Taylor Murray charged with public intoxication

On 01/08/2022 at 2128 hours the defendant, Taylor Murray, was observed on 2nd Av S near Broadway. The defendant was seated slumped over on the sidewalk when officers approached her to see why she was on the ground. Officers detected the strong odor of alcohol expelling from the defendant’s breath when she spoke. The defendant was unsteady on her feet, had bloodshot and watery eyes, slurred speech, and was unable to care for herself. Due to the defendant’s high level of intoxication, it was determined she was a danger to herself and others.

Taylor was arrested and charged with public intoxication.

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Woman deemed too drunk for Tin Roof Demonbreun — Katelyn Bowles arrested #VisitMusicCity

26-year-old Katelyn Abigail Bowles was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after security at Tin Roof Demonbreun alerted officers she had become too intoxicated and was refusing to leave. Officers attempted to assist her with finding who she was with, or to call a ride, however she stated she didn’t want any assistance while unable to stand on her own without leaning on people and fixtures.

She was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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After cocaine & beer, man calls 911 to have a tow truck take him home. He walked to the restaurant — Timothy Odom

54-year-old Timothy Odom went to an East Nashville restaurant Wednesday and drank “a lot” of beer and snorted cocaine. He then convinced employees to call 911 for him, stating he was experiencing an emergency. Once officers arrived he explained he had stubbed his toe, and his phone wasn’t charged, both of which he believed to be genuine emergencies. He told officers what he really needed was for them to call a tow truck for him, so he could get home. Mr. Odom arrived on foot and did not have a vehicle.

Odom was charged with making a non-emergency 911 call ($50 bond), drug paraphernalia for the cut straws in his backpack ($1,000 bond), and public intoxication ($50 bond). He is jailed in lieu of a $1,100 bond.

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Woman throws drink on officer who is escorting her out of Redneck Riviera— Jessica Gonzales

Jessica Gonzales, a 27-year-old tourist from Houston, Texas, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after she threw a drink on Officer Charles Wakefield when he asked her to leave the Redneck Riviera bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville.

The officer was attempting to get her off the property as management asked she be trespassed and was no longer welcome due to causing issues with other patrons. She was charged with disorderly conduct and is free on pre-trial release.

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Man stumbles down broadway, lands on police car which takes him to jail — Jackson McClain

Metro Nashville Police say they were watching 22-year-old Jackson McClain stumble down Broadway in downtown Nashville when he came upon a MNPD police car and fell over onto it, nearly knocking off the side mirror. They approached him and attempted to get him a safe ride home, however, he became defiant and disorderly, aggressively refusing all assistance.
He was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.

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19-year-old charged after found drunk & lying on the ground inside Nissan Stadium — Ian Sewell

19-year-old Ian Sewel was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after he was found lying on the ground inside Nissan Stadium during the Music City Bowl on Thursday. Police say he reeked of alcohol and was so intoxicated he was unable to care for himself.

Sewell admitted to consuming alcohol and was taken into custody. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Man charged after putting hands on MNPD officer at The Twelve Thirty Club — Brian Clements arrested

49-year-old Brian Clements was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail this week after putting his hands on a police officer who came to escort him out of The Twelve Thirty Club on Broadway in downtown Nashville. Clements had reportedly become disorderly and refused to leave when requested by club security.

Police arrived to find him extremely intoxicated and when they asked him to find a ride to leave the location on his own he reportedly placed his hands on the officer’s shoulders. Officers advised Clements to remove his hands, and he did so before once again putting his hands on the officer. Clements was charged with public intoxication and transported to booking.

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Man given $1500 bond for eating $2 worth of donuts inside Antioch Mapco — Robert Fathera arrested

53-year-old Robert Fathera was found sitting on the floor of an Antioch Mapco just before 10 a.m. Tuesday, his lips covered in white powder. Police determined he had taken two honey bunds and a pack of white powdered donuts from the shelf and consumed them while inside the store without any way to pay for them.

He was reportedly intoxicated, and had urinated on himself. Police charged him with public intoxication ($250 bond) and theft of merchandise ($1500 bond) and transported him to jail. The value of the stolen items was determined to one $2.00 by store management.

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NFL Player’s big sister charged with public intoxication after refusing to leave Nashville motel — Terri Barnett

32-year-old Terri Barnett, who is the sister of NFL defensive ended Derek Barnett of the Philadelphia Eagles, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Christmas Eve after Metro Nashville Police found her “in a general state of confusion” and reeking of alcohol as they were responding to a call for service at the Days Inn on Percy Priest Drive.

Police say they asked her to leave on her own, as did the motel staff, but she refused and was extremely aggressive to officers. She had no registered room and was unable to care for herself. She was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication and criminal trespass. She is free on pre-trial release.

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Oregon Tourist too drunk for Nashville on Christmas Eve — Brandon Bade arrested outside Rippy’s

27-year-old Oregon Tourist Brandon Bade was fighting with security outside of Rippy’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville on Christmas Eve as an onlooker flagged down police for assistance. Police Officer Christopher Cantrell says he used joint manipulation to subdue Bade, and once he was placed into handcuffs, appeared to be unconscious. The officer states he was going to let him go without charges, and called an ambulance to transport the unconscious man to the hospital, and uncuffed him so he could be loaded into the ambulance.

Moments later, Bade became conscious again and began to fight with the medics in the back of the ambulance, and attempted to bite one of them. Bade was re-cuffed and told he was under arrest. He then fought with the officer, who was now accompanying him on the ride to Metro General Hospital, and even landed a punch to the officer’s face, despite being cuffed. Bade was charged with assault, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. He is free on pre-trial release.

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Man calls 911 to report someone is sawing the hinges off his door; he was just high — Matthew Bain arrested

26-year-old Matthew Bain was inside his room at the Super 8 on Bell Road on Christmas Day when he called police to report that someone was sawing his door off the hinges. Officers responded to find no signs of any forced entry or foul play at the location. Bain then told officers how “Lit” he was, but was sad that he flushed the remainder of his drugs down the toilet when he believed someone was cutting off the things to come into his hotel room. With no drugs and no crime, officers cleared the parking lot and scene.

As they were preparing to leave, Bain began running down the sidewalk and into the middle of the road to stop them from leaving. He wanted to again tell them how “LIT” he was while sweating profusely and blocking their patrol cars from moving. He revised to move out of the way, so he was taken to jail and charged with public intoxication. His case was dismissed after the standard 8-hour hold.

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Georgia man charged after attempting to fight police outside Capitol Hotel downtown — David Phillip Messick

32-year-old David Phillip Messick, who was visiting Music City from Georgia, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after officers say he caused quite the disturbance at the Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville. Management initially called police after he became extremely intoxicated and attempted to fight staff members. Officer arrived to find him yelling and screaming at staff and other patrons. As officers approached he wanted them to “don’t walk up on me!” and squared up with them while balling up his fists. Unimpressed with his chances at winning a fight, offices took Messick into custody against his will, while he kicked, screamed, pulled away from, and threatened violence toward, officers. Once in the patrol car, he had to be hobbled as he kept attempting to know out the windows of the unit. Messick is charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and public intoxication. Messick is free on a $2,000 bond.

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Tourist attempts to use debit card as a phone to call a friend — Camron Siener too drunk for Nashville

Metro Nashville Police arrived at the Kimpton Aertson Hotel in downtown Nashville to find 27-year-old Camron Siener unconscious on the couch in the lobby. Once he was awakened, he admitted to not being a guest at this specific hotel, and repeatedly stated he was actually staying at “12 and Myself”. Officers escorted him off the property at the request of the hotel and attempted to direct him to an Uber to get to his correct hotel. A few moments later, Siener returned back inside the lobby claiming he was, in fact, staying here, and gave them names of several friends who were also registered at the location. The front desk confirmed that neither he, nor any of his friends, were registered at this hotel. Police asked him one last time to contact someone to come get him. Siener then pulled out a debit card and began to use it as a cell phone, in an apparent attempt to phone a friend. Officers eventually determined he was too intoxicated for his own safety and transported him to booking, where he was charged with public intoxication.

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Intoxicated man jumps into stranger’s car downtown, gets tased twice — Baldemar Rivera

21-year-old Baldemar Rivera faces multiple charges after a wild scene in downtown Nashville late Friday night. Police initially responded to what they believed to be an attempted carjacking. The victims stated a young male jumped into the passenger side of her vehicle. Believing she was about to be carjacked, she fled the vehicle and took the keys with her. A male from the vehicle then tased the young man, identified as Rivera, to extract him from the vehicle. Rivera then came back toward the male in an aggressive manner and was tased a second time, causing him to flee the scene. He was spotted nearby and taken into custody. During the incident, a 3rd victim came forward stating Rivera had kicked a dent in his vehicle. Rivera was charged with public intoxication, vandalism, and assault. He is free on a $5,000 bond.

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Too Intoxicated for Broadway: Benjamin Robertson charged with public intoxication

24-year-old Benjamin Robertson was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday just before 7 p.m. after he was determined to be too drunk for downtown Nashville. Officers encountered him extremely intoxicated on Broadway, where he was causing multiple disturbances with businesses and other citizens in the entertainment district. Unable to find anyone to take care of him, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Teen found passed out on stimulants with pants down at Goodlettsville Motel 6 — Steven Ellis

Goodlettsville Police found 19-year-old Steven Ellis passed out in a vehicle at Motel 6 on Cartwright Street just after 5 a.m. Sunday. Ellis had his feet on the ground, laying face-first into the passenger seat of a vehicle with the door open and his pants below his knees. He was unable to provide a room number, nor any friend’s information, and was unable to care for himself. He admitted to being under the influence of a stimulant. He was booked into jail, charged with public intoxication. Scoop: Wilson covered Ellis in October of 2020 after he fired a gun at a man who spoke to his girlfriend at a convenience store.

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Too drunk for Broadway: Collierville man causes scene at Nashville Underground — Thomas Mathews

24-year-old Thomas Mathews was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning after police observed him exiting Nashville Underground at 105 Broadway, and pushing both patrons and staff, being unsteady on his feet and causing a disturbance. While no one wanted to prosecute for the assaults, he was too intoxicated to care for himself. Officers transported him to booking, and he was charged with public intoxication.

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Intoxicated Woman kicks officer who is removing her from downtown bar — Bethlehem Weimer arrested

26-year-old Bethlehem Weimer was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning after security at Tin Roof Broadway contacted police due to how unruly she was becoming inside the bar. She was refusing to leave, and officers after multiple warning, she was placed into custody by officers. As they attempted to cuff her, she pulled away and kicked Officer Dibernardo in the leg twice. She continued kicking and screaming once inside the cruiser and eventually had to be hobble restrained. She was transported to booking, charged with public intoxication, resisting arrest, and assault of an officer. She is free on a $3,500 bond.

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Police offer to help intoxicated man find a ride home, he chose jail instead — Ryan Baker arrested #VisitMusicCity

Metro Nashville Police say they attempted to help find 23-year-old Ryan Baker a ride home after he got into a fight with his brother near the pedestrian bridge late Saturday night, in an effort to avoid being arrested due to his extremely intoxicated state, but he wasn’t having any part in their assistance. They couldn’t leave him there, as he was unable to care for himself, so he was booked into custody, charged with public intoxication. He yelled, screamed, and caused a dramatic scene during his arrest.

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Drunk soldier arrested after pooping pants at BNA while transporting 9 assault rifles— Donovan Paywa

22-year-old recent Air Assault graduate Donovan Paywa was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday afternoon after being refused service at Cafe Vino inside the Nashville Airport due to him having defecated on himself. The soldier was transporting 9 assault rifles aboard the aircraft and consumed three mixed drinks while inside the terminal. As staff noticed he had feces inside his jeans they alerted airport police, who arrived to find staff having to prop the soldier up, as he could no longer stand on his own without assistance. Officers advised Paywa he could call someone to come get him, go to the hospital to sober up and get checked out, or be arrested for public intoxication.

He repeatedly declined any assistance and started screaming “F-ck You” across the terminal, causing quite the scene. He was informed he was under arrest, and he refused to comply with the process, eventually having to be taken down by Airport Police by force as a passenger who happened to be an MP attempted to calm the young soldier, who then told the arresting officers “Your family is dead!”. Paywa was placed under arrest for public intoxication and transported to jail, where he was released and his case dismissed after an eight-hour intoxication hold. His social media shows him catching a return flight to New Mexico on Sunday.

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North Carolina tourist drunk and fighting in downtown Nashville — Nathan James Alderman arrested

24-year-old Nathan Alderman, from North Carolina, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after police found him in downtown Nashville standing over another person who he was fighting, and wasn’t letting the person get up off the ground. Officers commanded him to step away so the situation could de-escalate but he refused and would not obey any commands from police. Due to his extreme level of intoxication, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Another tourist too drunk for Broadway in downtown Nashville — Holly Frye #VisitMusicCity

42-year-old Holly Frye was doing what all tourists do in downtown Nashville and was extremely intoxicated according to officers working the Entertainment District Initiative last weekend. Bystanders flagged down police after she had fallen and was stumbling around, unable to maintain her composure. Officer gave her opportunities to call a friend, order a rideshare, and even dispatched medics to the scene to offer her a trip to the hospital to get checked out, all in an effort to avoid an arrest. She declined all of the choices presented to her and stated she just wanted to go home, however, that was not one of the available options, as she had no way to safely get there. Officers transported her to the Metro Nashville Jail, where she was charged with public intoxication.

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