Brian Benter charged with public intoxication in the middle of his work-day in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say 44-year-old Brian Benter was planning on going back inside Bridgestone Arena to work with industrial equipment Tuesday afternoon after “having a few drinks” in the middle of his work day. Police came into contact with him after concerned citizens called to report a fight between him and a co-worker, William Poeggel, who were fighting in the parking lot nearby and witnessed one of them being pushed into a Whaley FoodService company van. The men would not tell police what the fight was about, however, due to their level of intoxication and inability to behave like grown adults in public and while at work, they were taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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William Poeggel arrested after fighting with co-worker in downtown Nashville while both were sloshed

A concerned citizen called Metro Nashville Police after seeing 51-year-old William Poeggel fighting with his co-worker, Brian Benter, in a parking lot near Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville Tuesday afternoon. The two were reportedly in a physical fight and one pushed the other into one of their white Whaley Foodservices branded work vans during the struggle. They wouldn’t tell police what the fight was about, but both were reportedly extremely intoxicated and could barely stand. Poeggel attempted to light a cigarette and fell forward and lost his balance in front of officers. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Heaven Flanery charged with public intoxication after assaulting man outside Jason Aldean’s Bar

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative early Sunday morning say 25-year-old Heaven Flanery was standing in front of Jason Aldean’s Bar when she grabbed a bystander by the chin, scratching him. She claimed to know the man she assaulted, however, the victim had no idea who she was. It was determined Flanery was very intoxicated and was unable to tell police where she was staying, who could take care of her, or where her phone was. Due to her inability to care for herself, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Dalen Willis-Sharpe charged with public intoxication at 5th & Broadway in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Dalen Willis-Sharpe was charged with public intoxication in downtown Nashville after security from 5th & Broadway flagged down Metro Nashville Police Officers stating that Willis-Sharpe was becoming aggressive. Officers made contact with Willis-Sharpe and found him unsteady on his feet and with a strong odor of alcohol coming from him. Due to his level of intoxication and inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking.

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Richard Hall bounced from Jason Aldean’s Bar for being too drunk & disorderly

Bouncers at Jason Aldean’s bar in downtown Nashville say 30-year-old Richard Hall was causing a disturbance inside the business and refusing to leave on the 4th of July. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative arrived and located Hall just outside the bar and found him to be extremely intoxicated and barely able to stand. Due to his level of intoxication, Hall was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Robert Hernandez can’t pay $1800 bar tab at Layer Cake; assaults bouncer

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative Saturday encountered 29-year-old Robert Hernandez who was unable to pay his $1,807.78 bar tab at Layer Cake on 3rd Ave. South and became belligerent when his card continued to be declined. Security stated they asked him to leave the establishment and he attempted to throw punches and landed one on a bouncer’s arm. Hernandez was charged with theft of services and public intoxication.

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Markus Higgs found unresponsive in downtown Nashville alley; assaults those helping him

In the early morning hours of July 1st, 29-year-old Markus Higgs was found unresponsive in an alley near 417 Broadway in downtown Nashville. As officers checked on his welfare, they could see he had slight breath movements in his chest, but either could not or would not answer any questions such as who he was, where he was, how old he was, or what he was doing there. Medics responded to the scene and assisted him to a stretcher when he suddenly swung at one of the first responders and began screaming at police and kicking at officers, making impact with Officer Wheatley’s chest. He was then cuffed, restrained, and transported to booking.

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Luke Knight too turnt for Tootsie’s #PublicIntoxication

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville encountered 28-year-old Luke Peter Knight late Friday night as security from Tootsie’s had asked him to leave the location multiple times and he refused. Officers observed Knight to be heavily intoxicated and with slurred speech when he spoke to them. Due to his inability to care for himself and his level of intoxication he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Brittnie Dodson: drunk and disorderly at Nashville International Airport

As Nashville Airport Police were responding to a medical emergency call at gate C22 Saturday afternoon, and simultaneously there was a drunk and disorderly person call near the same area. As officers and medics were tending to the first call and speaking to the passenger, the person from the drunk & disorderly call, identified as 29-year-old Brittnie Dodson, began to stick her iPhone in the face of first responders, demanding to be escorted out of the area. An officer broke away from the medical call to escort Dodson to a taxi, however, she kept touching the officer while filming and weaving and wobbling while attempting to walk. After she started yelling obscenities across the airport she was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

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Samantha Freitas threatens to kick MNPD officers in balls if they don’t arrest her

Just before 3 a.m. Sunday morning, 35-year-old tourist Samantha Freitas approached a Metro Nashville Police officer near 2nd & Broadway and walked into traffic, and demanded to be arrested. She was told to get out of traffic and move on about her evening. She then became verbally aggressive and told the officers she would kick them all in the balls if they did not arrest her. Officers decided she was obviously too intoxicated to care for herself and took her into custody and transported her to booking.

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Jolene McAllister deemed too drunk for downtown Nashville

An Uber driver flagged down a Metro Nashville Police Officer in downtown Nashville as he had an extremely intoxicated woman in his vehicle who refused to get out but also didn’t know where she was going or staying. 57-year-old Jolene McAllister insisted, via slurred speech, that she was staying “at a hotel around the block” but couldn’t be more specific. Officers attempted to locate her hotel via her Uber app/ride history and attempted other contacts in her phone to assist her to her destination or to find someone to take care of her. With all options exhausted, and her in no condition to be left alone, she was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Mary Flemming booted from Motley Crue / Def Leppard show in Nashville for being too rowdy

52-year-old Mary Flemming was attending The Stadium Tour featuring Motley Crue/Def Leppard/Poison/Joan Jett and the Blackhearts Thursday night in Nashville when she was forced to exit the venue by Titan security due to her behavior. Metro Nashville Police Officers were alerted to the situation and observed her to be heavily intoxicated, unruly, and verbally abusive to the venue’s security. Officers attempted to contact a friend to retrieve her, but the friend did not come and after several minutes of waiting she was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Noel Saad says man told her to “go lay in the road” while drunk in downtown Nashville; she obliged

27-year-old Noel Saad, who was recently arrested in Clarksville after being found so drunk outside of a bar that she couldn’t properly walk was arrested again this weekend, in Nashville. Just before 11 p.m. Saturday, officers working the Entertainment District Initiative noticed her in an extreme state of intoxication and laying in the middle of the intersection at 5th & Broadway. She refused to move, stating that an unknown male told her to “go lay in the road”.

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Jamie McMaster kicked out of two downtown hotels for flipping tables, attempting fights, and trying to pull fire alarms

Metro Nashville Police Officers responded to the Westin Hotel in downtown Nashville after 34-year-old Jamie McMaster was reportedly attempting to fight other guests and threatening to pull the fire alarm for the building. As officers arrived at the location, security from the JW Marriott had also arrived to inform them he had flipped over a table at their nearby hotel, too. McMaster was taken into custody for public intoxication, and he stated he didn’t recall what had happened since the left a bar on Broadway earlier in the night.

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Patrick Ryan hits patrol car window, gives cop an ultimatum, goes to jail

27-year-old Patrick Ryan ran up to a parked Metro Nashville Police cruiser at 4th & Broadway and slammed his hands onto the glass. As Officer David Collins rolled down his window to inquire as to how he could assist the visitor, Ryan stated “find my wife or take me to jail!” As Officer Collins exited the patrol vehicle, Ryan placed his hands behind his back without any further conversation or provocation and continued slurring his words, obviously intoxicated. He continued to have trouble standing and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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How much alcohol did you drink? Tourist Kaleb Dillard answers: “A Lot!”

Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative found 21-year-old Kaleb Dillard laying down in the parking garage at 315 Deadrick Street with no idea how he got there, where he was staying, where he was going, or where his friends were. Dillard stated he consumed “a lot” of beer and was heavily intoxicated according to an arrest report. Due to his inability to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Local patron charged after assaulting downtown Nashville bartender — Jesse Horn

Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Saturday night were notified that a bartender had been assaulted by a patron, 43-year-old Jesse Horn. As officers responded, Horn immediately walked up into an officer’s face and became aggressive. Horn reportedly reeked of alcohol, could barely walk, and was unable to form sentences that resembled spoken English.

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Downtown Nashville proved to be too much for Emma Sprague — public intoxication

21-year-old Emma Sprague was found passed out on the sidewalk by Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative near 3rd & Broadway in the early hours of Sunday morning. She was heavily intoxicated and refused all medical assistance. She did not have a working cell phone and officers were unable to locate any of her friends in the vicinity. Unable to care for herself, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Ashley Hanes charged after drunken night at Double E Bar & Grill

Employees at the Double E Bar & Grill say 31-year-old Ashley Revel-Hanes was already heavily intoxicated when she appeared at the bar, where she stayed for several hours. At some point in the evening, she began harassing a tow truck driver who was assisting another patron in the parking lot. When police arrived, the tow truck driver was gone, however, employees stated she was still causing a disturbance. She had arranged for a friend to pick her up, but when they never showed up, Hanes eventually laid down on the sidewalk by the street and attempted to hitchhike her way home. Due to her level of intoxication, she was given a free ride… to jail.

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Tourist Brendan Kirby deemed too drunk for CMA Fest weekend in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative during CMA Fest this weekend responded to 211 Broadway in the early hours of Sunday morning to find 32-year-old Brendan Kirby laying behind a kiosk on the ground. Officers attempted to check on his welfare, and he was found to be extremely intoxicated and unable to care for himself in the middle of downtown Nashville. Kirby was unable to stand on his own two feet without assistance and was transported to booking to be charged with public intoxication.

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Brian Rodriguez causes ruckus & chest bumps bouncer at Nudie’s Honky Tonk #CMAFest

34-year-old Brian Rodriguez was a CMA Fest on Saturday and while at Nudie’s Honky Tonk he reportedly got into a fight and then “chest-bumped” a security guard and got in his face when he was asked to leave. Metro Nashville Police Officers arrived to assist and as they were placing him into custody, Rodriguez began to pull away and it took multiple officers to gain control of him. Police say he was heavily intoxicated and was unsafe to be left unattended.

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Joshua Mier charged with public intoxication at Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police were dispatched to Kid Rock’s Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville Sunday afternoon, and while they were taking another individual from another incident into custody, 45-year-old Joshua Lee Mier grabbed Officer Randall and began to interfere with the arrest. Determined to interject himself into the situation, Mier was also taken into custody due to his extreme level of intoxication and inability to care for himself in public.

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