Richard Jones: drunk and lost in downtown Nashville

46-year-old Richard Jones was found “walking aimlessly around the parking garage” near the Bridgestone Arena late Saturday night for an extended period of time. When approached by officers, he was extremely intoxicated and slurring his speech. He had keys in his hand as if he was searching for a vehicle. When asked how much he had to drink, he replied “a lot.” He was alone and unable to care for himself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.

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Dylan Ray to cop: “If I punched you in the gut would you take me to jail?” — smile for your mugshot

After Metro cleared a possible domestic disturbance as just a matter of record in the early hours of Sunday morning at a hotel on Music Valley Drive, one of the subjects of the call, 36-year-old Dylan Chase Ray, wasn’t happy that the call was ending peacefully and without anyone going to jail. He was intoxicated throughout the incident and continued to prod at officers and a security guard at the location. As they were attempting to wrap the call, Ray asked, “If I punched you in the gut, would you take me to jail?” and “If I got into it with this guy [security guard], would you take me to jail?”, and other similar and relentless questions pertaining to violent behavior. Officers were escorting him back into the hotel for the evening in hopes of closing the incident without an arrest, but Ray then continued in very loud protest of no one being arrested on the call. Eventually, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication after he refused to go inside for the evening.

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Kaitlyn Bear charged with public intoxication at Noble’s Bar in East Nashville

26-year-old Kaitlyn Bear was found sitting in the parking lot of Noble’s Bar in East Nashville late Monday night as police were dispatched to the location in response to an extremely intoxicated female. She had slurred speech and reeked of alcohol, according to police, and had difficulty standing on her own. Officers attempted to assist her in finding a ride home, but she refused all offers of assistance. She was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Jeshua Torrens charged after fighting outside Kid Rock’s Bar in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville Saturday encountered 26-year-old Jeshua Torrens as he was attempting to fight random people who were walking outside of Kid Rock’s Bar. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and appeared extremely intoxicated. As he was being arrested for public intoxication, Torrens balled up his fist and attempted to punch Officer Cottrill and then tensed up his body and used his legs to resist being placed in the back of a patrol car.

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NY Cop Jesse Calgcagni jailed after assaulting off-duty MJPD cop working security downtown

A Mount Juliet Police Officer working a security job at a downtown Nashville bar late Saturday night says the security team was escorting a patron out of the venue when a member of that patron’s friend group, 31-year-old off-duty NY police officer Jesse Calgcagni, became aggressive and jumped on the back of one of the security staff members and began to push the others. He was quickly tackled and escorted downstairs and restrained by security in the alley until Metro Nashville Police Officers arrived. They noted he reeked of alcohol and was repeatedly yelling, “Are you Metro?” Calcagni was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Brendan Dixson charged after being drunk and disorderly in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative Fright night encountered 27-year-old Brendan Dixon attempting to get into a closed business on Broadway while yelling and banging on the door. He was asked to move along and enjoy his evening but continued to cause a distraction to other patrons walking by. He left momentarily but moments later returned to bang on the door again. Due to his level of intoxication and propensity to continue to damage property and be a public annoyance, Dixson was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Bachelorette Brigade Bridesmaid arrested in downtown Nashville — Alexandra Savage

25-year-old Alexandra Savage was in charge of the #BrideTribe this weekend, which traveled to Nashville to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Hailey Cooper and Will Hewett. As the chief planner of the bachelorette brigade, she created a vibrant social media campaign to #BuyHerAShotShesTyingTheKnot and #HypedToBeAHewett, complete with a graphics package and associated Venmo account. The party arrived in Nashville and continued to the Valentine on Broadway Saturday night, where security eventually asked Savage to vacate the premises due to her extreme level of intoxication and ‘over the topness.” She initially left but returned moments later and was detained until Metro Police took her into custody, charging her with public intoxication and criminal trespass.

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Christopher Alford found on East Nashville front porch, too intoxicated to know it wasn’t his

29-year-old Christopher Scott Alford was found sitting on the front porch of a house on Fatherland Street in East Nashville in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The homeowner called the police since he didn’t know the man, and wanted him removed from the property. Officer made contact with Alford, who reeked of alcohol and had trouble standing on his own. He admitted to consuming “several shots” before wandering onto the porch, and was taken into custody.

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Local woman Sharan Miles declared drunk & disorderly inside Nashville Airport

Airport Police responded to the ‘True to Tennessee’ retail store inside the Nashville International Airport on August 30th for a welfare check. Officers arrived and were directed to Tootsie’s bar, where they found 48-year-old Shara Ann Miles sitting inside. She was identified as the woman who had been staggering through the retail store and reeked of alcohol and became belligerent with the officer while yelling and loudly cursing inside the bar. Due to her behavior and inability to care for herself, Miles was charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

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Samuel Blackwell exits car & runs down interstate after 9 Jack & Cokes at comedy show

Metro Nashville Police say 32-year-old Samuel Blackwell drank approximately 9 Jack & Coke drinks at the Kelsey Dixon Comedy Night at Twin Kegs 2 late Thursday. After the show, he was traveling home on I-40 with his girlfriend, Brayden Ezell, driving. She says he became “irrationally upset” with her, and she stopped the vehicle in the middle of a lane of traffic on the interstate. Blackwell exited the vehicle and began running away from the vehicle, which is when officers arrived to find him running down a lane of travel in the direction of the next exit. Blackwell was detained and determined to be extremely intoxicated. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Donald Chris Hudson charged in brawl at JW Marriott in downtown Nashville

38-year-old Donald Chris Hudson was one of three men fighting with security and valet staff at the JW Marriott Hotel in downtown Nashville this weekend. Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative responded to the scene and viewed a video that showed the initial fight began with Hudson being approached by a person that was no longer present, and during the subsequent argument, Hudson quickly stood up and pushed the other man, causing a fight to break out. Due to this and his level of intoxication, Hudson was taken into custody and transported to booking.

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Wilson Buse too drunk for the Gulch in Nashville

Metro Nashville Police responded to a disorderly person call in the Gulch on Sunday and arrived to observe 29-year-old William Buse taking a fighting stance toward security on the sidewalk near 411 11th Ave. Officers say Buse reeked of alcohol and was extremely intoxicated, and very much unable to care for himself. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Alejandro Vasquez charged after drunkenly interfering with police & medics at Kid Rock’s Bar

Metro Nashville Police and Fire responded to an incident at Kid Rock’s Bar late Friday night where they were assisting a patron turned patient. The patient’s friend, 23-year-old Alejandro Vasquez, began interfering with medics while also being extremely intoxicated from alcohol. After multiple requests for him to give them space and step away, he was eventually so combative that officers decided to detain him. As they attempted to place Vasquez in handcuffs, he tensed up and pulled away from the officers, and they eventually took him to the ground in order to gain compliance. He refused to be placed into a patrol car, and it took multiple officers multiple attempts to get him transported to booking, where he continued to be combative with officers.

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Andrew Weston determined to fight another person in downtown Nashville

33-year-old Andrew Weston was on Broadway in downtown Nashville Saturday, attempting to fight another person when officers working the Entertainment District Initiative observed the scuffle and stepped in to separate the two parties. Weston, who was highly intoxicated, claimed the other person took his iPhone, and the other person was adamant he was mistaken. Officers verified the person he was attempting to fight didn’t have his iPhone and believed the issue to be settled when Weston bolted past officers to attack the person again. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication. 

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Tommy Houser called MNPD Officer racial slur during public intoxication arrest

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville on Broadway Friday encountered 52-year-old Tommy Houser, who was having trouble standing on his own. As they approached Houser to check on his well-being, they observed he reeked of alcohol and was having trouble caring for himself, and had great difficulty in keeping his pants pulled up. As he was being taken into custody for public intoxication, Houser made racial comments to the arresting officer and referred to an officer as a ‘ni****’ while being arrested. 

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Drunk tourist Joel Weisberger arrested while getting a courtesy ride in patrol car to his hotel

Metro Nashville Police were involved with an unrelated call in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Friday morning when they were flagged down and directed to 37-year-old Joel Weisberger, who was becoming aggressive toward other citizens. Officers observed him to be extremely intoxicated and yelling at other patrons for no reason as they made contact with him. Weisberger had two friends with him who were attempting to get him back to the hotel, and they got him in the patrol car so the officer could drive him there. Along the way, he began to yell and scream and hit the interior door of the police cruiser in an attempt to get out while it was moving. Due to his continued drunkenness and behavior, he was placed into custody and transported to booking.

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Patrick Thomas escapes downtown cops, gives chase for two blocks in handcuffs before capture

Metro Nashville Police say 22-year-old Patrick Thomas was on lower Broadway in downtown Nashville when he became injured in an unknown incident. Nashville Fire’s Medic 9 responded and began treating Thomas at the scene in the back of an ambulance, but he refused any additional transport to a hospital for further care. He was extremely intoxicated and unable to care for himself, and officers were unable to determine anyone he was with, where he was staying, or anyone to call to collect him. As it was determined he would be charged with public intoxication and transported to jail, Thomas was handcuffed while in the back of the ambulance. Now in cuffs, Thomas suddenly lunged forward past the MNPD officer and jumped out of the ambulance, and fled on foot for over two blocks before officers caught up with him on Gay Street, where he was taken to the ground by force.

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Matt O’Connell tries to get into a home, believing it’s where a girl he’s meeting lives #WrongHouse

Metro Nashville Police responded to an active burglary alarm at a home on 7th Ave North in downtown Nashville just before 3 a.m. Wednesday. The homeowner reported the man, identified as 36-year-old Matthew Edward O’Connell, was attempting to get into his home. O’Connell, who is a bartender at Jason Aldean’s bar downtown, was extremely intoxicated but explained he believed this was the house he was supposed to be at to visit a woman he had been seeing. Officers had Nashville Fire medics respond to the scene, but Matt O’Connell refused any assistance or transport. Unable to care for himself, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Ladasha Bledsoe & Atalaya Lopez charged after blowing through roadblock, letting it flow.

23-year-old Atalaya Lopez drove through a barrage of emergency vehicles with flashing lights that were blocking the roadway for a police investigation on Donelson Pike early Monday morning in her Chevy Impala at a very high rate of speed. Officers eventually got the vehicle stopped near Knapp Road and observed her extreme level of intoxication and an open container in her cupholder. While she was being placed into custody for DUI, her passenger, 23-year-old Ladasha Bledsoe, repeatedly got in and out of the vehicle despite being told to stay inside the car. Bledsoe then got out a final time, dropped her pants, and exposed herself to police officers while urinating on the roadway. She was charged with indecent exposure.

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Adam Stanley bounced from Losers Bar & Grill, but couldn’t stay away

Metro Nashville Police Officers working the Entertainment District Initiative Saturday night responded to Losers Bar & Grill in downtown Nashville for an altercation between bar staff and 44-year-old Adam L Stanley. Stanley was trespassed from the location and went about his night. A half-hour later, Stanley returned to the location and attempted to enter, despite just being trespassed and told not to return. He was transported to booking and charged with criminal trespass.

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Nashville alcohol: 1; Breanna Stuckey: 0. Too intoxicated for downtown Nashville.

Metro Nashville Police say 23-year-old Breanna Stuckey was extremely intoxicated in downtown Nashville this weekend. How intoxicated was she? At 1201 Broadway, a citizen named Brian was sitting in his car when Stuckey walked thru the parking lot and just laid down in front of his car. She then got up and attempted to get into vehicles that were not hers. When police attempted to assist her, she was not coherent with her words and could not form complete sentences. She wasn’t sure where she was, who she was with, or where she was staying. She reeked of alcohol and had trouble remaining steady while standing.

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Brad Price attempts to trade a $20 bill for his freedom from Metro Nashville Police

39-year-old Brad Price and his friend Cody Stout, who were both visiting from Ohio, were kicked out of a Broadway bar Saturday evening and returned later in the night, attempting to re-enter the bar while causing a disturbance with staff. Security alerted police, who attempted to place Price into custody for trespassing. He initially walked away from officers and then attempted to place a $20 bill in the pocket of the arresting officer in an attempt to walk away from the situation. During a search incident to arrest, a white powdery substance believed to be cocaine was located in a baggie in Price’s pocket.

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Kaitlyn Pilgrim found drunk & disorderly in downtown Nashville

21-year-old Kaitlyn Pilgrim took a tumble at 10:30 p.m. Friday near 2nd & Broadway as a result of her extreme level of intoxication. She was reportedly very combative with passersby, and when officers approached her, she cried, screamed, and swatted at them. She would quickly swap from being relaxed to inconsolable. She was belligerent with paramedics who attempted to assist her and aggressively pulled away from them. Due to her inability to care for herself, Pilgrim was taken into custody and transported to booking.

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