Jack McCloski takes meth & runs naked downtown to “protest drug dealers”

Metro Nashville Police observed 22-year-old Jack McCloski running naked through the parking lot of McDonald’s on Broadway in downtown Nashville in the early morning daylight hours of Saturday morning. They caught up with him behind the 7-Eleven, still naked. McCloski explained to officers he was “protesting drug dealers in the area” as the reason he was nude. He refused all medical treatment from EMS, and admitted to taking a “white powder” earlier in the morning, which he believed to be meth.

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Bevelyn Williams & At The Well Ministries crew arrested at Planned Parenthood in Nashville

Three protestors were taken into custody at Nashville’s Planned Parenthood location Thursday during a protest. 41-year-old Edmee Chavannes demanded to be let inside the private building so she could “preach the gospel to the staff!” She told officers she planned on telling the staff they were murderers and preaching to them. 31-year-old Bevelyn Williams was beating on the door, yelling to be let inside. 33-year-old Rickey Nelson Williams, who was armed with a 9mm pistol, told police there were people inside murdering babies and refused to leave. He explained his group had been at the Mt. Juliet location earlier and were escorted away from that property before arriving here.

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‘Brother Jones’ says he wasn’t violent, but new video shows he was – and the Grand Jury agrees

Protestor Justin Jones (“Brother Jones”) was given two weeks to turn himself in on a Grand Jury Indictment, which charges him with two counts of reckless endangerment after he is seen on video repeatedly pushing a traffic cone into the cab of a vehicle, striking the person inside, and causing a danger to both the driver and the nearby public.

Jones claims this is a ‘false narrative’, and says he wasn’t violent. Here’s the video.

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Protester mugshots: majority free on pre-trial release, little or no bond, or ROR

27 individuals were arrested Saturday night related to the protest in Nashville. 1 was a juvenile, and the mugshots of the other 26 are included below. 9 were listed as homeless, 3 were listed as ‘out of state’ – though at least one was a local resident that was home from college. Only 1 required a traditional bond, all others were freed on pre-trial release (PTR), ROR, or a small cash bond posted by the Community Bail Fund on their behalf. Only 1 remains jailed, awaiting additional charges.

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