Jeremiah Walker charged after Printers Alley assault and tussle with police

Metro Nashville Police say 35-year-old Jeremiah Walker assaulted a security guard in Printers Alley in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning. As they responded to the scene, the manager of the venue advised Walker was now standing outside of The Whiskey Shot. Officers located Walker, who was trying to leave the area in an Uber, and advised he was being detained as the suspect in an assault. Walker refused to cooperate, refused to move out of the road, and tussled with officers. He was eventually taken into custody and transported to booking.

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Paul Mejia charged with public intoxication in Printers Alley in downtown Nashville

31-year-old Paul Anthony Mejia was enjoying a drunken Friday night in downtown Nashville when some patrons at Printers Alley observed him intoxicated with a knife and became alarmed. Though no victims claimed any assault when Metro Nashville Police arrived, officers noticed he was having a hard time standing and reeked of alcohol. He was determined to be a danger to himself or others and transported to booking, where he was charged with public intoxication.

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Alabama woman free on pre-trial release after spitting in MNPD officer’s eye — Sydney Warren

Nashville Police say 23-year-old Sydney Warren, of Alabama, spit into the eye of an officer who was attempting to arrest her this weekend during an altercation in Printers Alley in downtown Nashville. Charged with assault of an officer, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest, she is free on pre-trial release.

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Tourist ‘covered in soot’ goes on rampage in Printers Alley, rips off bumper, headlights — Zachary Allor arrested #VisitMusicCity

22-year-old Zachary John Allor, of Michigan, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail just before 1 a.m. Friday after police say he was under the influence of an unknown intoxicant in Printers Alley. They found him rolling around on the ground, covered in soot, and eventually went on a rampage, ripping an entire bumper and headlights from a nearby vehicle. #VisitMusicCity

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John Dibelka charged in brutal strangulation of girlfriend

Accused of cheating, police say John Dibelka,33, brutally beat his girlfriend, strangling her until she lost consciousness and soiled herself, at which point he laughed at her and strangled her harder. She eventually hit him with a bottle of liquor to secure her escape. He is free on a $50,000 bond.

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